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Presentation on theme: "A SURVEY OF EUROPE EUROPE LaRocco/Anderson- SCS"— Presentation transcript:

All pictures are cited or are from EUROPE


Eurasia= This large landmass is separated into two continents of Asia and Europe by the Ural Mountains The continent of Europe can be called a “peninsula of peninsulas” due to the large number of these specific physical features. Examples are the Italian peninsula, the Iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal), the Balkan Peninsula (Greece, Serbia, and Macedonia among others), and the Scandinavian peninsula which is home to “Scandinavia” (Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark)‏ There are many seas in Europe including the oil-rich North sea and the major tourist/trade route of the Mediterranean Sea. The Adriatic Sea and the Aegean Sea have been historically impacted by the Greek and Roman Empires.

CLIMATES are varied and have a range of hot Mediterranean climates to cold tundra and ice caps. Main climate is Temperate due to the warm ocean current called the North Atlantic Drift Southern Europe is hot and dry Mediterranean climate- think grapes and olives!! Central Europe is the Humid Continental climate Northern Europe is Subarctic climate (Taiga) and Tundra

5 Major Physical Features:
The Alps – known for their rugged beauty and recreation, especially skiing!! Things relating to the Alps are called “Alpine” The Pyrenees -mountains found along the border of France and Spain. They also blocked the “mixing” of the two cultures as a natural barrier to movement Polders- areas of land “reclaimed from the sea”. Man-made dams are built to block water around low lying areas. These areas are then pumped dry and used for farms and building. Found in the Netherlands

6 (in the Ukraine, near Kiev)‏
Europe’s Land Use: Industry Farming Herding Pollution: Acid Rain (Germany’s Black Forest & in the lakes of Scandinavia)‏ Radiation – Chernobyl (in the Ukraine, near Kiev)‏

7 $ Economic Characteristics $
What “World” is it? D______ Economics: Mostly capitalist… but Communism WAS in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union (USSR) for most of the 20th century. “Eastern Block” Countries are former USSR controlled areas like Romania, Serbia, and the Czech Republic. European Unity through European Union (EU) shows COOPERATION

8 Cultural Impacts There are over 200 different ethnic groups which have a variety of languages and traditions. Diverse in languages, traditions, and religions: Main religion is Christianity. The three branches of Christianity are Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox Architecture – built for climate- chalets in Alps, villas in the Mediterranean Monuments and statues - Reflects history

9 Strong Historical Impacts:
Greece & Rome are considered the “birthplace of Democracy” Great Britain is birthplace of the 1750 Industrial Revolution in London, England Imperialism - Major Colonial Powers are from Europe, hence the spread of English and Christianity worldwide. “The sun never sets on the British Empire” Major Impacts after WW2; change of countries and boundaries.

10 What changed in this example?
Maps Change Over Time- What changed in this example? Yugoslavia is now known as the independent countries of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia, Serbia and the Former Yugoslav country of Montenegro

Berlin London Paris Madrid Rome Athens

12 PARIS, FRANCE Notre Dame Cathedral

13 Arc de Triomphe in central Paris
Arc de Triomphe in central Paris

14 Enormous art museum in downtown Paris, France
The Louvre: Enormous art museum in downtown Paris, France

15 Eiffel Tower- symbol of Paris
Eiffel Tower- symbol of Paris

16 Rome, Italy The Colosseum
The Colosseum

17 Vatican City, Rome, Italy
St. Peter’s Basilica Vatican City, Rome, Italy

18 Leaning Tower in Pisa, Italy

19 The birthplace of democracy!! The Parthenon in Athens, Greece
The Parthenon in Athens, Greece

20 Westminster Abbey in London “Where kings are crowned”

21 “Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves…”
The TOWER BRIDGE in London

22 “Big Ben” is actually the name of the bell inside the clock tower, but everyone uses the nickname for the tower itself. BIG BEN in London

23 common in the Netherlands to help pump water out of low-lying fields.
Windmills- common in the Netherlands to help pump water out of low-lying fields.

24 CASTLES: Usually built as a fortress during the feudal period for a noble or aristocratic landowner. Royal families also built them for residences. These can be found all over Europe

25 Traditional Views of Europe
Each region and country have individual costumes and traditions which date back hundreds of years. How many of these do you know? (keep a count of the total countries shown for the last question)‏

26 Scandinavia!! Scandinavia!!
So where are we?? Scandinavia!! Scandinavia!!

27 Holland!! …otherwise known as the Netherlands
So where are we?? Holland!! …otherwise known as the Netherlands

28 If only my students could see me Och nay-not another teacher laddie!
Ooops- oh hey everyone! Och nay-not another teacher laddie!

29 Because they are supposed to be looking at England’s countryside!!
I say, why are these school children bothering us during tea time? Because they are supposed to be looking at England’s countryside!! There’s another trip planned this summer. See me for details!

30 Ja, vee are a German bahnd! I wonder if they are serving bratwurst?
oom pa pa! Ja, vee are a German bahnd! I wonder if they are serving bratwurst?

31 Da, we were behind the iron curtain!
But I got out of Romania before communism could get the better of me…I now live in LA!!

32 Señor, que pasa en España?
Palace de España Hola Señor, que pasa en España? Are you kidding?!?!

33 Did you know this is Switzerland?
I wonder if I can get in to this Swiss bank… Did you know this is Switzerland?

34 Oui oui, you like some French crepes suzette?

35 sí - and we just beat your team!
Ciao! We’re in Italia!!

36 FGRCLR

37 Enjoy a trip to Europe anytime!!
Oooh la la!! Enjoy a trip to Europe anytime!! Cheers and Cheerio !!

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