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Mathematics in Georgia

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1 Mathematics in Georgia
District Mathematics Supervisors January 27, 2015 Brooke Kline Turtle Toms Sandi Woodall Good morning everyone – we appreciate your time today as we begin planning together for in mathematics education. Our pledge is to support you at every juncture of the planning process.

2 Update Topics Statewide Mathematics Standards Review
Foundations of Algebra Course Additional High School Mathematics Courses This session will focus on developments regarding the topics listed above. Some of the information shared today may be a duplication of the December discussion within this forum or for those of you who tuned in for the CIA webinar last week. I hope you’ll understand that I’m reiterating material that warrants our continued attention and to assure that everyone is hearing the same message. Please feel free to type in questions and concerns about any mathematics issues you may be having as we progress through this session. I am certain that others will have the same question and will benefit from your comments. 9/18/2018

3 State Mathematics Standards Review
Date Event August 2013-September 2014 Surveys and Listening Sessions October 2-3, 2014 Mathematics Working Committee October 9, 2014 Mathematics Advisory Council October 21, 2014 State Board of Education Retreat October 27, 2014 Combined Advisory and Working Committee October – December 2014 Business and Industry Input November 12,2014 – January 10, 2015 SBOE approval to post standard revisions for 60-day public review December 11, 2014 Status Report to SBOE January 15, 2015 Request to SBOE for approval of revisions based on feedback State Mathematics Standards Review So to quickly recap …you will remember that the standards review was requested by the governor in August The timeline you have in front of you delineates the review process which led to our State Board of Education’s adoption of the revised standards during their recent January meeting. A quick reminder that revised standards will be implemented in the school year. It is so easy to become confused and assume that changes will affect this year’s state assessments and that is definitely not true. We will not make any changes in standards or assessments prior to We will begin updating and augmenting our state resources in alignment with the revisions immediately and will ensure that you know when the revised resources are available for your use. Just a few comments about the review …. 12/8/14

4 Thank you to all who participated in this review and evaluation of standards process by providing feedback through surveys and at legislative and SBOE hearings. We appreciate those of you who served on our Working Committee and our Advisory Council to offer revisions based on the feedback. First, we would like to thank each of you for your support and active involvement in the state’s yearlong formal review and evaluation process of the K-12 CCGPS for mathematics. We are particularly grateful to those of you who served on the Mathematics Working Committee and/or the Mathematics Advisory Council during this critical time. For your files and to share with your stakeholders regarding the recent public review of the revisions … 9/18/2018

5 Over 9,600 ELA and Mathematics Public Review Survey Participants Included
Business/Industry Post-Secondary Staff Elected or Government Officials Elementary, Middle and High School Teachers Parents School Counselors Students School District/Local Administrators Other Overall, teachers represented a majority of the survey responses with 72%. Combined responses from parents, students, and the “other” category were the second largest group of participants, with 19%. I think it’s important to note that teachers represented 72% of the responses to the recent posted revisions 9/18/2018

6 Mathematics Summary of Ratings
While almost 66% of respondents found the revisions acceptable as is, others offered viable suggestions which will guide our work in resource development and professional learning targets. 9/18/2018

7 Mathematics Survey Comments
Comments could be grouped into three categories: Comments related to the developmental appropriateness of the revised CCGPS Comments not supportive of Common Core Standards or the revised CCGPS Comments supportive of the revised CCGPS, including those with suggestions for training and resources NOTE: A substantial number of respondents expressed concerns about the number of standards in the ninth and tenth grade mathematics courses. A pervasive comment centered around the number of standards currently associated with our ninth and tenth grade courses. You will see responses to those concerns in the courses that were posted on January 15 for public review and while I’ll offer additional details in a moment, I do want you to know that we listened to you and to mathematics educators in your district. So let’s talk a minute about our high school mathematics courses. 9/18/2018

8 High School Mathematics Courses Algebra I Geometry Foundations of Algebra
We will focus on plans regarding Foundations of Algebra, but first …algebra I and geometry 9/18/2018

9 High School Mathematics
GPS : integrated blending of algebra and geometry standards throughout the three courses Current CCGPS: discrete studies of algebra and geometry with connectivity by linking algebra and geometry in each of the three courses Traditional CCGPS: discrete studies of algebra in two courses and a discrete study of geometry in one course I think I need to point out that the term ‘discrete’ is a Georgia term …and often quite difficult to define. We generally use the term when speaking of high school courses, as all K-8 mathematics courses integrate domains - numbers and operations, measurement, statistics and probability, algebraic thinking, and geometry to name a few. Discrete for Georgians centers on algebra and geometry – which leads us to suggest that while our current CCGPS courses – Coordinate Algebra and Analytic Geometry - are considerably more discrete than GPS in terms of those two domains, the traditional Algebra I and Geometry courses totally segregate the two. 12/8/14

10 Algebra I and Geometry High school mathematics standards for the current Coordinate Algebra and Analytic Geometry courses have been resorted to create a more discrete mathematics course sequence for Algebra I and Geometry. The Algebra I and Geometry standards are posted for public review and comment at: Core/Pages/Additional-High-School-Mathematics- Courses.aspx Plans are underway to offer summer professional learning to support teachers in the implementation of the two new courses. We will also provide both revised and additional resources to accommodate both high school sequences. Also, a transition packet will be posted at the GaDOE website to assist teachers of students who have successfully completed CCGPS Coordinate Algebra and will not continue to Analytic Geometry but will shift to the new Geometry course within the traditional/discrete option during school year Three critical points: 1. It is very important to recognize that both the traditional and the current CCGPS pathways will address exactly the same set of standards. Traditional does not mean moving backward to QCC thinking. 2. It is additionally important to understand that the combined standard set for Algebra I and Geometry will mirror the combined standard set for Coordinate Algebra and Analytic Geometry courses in , meaning that there will be changes in the current standard sets for Coordinate Algebra and Analytic Geometry - some standards currently attached to Coordinate Algebra and Analytic Geometry will be shifted to the third or fourth mathematics courses and four geometry standards will be added to the Analytic Geometry course if in fact the posted standards for Algebra I and Geometry are met with public approval. 3. There will be 4 EOC assessments aligned with each of the four courses in 9/18/2018

11 CCGPS Traditional Option
As with our Current CCGPS Option, the CCGPS Traditional Option will include support courses and an accelerated pathway The course numbers for the ten courses associated with the Traditional Option will be added to the IDA-3 Roster of State-Funded Courses Specifically, we will add to IDA-3 …Algebra I, Algebra I Support, Geometry, Geometry Support, Algebra II, Algebra II Support, Pre-Calculus, Accelerated Algebra I/Geometry A, Accelerated Geometry B/Algebra II, Accelerated Pre-Calculus. For pre-registration prior to SBOE code approval, you could use available codes in your title deck that that you’re not currently using to substitute for the anticipated course codes. For example, if Math I is in your district’s title deck but you are not offering the course next year, you could use that code for Algebra I until you are provided with the Algebra I code. You are currently reviewing Algebra I and Geometry; however, our High School Working Committee will reconvene once the standards are finalized for the ninth and tenth grade courses in both the current and traditional options to assign standards to the third and fourth courses. Please note that while specific course numbers identify the current third and fourth courses and additional numbers will identify the traditional pathway third and fourth courses, the standards for the third course in either option will be the same and the standards for the fourth pre-calculus courses will also be the same in either option. 9/18/2018

12 Foundations of Algebra Course Status Report
A proposal for a high school core course titled Foundations of Algebra, aimed at students who may have significant gaps in their mathematics achievement, was introduced during the SBOE November 2014 meeting. It was requested that the course be implemented in the school year. The GaDOE mathematics team was asked to designate an initiative lead to study the requirements surrounding the implementation of a course. For a brief recap of the work accomplished thus far regarding the Foundations of Algebra course …. 12/8/14

13 Foundations of Algebra Course Status Report: STANDARDS
A final draft of the course standards was presented to the SBOE at the January meeting with a request to post the standards for a 30-day comment period. You are now able to view the proposed course standards for Foundations of Algebra and to provide your feedback at: Core/Pages/Additional-High-School-Mathematics- Courses.aspx 12/8/14

14 Foundations of Algebra Course Status Report: DIAGNOSTIC DATA and ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA
Step I: Middle school administrators/teachers will identify students who Did Not Meet expectations on the 5th, 6th, and 7th grade CRCT. These are students who may have significant gaps in their mathematics achievement. Step II: Middle schools will administer Individual Knowledge Assessment of Number (IKAN) diagnostic to students identified in Step I (No costs will be incurred by the state or districts.) Step III: During the scheduling process, high schools will enroll students scoring at IKAN Stage 5 (equivalent to 4th grade mathematics) or below in Foundations of Algebra. The committee charged with identifying eligibility criteria recommended Foundations of Algebra for students not meeting expectations on the 5th, 6th, and 7th grade CRCT and scoring at IKAN Stage 5 or below. At this point, your middle schools might want to begin generating a listing of students who Did Not Meet expectations on the 5th, 6th, and 7th grade CRCT. Very quickly now that the SBOE has been presented with decisions from the committee, we will move to schedule a webinar to provide you with step-by-step instructions for administering the IKAN if you are unfamiliar with the diagnostic tool. This tool can be administered to all of the students identified as not meetings expectations on the 5th, 6th, and 7th grade CRCT at one time. You will be provided with a time-managed powerpoint requiring only a few administrator instructions. Students will record answers on an answer key for easy scoring. In the case of questions about why the committee designated Stage 5 to further distinguish appropriate students for FA, it is important that you know that the taskforce charged with establishing eligibility criteria agreed with the standards identification taskforce that students who will struggle with algebraic concepts have deficiencies and misconceptions which have their roots in elementary grades mathematics, specifically in the areas of place value understanding and fraction operations. Operations with fractions and use of place value in properties of operations begins to be deeply developed beginning in 4th grade. If a student scores higher than Stage 5 (grade 4) on the IKAN, they demonstrate an understanding of place value, and of some degree of flexibility with fractions. These students may not need the intensive intervention to be supplied by Foundations of Algebra, which is being created to address deep misconceptions and gaps in understanding. The course is being developed to include the companion assessment (GloSS) for use in further diagnosing misconceptions once students are placed in the course. Ideally, these two diagnostics would be used K-8 in order to address these gaps and misconceptions in a timely manner, eliminating the need for the Foundations of Algebra course. One final note …the eligibility criteria recommendations were established to offer a starting point for districts – guidance for selecting appropriate students for the course – there may be situations that require some flexibility in the use of the criteria. 12/8/14

15 Foundations of Algebra Course Status Report: ASSESSMENTS
The following assessment tools will be available for teacher use in : Course pre- and post- assessments Module pre- and post- assessments An instruction manual for administering IKAN’s companion assessment Global Strategy Stage Assessment (GloSS) throughout the course. Please look forward to the creation of common assessments posted in GOFAR to support administrators and teachers in the implementation of Foundations of Algebra. Teachers will be provided information about each assessment item including the standard assessed and the modular lesson in which the standard assessed is introduced, along with an answer key including the correct answer, complexity level (Depth of Knowledge), and commentary explaining what each incorrect option indicates regarding student misconceptions and/or gaps in understanding of the standard. The instruction manual will include specific administration instructions and detailed procedures for using student data to differentiate instruction. 9/18/2018

16 Foundations of Algebra Course Status Report: RESOURCES
The following resources will be available for teacher use in : Comprehensive Course Overview Five Instructional Modules infused with spot diagnostics and appropriate intervention mini-lessons The resources will be posted in the TRL by June 1, 2015 The course standards have been mapped into five instructional modules designed collaboratively to ensure vertical alignment and coherence of content across modules. The modules will embody the rigor inherent to the standards in building lessons and tasks, and will outline a more open-ended approach for tasks when appropriate. The five instructional modules will be infused with spot diagnostics and appropriate intervention mini-lessons. A comprehensive course overview will accompany the modules to offer additional clarity for teachers. 12/8/14

17 Foundations of Algebra Course Status Report: PROFESSIONAL LEARNING
The following professional learning segments will be offered during the 2015 Summer Academy Program and will be published for teacher use: Two 3-hour segments focused on the administration and usage of the Global Strategy Stage (GloSS) assessment tool Two 3-hour segments focused on the course content Two 3-hour segments focused on effective instructional practices The math team will focus on teacher support for teachers of this course in the 2015 Summer Academy program – more information about the summer program will be provided very soon. Currently under development are two 3-hour segments focused on the administration and usage of the GloSS assessment tool and four 3-hour segments focused on the course module content and effective instructional practices. We are even looking at a district/school level administrator video training segment. 12/8/14

18 Foundations of Algebra Course Status Report: MONITORING PLAN
GaDOE staff will update the SBOE quarterly relative to both enrollment data and Foundations of Algebra initiatives. District enrollment data for this course will be reviewed before and after FTE data collection periods by the SBOE to ensure that eligibility criteria is being applied. Performance in subsequent courses will closely monitored at the end of each semester. Monitoring Plan Guidance document will be published soon. To ensure ongoing improvement in student identification and effective resource tools, district enrollment data for this course will be reviewed before and after FTE data collection periods and student performance in subsequent courses will be monitored. The monitoring plan will be put in place to confirm for all of us that what we set out to do is working – that the inclusion of this course is positively impacting student success in high school mathematics. The monitoring plan will give us a systematic means of determining what, if anything, in our current design needs to be adjusted. It is not designed to dictate individual district decisions regarding enrollment. 9/18/2018

19 Foundations of Algebra: Q & A
How would the course fit into our high school mathematics sequences? Grade Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 9th Coordinate Algebra or Algebra I Accelerated Coordinate Algebra/Analytic Geometry A or Accelerated Algebra I /Geometry A Foundations of Algebra 10th Analytic Geometry or Geometry Accelerated Analytic Geometry B/ Advanced Algebra or Accelerated Geometry B/Algebra II 11th Advanced Algebra or Algebra II Accelerated Pre-Calculus 12th Pre-Calculus or Other 4th Course Option AP Calculus or Other 4th Course Option Advanced Algebra or Algebra II There are always questions to be answered when new courses are added. Some of the questions surrounding Foundations of Algebra are policy questions – others are district level decisions. I did want to clarify that Foundations of Algebra is the entry course in Option 3 for either of the high school mathematics sequences. 12/8/14

20 Foundations of Algebra: Q & A
How would the addition of Foundation of Algebra impact our current mathematics graduation requirements? The course will be added to the IDA-3 roster of state-funded courses as a core course. The mathematics graduation requirements would remain virtually unchanged. Four units of core credit in mathematics shall be required of all students, including Mathematics I or GPS Algebra, or its equivalent and Mathematics II or GPS Geometry, or its equivalent and Mathematics III or GPS Advanced Algebra or its equivalent. Additional core courses needed to complete four credits in mathematics must be chosen from the list of GPS/ CCGPS /AP/IB/dual enrollment designated courses. I can answer the graduation requirement question by examining our current requirements – what I find is that students will need the first three mathematics courses + a 4th core course. Note that the graduation rule does not specify that the fourth course must be a fourth course option. While we certainly agree that choosing a course below the next level is not in a student’s best interest, this case is different and requires expanded thinking. 12/8/14

21 Foundations of Algebra: Q & A
Will students who complete the option 3 sequence be eligible for admission to USG /TCSG institutions? USG and TCSG have assured us that students completing the option 3 sequence will be eligible for admission to some of their institutions. USG suggests that the completion of four years of mathematics core courses is strongly advised. As far as eligibility for admission to TCSG and USG, our post-secondary colleagues have assured us that some of their institutions will consider completers of option 3. They did advise that they would like to see that struggling students are enrolled in math each of the 4 high school years. 12/8/14

22 Foundations of Algebra: Q & A
Here are a few additional questions that can be answered at this point. Will Foundations of Algebra be assessed via an End of Course assessment? No Will Foundations of Algebra be limited to entering ninth grade students? Yes for Will there be a support course connected to Foundations of Algebra? No Could you teach Foundations of Algebra in eighth grade for high school credit? No These and other questions and answers will be provided to you in the near future. 12/8/14

23 NEXT District Mathematics Supervisor Web Meeting Administering the IKAN
You will receive notice soon regarding the next District Mathematics Supervisor Web Meeting. We will provide you with step-by-step instructions and samples of all the materials you’ll need to administer the assessment. 9/18/2018

24 9/18/2018

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