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CSMC 818G/CMSC 498Z Information-Centric Design of

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Presentation on theme: "CSMC 818G/CMSC 498Z Information-Centric Design of"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSMC 818G/CMSC 498Z Information-Centric Design of
Context-Aware Systems Using Information Technology to Improve the Quality of Life Prof. Ashok K Agrawala © Ashok Agrawala 18 September 2018 CMSC818G Set 1

2 What is this Course About
Improving the quality of life using information technology 18 September 2018 CMSC818G Set 1

3 Participants CMSC 818G CMSC 498Z – Coordinator 18 registered
18 September 2018 CMSC818G Set 1

4 Topics to be Covered Information Dynamics
Context and Context Aware Computing Location –Determination and Use Activity Recognition Context Modeling and Reasoning Learning from Context Context-Aware Systems and Middleware Proactive Computing Other issues – Security, Privacy,… 18 September 2018 CMSC818G Set 1

5 Workload Class Presentation and Write-up
Will assign a topic for each class and each student has to pick a topic, present and prepare a 4-5 page summary write up to be distributed to the class before presentation Class participation and discussions Project Midterm Final 18 September 2018 CMSC818G Set 1

6 Project Teams of Build Context-Aware Application on Rover
Conference Quality paper Regular updates to be provided in class Significant part of the grade. 18 September 2018 CMSC818G Set 1

7 Methodology Lectures Proof of Concept Demonstrations/Projects
Focused presentation on a topic Slides posted on the web Writeup to be distributed before presentation. Annotate by adding your notes to catch the major points that may come up in discussions after the presentation. Proof of Concept Demonstrations/Projects ROVER II 18 September 2018 CMSC818G Set 1

8 Grading Based on Class participation Weekly activities
Papers/Presentations/ Projects Exams 18 September 2018 CMSC818G Set 1

9 Interactions In Class Through “Piazza” Papers Web postings
Individualized 18 September 2018 CMSC818G Set 1

10 Rover 18 September 2018 CMSC818G Set 1

11 Quality of Life What does it mean to you? 18 September 2018
CMSC818G Set 1

12 Perspective Individual Organization Family Social Groups
Friends Circle Organization International - UN Corporation Government Non-profit 18 September 2018 CMSC818G Set 1

13 Class Presentations CMSC818G Students Signup – Available shortly
Augment the reading list by adding 2-5 recent papers Make slides available for posting on the web A write up on the topic Presenter Others Date Topic Presenter 1 1/26/2017 introduction Ashok Agrawala 2 1/31/2017 Introduction of Rover Nick/Andrew 3 2/2/2017 Information Dynamics 4 2/7/2017 Project update 1 5 2/9/2017  Context 6 2/14/2017  Situation Awareness 7 2/16/2017  Indoor Localization 8 2/21/2017  Outdoor Localization 9 2/23/2017  Context Modeling 10 2/28/2017 Project update 2 11 3/2/2017  Ontology based Context Modeling 12 3/7/2017  Other schemes for Context Modeling 13 3/9/2017  Context Reasoning I 14 3/14/2017  Context Reasoning II 15 3/16/2017  Learning from Context I 3/21/2017 Spring Break 3/23/2017 16 3/28/2017 Project Update 3 17 3/30/2017  Learning from Context II 18 4/4/2017  Activity Recognition 19 4/6/2017  Middleware in context 20 4/11/2017  User Modeling 21 4/13/2017  Personality Modeling 22 4/18/2017 Project Update 4 23 4/20/2017  Planning in context 24 4/25/2017  Security and Privacy issues 25 4/27/2017  Proactive Computing 26 5/2/2017  Service Discovery 27 5/4/2017  A survey of context 28 5/9/2017 Final Reports 29 5/11/2017 18 September 2018 CMSC818G Set 1

14 Project Groups Name Phone Email Group Behnezhad, Soheil
Behnezhad, Soheil A Derakhshan, Mahsa (240) Grover, Sachin Cai, Meng (240) Davenport, Marcellus Dante (301) Jain, Somay (301) B Jiang, Xiaomeng (301) Kang, Seokbin (301) Dewey, Moira Sarah (301) Eckenrod, Ryan Michael (814) Kang, Yan (607) C Kim, Doowon (801) Kowalczyk, Emily (703) Hartman, Zachary Craig (443) Khatri, Pranav Mukesh (301) Lee, Kyungjun (415) D Peskov, Denis (434) Petrov, Ivan Dimchev (240) Koffi, Alphonse Adjegbe (301) Patel, Shubham Rameshbhai (310) Shafahi, Ali (301) E Srinivas, Virinchi Srinivasan, Shravan (240) Tsang, Jonathan (301) Wang, Frank (302) Wajid, Faizan (848) F Wu, Zuxuan Yang, Xitong (585) Woodward, David Isaac (301) Zhou, Bill (240) Project Groups

15 Project Steps Organize the group Select a topic Project Plan
Lead/Coordinator Select a topic Prepare Brief Description Purpose Who are the users What impact it will have Working title of the paper Project Plan Roles Timeline Resources Required Computing Datasets Sensors Interim Reports Final Report Paper Draft

16 Areas Security Education Health Care Recreation Social Interactions
Public Safety – Individual First Response – Incidence Emergency Response – Catastrophic events Education Elementary School College Post Graduate and Research Health Care Physician Hospital ER Wellness care – health clubs – exercise Food and Nutrition Recreation Social Interactions Transportation E-commerce Finance Web 18 September 2018 CMSC818G Set 1

17 Some Basic Notions Information Interrelationships Context Models
Fundamental Nature Implications Interrelationships Context Models Limitations of Physical representations of information 18 September 2018 CMSC818G Set 1

18 Technological aspects
Processing Storage Human Interaction Communications Inputs Sensors Outputs Actuations Commands Messages 18 September 2018 CMSC818G Set 1

19 When reading a paper Standard paper questions:
What is the claim of the paper? What is the key idea of the paper? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the paper? Information-Centric questions: What is the purpose of the ‘information’ they are capturing? What ‘information’ are they capturing? How are they capturing the ‘information’? How are they storing the ‘information’? What ‘contextual information’ are they capturing? Is the ‘information’ being captured sufficient or useful for the purpose? What additional ‘information’ could or should be captured? 18 September 2018 CMSC818G Set 1

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