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Mrs. Smith Odyssey Preparatory Academy 4th Grade

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1 Mrs. Smith Odyssey Preparatory Academy 4th Grade
ISLAM Mrs. Smith Odyssey Preparatory Academy 4th Grade

2 Monotheism – the belief that there is only one God
Vocabulary Monotheism – the belief that there is only one God

3 Allah – Arab word for God
Vocabulary Allah – Arab word for God

4 Muslim – the people who practice the religion of Islam
Vocabulary Muslim – the people who practice the religion of Islam

5 Arabs – the people who live in the area where Islam first began.
Vocabulary Arabs – the people who live in the area where Islam first began.

6 Prophet – a person chosen to deliver a message from God (Muhammad)
Vocabulary Prophet – a person chosen to deliver a message from God (Muhammad)

7 Qu’ran/Koran – holy book for Muslims (like the Christian bible)
Vocabulary Qu’ran/Koran – holy book for Muslims (like the Christian bible)

8 Hegira – Mohammad’s escape from Mecca/Makkah to Medina
Vocabulary Hegira – Mohammad’s escape from Mecca/Makkah to Medina

9 Mosque – a place where Muslims go to worship
Vocabulary Mosque – a place where Muslims go to worship

10 Minaret – the tower of a mosque
Vocabulary Minaret – the tower of a mosque

11 Alms – charity or giving money to the poor
Vocabulary Alms – charity or giving money to the poor

12 Pilgrimage – a spiritual journey
Vocabulary Pilgrimage – a spiritual journey

13 Caliph – Muhammad’s successors; leaders in the Islam religion
Vocabuary Caliph – Muhammad’s successors; leaders in the Islam religion

14 Vocabulary Jihad – battles fought by Muslims for the purpose of converting other people to Islam

15 Vocabulary Crusades – a war fought for spiritual reasons between Christians and Muslims.

16 Saracens – Muslim Turks
Vocabulary Saracens – Muslim Turks

17 Who was the founder of Islam?
Review Questions: Who was the founder of Islam?

18 Answer: Muhammad

19 Why is he called the “last prophet”?
Review Questions: Why is he called the “last prophet”?

20 He was the last to receive a vision from God.
Answer: He was the last to receive a vision from God.

21 How did Islam first begin?
Review Questions: How did Islam first begin?

22 Answer: Muhammad received a vision from the angel Gabriel telling him to spread the word that there is no god but Allah and everyone should worship only Allah.

23 Where did Muhammad receive his vision?
Review Questions: Where did Muhammad receive his vision?

24 In a cave outside of Makkah
Answer: In a cave outside of Makkah

25 Who was Muhammad’s first convert?
Review Questions: Who was Muhammad’s first convert?

26 Answer: His wife

27 Why did Muhammad have to flee Makkah?
Review Questions: Why did Muhammad have to flee Makkah?

28 Answer: Some people were upset that he was telling people not to worship other gods and they wanted to kill him.

29 Where did Muhammad flee?
Review Questions: Where did Muhammad flee?

30 Answer: Medina

31 What is the name for Muhammad’s flight/escape?
Review Questions: What is the name for Muhammad’s flight/escape?

32 Answer: Hegira

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