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Data Pipeline Town Hall June 15th, 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Data Pipeline Town Hall June 15th, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Pipeline Town Hall June 15th, 2017
The goal of the webinar is to provide updates on the Data Pipeline and current and upcoming collections. These webinars also provide a forum for districts, BOCES, and Administrative Units to have questions answered about Data Pipeline. We will begin the webinar shortly Dial in number is Data Pipeline support is

2 Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones); many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2

3 Important Reminder Lists are generated from IdM groups
LEAs are responsible for maintaining the groups Please be sure to update accounts for changes including no longer at your LEA, change of , names, adding phone numbers. Thank you 3

4 What is PII? Student Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is defined by state and federal laws as information that, alone or in combination, personally identifies an individual This includes direct identifiers (i.e. name, SASID, etc.) Includes information that when combined is identifiable Colorado’s new Student Data Transparency and Security Act introduces a number of new requirements for how Student PII is collected, used and shared CDE has prepared guidance on how to comply with this and other privacy laws which can be found here:

5 How to Share Data Check local policies for restrictions, requirements, etc. Ensure that you are following local policies when transmitting PII to any third party Use secure methods to transfer any PII to CDE Call CDE ( ) with questions about how to transmit PII securely Use Syncplicity to encrypt s to CDE Avoid sending PII via unencrypted or to unsecured faxes when sharing data between or within districts Do not use PII in trainings, presentations, etc. Do not share PII with unauthorized individuals Do not share passwords

6 Introductions

7 Today’s Agenda Open Collections in Data Pipeline
Summer Calendar Reminder Directory Special Education End of Year Kindergarten Readiness School Discipline and Attendance Teacher Student Data Link READ Special Education Discipline Student End of Year Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) SBD

8 Open Collections in Data Pipeline

9 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Year Round Directory (School Code Changes Open) RITS EDIS Periodic READ (April 3rd –June 30th) School Discipline and Attendance (May 3rd – July 12th) Interchanges Staff Student Special Education IEP TSDL Discipline Action Interchange 9

10 Open Data Pipeline Collections
9/18/2018 Open Data Pipeline Collections Snapshots Teacher Student Data Link (Open-8/25/2017) Student End of Year for Special Education Discipline (Open-8/23/2017) Special Education End of Year (Open- 10/5/2017) CoAlt: English Language Arts and Mathematics (DLM) SBD (Open June 19th – June 27th) Coming Soon 10

11 Summer Calendar

12 Summer Calendar In the months of June, July and August, Town Hall will meet every other Thursday. Here is the schedule of days we will have Data Pipeline Town Hall. June 15th, 29th July 13th, 27th August 10th, 24th

13 Directory

14 School Code Changes If you have the following school code changes you will need to submit a school code change request. New School Code Closing a School School Name Change School Grade Change The electronic request forms can be found at: geForms If you want to make sure that a change is complete go into the Data Pipeline Directory. (select schools tab) School code changes are due on June 30th 2017! If you have questions please contact Dennis St. Hilaire at or

15 Special Education End of Year

16 Special Education EOY - Timeline
Upcoming deadline Wednesday July 12th IEP interchange errors resolved and at least 1 Sped EOY snapshot taken Where to verify error count? Several options- Confirmation, Batch Maintenance, Special Education/Status Dashboard, Pipeline Reports, Validation Report Special Education EOY - Lindsey Heitman - (303)

17 Special Education EOY – Status Dashboard
Verify snapshot processed and data exists: Special Education EOY - Lindsey Heitman - (303)

18 Special Education EOY – Upcoming Webinars
Special Education Huddle: Tuesday July :00 – 12:00 Agenda collection updates questions/issues Login Information: Call-in number: * will be sent with more information prior to webinar! Special Education EOY - Lindsey Heitman - (303)

19 Special Education EOY – SY108 Errors
SY108 error reminders: FIRST thing- check to be sure record is not in error at Interchange level. Records with errors at Interchange are “missing” from snapshot Once interchange error is cleared, create a new snapshot and if it meets criteria, record should pull into snapshot and SY108 goes away Does record contain one of the excluded PAI Codes (23, 24, 31, or 32)? If so, did the student attend in your AU at all in 16-17? If so, records needs to pull into snapshot to be exited. Adjust PAI code and other fields “back” to what they were when in attendance in your AU.

20 Special Education EOY - Updates
Updates/Reminders Snapshot Missing Records report is coming in July! Similar to the December Count report, it will alert you to records that are missing from your snapshot due to errors and/or criteria issues. Use Syncplicity for Exception requests now – no longer able to send via Save exception template in your folder and us to let us know Let us know if you have not yet set up your syncplicity account Resources Special Education IEP Interchange: Special Education EOY Snapshot: Special Education EOY - Lindsey Heitman - (303)

21 Kindergarten School Readiness Data Reporting
9/18/2018 Kindergarten School Readiness Data Reporting Upload Slide deck, data reporting fact sheet

22 Kindergarten School Readiness (KSR) Data Collection Summary
Data reported to CDE will be from the initial fall assessment window, which is the first 60 calendar days of the school year as required by HB Various assessment tools have been approved by the State Board and are available for use: GOLD® by Teaching Strategies, HighScope Child Observation Record (COR), and DRDP-K. Teaching Strategies is developing a customized report within the assessment tool that will allow districts to automatically aggregate and report on the state board approved data reporting elements. The report will be available in the early Fall. NOTE: Some districts have obtained state board approved waivers from using these assessment tools; however, the waiver is from the assessment tool and not from the collection. The Kindergarten School Readiness collection will be open from mid October to mid December. However, even if the district has an approved waiver, data MUST still be submitted. As required by Colorado law (Section (1)(b) C.R.S.), school readiness includes both developmental and academic areas: physical well-being and motor development, social and emotional development, language and comprehension, cognition, and general knowledge (math and literacy). Teaching Strategies GOLD ® areas: Social-Emotional, Physical, Language, Cognitive, Literacy and Math. Kindergarten teachers may complete the initial assessment by using the Kindergarten Entry Assessment (KEA) Survey in GOLD® for the first checkpoint. File template is available at both the School Readiness website and on the Data Pipeline website.

23 Kindergarten School Readiness (KSR) Updates
How will the school readiness contacts and data respondents connect? It will be up to the district to decide who will be submitting the data in Data Pipeline- whether that be the data respondent or the school readiness contact. If you would like assistance connecting with your district’s school readiness contact, please me The report in GOLD® will be available for those assigned as administrators in GOLD®. For districts that are using Teaching Strategies, we understand that Teaching Strategies may be a new thing for many of you. However, it shouldn’t be new for your school readiness contact.

24 Kindergarten School Readiness (KSR) Updates (continued)
Can Teaching Strategies upload data straight to CDE? No. The State Board of Education entered into an MOU with Teaching Strategies which disallows Teaching Strategies from providing CDE with direct access to the data. Districts must upload data to CDE. Will trainings be offered? Yes, we will be offering trainings on how to download the report from GOLD® and upload to Data Pipeline in early September. For more information, please view the School Readiness Updated Webinar from May 22, 2017 on Kindergarten School Readiness: Assessment Menu (~11:35) Assessment Implementation (16:42-20:09) Data Collection (26:46-35:05) Note: If there are other aspects that you would like training on or would like information on that is not readily accessible, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

25 Further Information Additional information can be found at:
The Data Pipeline website: schoolreadiness The School Readiness website: ent Look under “School Readiness Data Collection” May need to scroll- bottom half of the webpage If you have any other questions or concerns, please me. I would love to know what questions are on your mind.

26 Contact Emily Kielmeyer Kindergarten and School Readiness Manager
9/18/2018 Contact Emily Kielmeyer Kindergarten and School Readiness Manager Tara Rhodes Early Learning Business Analyst 26

27 School Discipline and Attendance (SDA)

28 2016-17 Timeline Date Event May 3rd (Wednesday) Collection Opens
June 2nd (Friday) Suggested Date for having No Reportable Incidents tab updated June 9th (Friday) Suggested Date for having at least 1 file uploaded June 16th (Friday) Suggested Date for having all files uploaded June 23rd (Friday) Suggested Date for having all files error free June 30th (Friday) Suggested Date to have SDA data finalized July 12th (Wednesday) Deadline for SDA to be finalized

29 What must be Reported in SDA?
Attendance info- count of all student days and partial days for ALL public schools (online, charter, etc.) All students disciplined during the school year Include the student and incident: If the student is disciplined with any of the following (for any behavior): Classroom Suspension In-School Suspension Out of School Suspension Expelled Referred to Law Enforcement If the incident would fit a listed behavior code other than code “12- Other Violation of Code of Conduct” regardless of action taken Annette Severson

30 Annette Severson 303-866-6824
9/18/2018 Data Pipeline Website Periodic Collections -> School Discipline and Attendance Direct Link: Contact: Annette Severson or (303) Annette Severson

31 Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL)

32 TSDL Reminder All course codes should be mapped to SCED codes
Course Enrollment and Course Instructor files should be uploaded Core Content Areas required, others may be excluded Resolve any interchange errors first Create snapshot in June and resolve errors Deadline for TSDL snapshot is August 25th 2017 32

33 Additional Information
Summer 2017 courses should not be included in files, instead those applicable courses would be included in the data file Migrant student information should be identified in Migrant Student List (a Cognos report) based on the students reported in your course enrollment file Regional Migrant program should notify your district as students are identified as migrant within your district. 33

34 Resources File layouts, templates, business rules, authority, process and checklist of steps and previous training slides can be referenced at: dent Contacts: Hai Huynh - or Annette Severson – or 34


36 READ Updates June 16 (TOMORROW!): Districts complete submission of READ files and Budget Planning Survey by end of day – all submissions are finalized and will be locked Once READ file is error free be sure to click the “submit to CDE” tab in the Status Dashboard to lock your data Districts who submit programs in the “other” category within the survey will be notified by CDE and survey approval will be pending READ funds will not be distributed if you have not submitted your survey Duplicate SASID process will take place June 19-23 June 30 READ collection closes

37 READ Resources READ Collection resources can be found at: pipeline Upcoming webinars Recorded webinars Data collection timeline Data elements & definitions File layout Business Rules Additional resources such as FAQ document, assessment cut scores, template for submitting budget planning survey, etc. Questions? Contact Whitney Westgaard Phone:

38 Special Education Discipline

AROUND THE CORNER Thursday, June 8th, 2017 Administrative Unit should have created a snapshot Thursday, June 22nd, 2017 Districts should have reported the majority of the records by this date Wednesday, July 12th, 2017 Date by which all Discipline Action and Special Education Participation Errors must be resolved. Special Education Discipline – Kristi Gleason –

A NEW RESOURCE EXCEPTIONS Download the Excel Template include records that with errors which allow exceptions. Place the exception template in the Administrative Unit Syncplicity folder (Districts please work with the Administrative Unit) and let us know there is an exception. Once the exception has been uploaded the next time a snapshot is created the error should go away. DISTRICT ACTIVITY REPORT Check the status of interchanges INCIDENT AND SCHOOL ENROLLMENT DATE COMPARISON REPORT SD017 – The school and the dates reported in the Discipline file and the School Assocociation File MUST be in SYNC. Special Education Discipline – Kristi Gleason –

41 Error Report – Blank Records
If you are receiving every Discipline Action error and you don’t see data next to the error, the system is reading blank rows. Move all the data to the top. Check to ensure each column has the right data based on the File Layout specs, Delete a number of rows after the last row of data. Run the file through Format Checker prior to uploading it. Be sure you are uploading the right file not SDA. Special Education Discipline – Kristi Gleason –

42 TRAINING May 30TH, 2017 Training Powerpoint and Recording has been posted here discipline Special Education Discipline – Kristi Gleason –

43 NEW RESOURCES Interchange – Discipline
No Reportable Discipline Actions/Superintendent Sign-Off Form Snapshot– Special Education Discipline Snapshot Business Rule Guidance idance Reports Superintendent Sign-Off Form – required for ALL districts due on August 23, Please don’t send until the Administrative Unit has finalized the collection on this date. SDA & Special Education Discipline Data Comparison Report Special Education Discipline & Special Education End of Year Expulsion Comparison Report Special Education Discipline – Kristi Gleason –

44 Interchanges that make up the Special Education Discipline Snapshot
Discipline Action Discipline Data Student Demographics Demographics Student School Association Grades IEP Participation Primary Disability Special education discipline

45 First Things First Upload Interchange Data Resolve Interchange Errors
Discipline IEP Student Resolve Interchange Errors Create a Snapshot Verify Interchange Data in the District Activity Report

46 Contact Information If you have ANY questions about the Special Education Discipline Data Collection please feel free to contact us.  We are just a phone call away! Kristi Gleason Collection Lead Lindsey Heitman Please include the following team members in your communications In the subject line of the if you would please include the following information: District Number (four digit code) Administrative Unit Number (5 digit code) Subject of the along with any business rules or name of a report if applicable. In the body of the Please include your phone number! Thank you 46 46

47 Student End of Year

48 Now Open Student EOY – Duncan Anderson –
Please try to create a snapshot by the end of this week. This helps to ensure that you are on track with the collection The snapshot does not need to be error free. This is just a preliminary deadline. If you’ve already created a snapshot you’re ahead of the pack! Duncan is out of the office today and will be back tomorrow. He will have limited access to and phone and will respond to questions as soon as possible Known Issue: Error SP460 in the Advanced Course Completion file has a bug that’s causing it to mistakenly trigger. This should be resolved by early next week.

49 Info Student EOY – Duncan Anderson –
If you have further questions, please visit the End of Year web page for more information: Please for questions or call

50 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

51 Jan Rose Petro 303-866-6838
CRDC Deadline Friday, May 12, 2017 has passed. Colorado Progress 185 certified 0 100% complete (have not certified) 0 over 90% complete 1 less than 90% complete AWS (Advance Website) Partner Support: (855) or Jan Rose Petro

52 Jan Rose Petro 303-866-6838
CRDC Deadline Friday, May 12, 2017 has passed. LEAs that do not certify MUST request an extension Extension request form available Monday May 15th Justify the reasons why not completed. Also list Challenges preventing completion Current status Planned efforts to complete Tasks and timeline Requested extension date Office of Civil Rights will review and approve Jan Rose Petro

53 Jan Rose Petro 303-866-6838
CRDC CRDC contacts are splendid!!! THANK YOU!!! Jan Rose Petro

54 SBD

55 SBD Participation:* 2016 vs. 2017
Assessment 2016 2017 Difference 1 ACCESS for ELLs 46.45 57.92 +11.48 2 CO SAT/PSAT 10† 47.54 70.49 +22.95 3 CMAS Science/social studies CoAlt science/social studies ELA/math (PARCC) CSLA 56.28 82.51 +26.23 4 CoAlt: English Language Arts and Mathematics (DLM) 40.44 ? *Participation = Percentage of districts that approved SBD data for each collection. †CO SAT/PSAT 10 did not count for accountability in 2016, which may have influenced participation rates. Assessment ∙ Melissa Mincic ∙ or

56 Assessment ∙ Melissa Mincic ∙ or 303-866-6281
SBD Review Timeline* Assessment Dates 1 ACCESS for ELLs 03/16-03/29 2 CO SAT/PSAT 10† 05/15-05/24 3 CMAS Science/social studies CoAlt science/social studies ELA/math (PARCC) CSLA 05/22-06/01 4 CoAlt: English Language Arts and Mathematics (DLM) 06/19-06/27 *DACs and data respondents will receive updates about collections as needed. †Will count for accountability reporting beginning in 2017 *SBD manual page 2* Assessment ∙ Melissa Mincic ∙ or

57 Assessment ∙ Melissa Mincic ∙ or 303-866-6281
SBD Manual & Webinar Assessment Unit homepage Trainings Data Trainings SBD Manual SBD Webinar *SBD manual page 2* Assessment ∙ Melissa Mincic ∙ or

58 Data Pipeline Assessment Collections User Roles
Description LEA viewer Can only view data and reports LEA user Can view data and reports Can download, edit, and upload data LEA approver Can approve data† *Assigned by Local Access Manager (LAM). Individuals may be assigned roles in several or all SBD collections but may only have one user role per collection. †Districts can ensure that SBD data have been submitted using the Status Dashboard tab in Data Pipeline. *SBD manual page 6* Assessment ∙ Melissa Mincic ∙ or

59 Accountability Comparison Reports
CDE providing calculated values for accountability fields Continuously in District Continuously in School Date First Enrolled in U.S. Assessment ∙ Melissa Mincic ∙ or

60 Student Location Report
*SBD manual page 32* Assessment ∙ Melissa Mincic ∙ or

61 Melissa Mincic 303.866.6281
SBD Reviews Contacts Melissa Mincic

62 Thank you for joining us today!
Next Town Hall: Thursday, June 29th, a.m.-10 a.m.

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