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Let’s Party! Interactive story for 9-11 Formers 2018 Автор:

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1 Let’s Party! Interactive story for 9-11 Formers 2018 Автор:
Ольга Михайловна Степанова учитель английского языка МБОУ «Цивильская СОШ №1 имени Героя Советского Союза М.В. Силантьева» города Цивильск Чувашской Республики 2018

2 World Party Day  or P-Day is celebrated on April 3 as a synchronized global mass celebration of a better world and the creation of desirable _______. reality fortune reality dream

3 The idea of a coordinated synchronized worldwide party appeared as a work of fiction in the book Flight, A Quantum Fiction Novel, by __________ writer Vanna Bonta. In the ending of the book, published in 1995, all people in the world celebrated at the same time. American English American Australian

4 Masses of people grew larger by connecting with groups who shared ideals of ________ and goals of using human intelligence and resources toward humanitarian progress. peace peace sun mood

5  A massive worldwide phenomenon now in progress involves millions of individuals, organizations and corporations around the world who are realizing a responsibility and ability to contribute positively to the collective future of _____________ and Earth. humanity humanity popularity personality

6 history victory mystery history
The internet, media and communication has accelerated one of the biggest social transformations in human ____________, facilitating the organization of global movements. history

7 Research has begun documenting the emerging social transformation of people around the world uniting for a positive, joyful _________ for humanity, through a common task. future future present mixture

8 Many cities and regions in the United States, France, England, Africa, Italy, China, Korea, Vietnam, India, and Thailand have notable celebrations of World Party Day (P-Day). Radio stations and internet communities spread the event with ______________ of "World Party I." podcasts signature podcasts mark

9 Simultaneous (at the same time) celebration of World Party Day occurs in every ______________ of the world, including the Middle East  and Africa. continent country continent city

10 The celebration has no religious or political connections
The celebration has no religious or political connections. The theme of World Party Day celebrations is a "universal human right to fun, peace and life." The only requirement is to celebrate and party from any place, whether a formal __________ or private party, large or small, or alone. movement event meeting event

11 Global podcasts in 2007  featured a variety of music, including the African Children's Choir, Hip Hop artists, and radio stations reading from the _________ Flight. novel novel story poem

12 hospitality infinity hospitality activity
Events have been organized as dance parties, concerts, and meditations, however, the only mandatory observance is a synchronized mass awareness of the human right to enjoy life, and displaying ________________ . Some public celebrations organize multicultural food and music events.  hospitality

13 Quadrille Since 2000, synchronized global events have escalated, such as The ____________ Dance Parade, at which in 2007, its 7th year, 24,000 people danced at once. In 2006, 23,600 danced simultaneously in a total of 36 cities. Quadrille Waltz Tango

14 Research suggests that meeting new people from different cultures helps cultivate intercultural understanding and___________ . So why not throw a party for your family and friends and ask them to bring their friends and coworkers along? harmony ceremony harmony symphony

15 day night time Organize a block party. Peace begins at home and by being neighborly. Spend _________ with your neighbors and celebrate your neighborhood. time

16 Whatever you do and whoever you party with, remember that you need no excuse to celebrate _______ and to be good to others. life life chance holiday

17 The End Happy World Party Day!


19 Источник Fun Holiday – World Party Day World Party Day Изображения взяты на сайте Условия использования сайта

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