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“Land Between the Rivers”

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1 “Land Between the Rivers”
Mesopotamia “Land Between the Rivers”

2 The Phoenicians Occupy area between Mediterranean Sea and Lebanon Mountains Semitic AKA Canaanites from the land of Canaan Early Phoenicians 3000 BCE Migrate to Canaan Independent city-states and local kings-> Tyre, Sidon, Beirut, Byblos Interested in commercial opportunities

3 The Phoenicians Phoenician Trade Networks
Maritime trade and communication networks Lands unfit for agriculture-> focus on industry and trade (2600 BCE) Provide cedar timber, furnishings, and decorative items to Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem Trade by land with Mesopotamians et. Al Trade by sea with Rhodes, Cyprus, Sicily, Sardinia, Spain, North Africa Import food and raw materials Export metal goods, textiles, pottery, glass, art, cedar logs

4 The Phoenicians Dominated Mediterranean trade 1200-800 BCE
Sought copper and tin to make bronze, ivory, semiprecious stones Beyond Mediterranean Canary Islands Portugal France British Isles African West Coast Worship Mesopotamian gods Associate gods with natural phenomena Each city built own temples to honor favored gods

5 The Phoenicians Alphabetic Writing
Phoenician collections of religious, historical, and literary writings 1500 BCE, Phoenicians develop 22 symbols representing consonants More people able to become literate Greeks modify Phoenician alphabet-> Romans modify Greeks Alphabetic writing spread to Asia

6 Indo-European Migrations
Indo-European Languages Similarities between languages of Europe, Southwest Asia, and India Ancestors of common tongue migrated from original homeland Languages evolve but retain grammatical structure and vocabulary Indo-European Homeland Modern day Ukraine and Southern Russia near Black Sea and Caspian Sea ( BCE) Herd cattle, sheep, goats Grow barley and millet Hunt horses

7 Indo-European Migrations
Horses Domesticate horses by 4000 BCE Food Transportation 3000 BCE, hitch horses to carts, wagons, and chariots (from Sumer) Rely on horses and wheeled vehicles for transport Provided faster, more efficient transportation technologies and military advantages Indo-Europeans see themselves as superior to others (Aryans, Iran, Eire from Aryo= nobleman or lord

8 Indo-European Migrations
Indo-European Expansion Population explosion in southern Russia Horses allow IE speakers to expand beyond homeland IE society breaks up around 3000 BCE Migrations continue through 1000 CE-> spread language and ethnic communities

9 Indo-European Migrations
The Hittites IE migrate to Anatolia 1900 BCE BCE, built powerful kingdoms, establish relations with Mesopotamia Traded with Assyrians and Babylonians Adapt cuneiform to IE language and deities Take over Babylonian Empire 1595 BCE-> became dominant power in southwest Asia BCE, Eastern Anatolia, Northern Mesopotamia, Syria, Phoenicia 1200 BCE Hittite state dissolves

10 Indo-European Migrations
War Chariots Hittites invent lightweight, horse-drawn war chariots Refine iron metallurgy Greatly strengthened society and influence on other peoples Sumerians used chariots but they were slow and heavy Babylonians and Assyrians add chariots to armies Charioteers as elite strike forces

11 Indo-European Migrations
Iron Metallurgy 1300 BCE Hittites refine iron metallurgy-> produce effective weapons in large quantities 1200 BCE Hittite kingdoms collapse Iron craftsmen disperse and spread iron production methods

12 Indo-European Migrations
To the East Migrants go to central/western China (2000 BCE) To the West 2200 BCE, to Greece, then Italy (1000 BCE) 2300 BCE southern Russia to central Europe (Germany/Austria) 1200 BCE to Western Europe (France), then to British Isles, Baltic Region, Iberian Peninsula Migrants depended on pastoral and agricultural economies- no cities or states set up

13 Indo-European Migrations
To the West 1000 BCE, Celtic peoples dominate Europe north of Mediterranean Similar languages and deities Social groups: military ruling elite, priests, commoners Tend herds, cultivate crops, miners, craftsmen, metal workers Traded copper, tin, handicrafts throughout Europe

14 Indo-European Migrations
To the South 1500 BCE, Medes and Persians migrate to Iranian Plateau, Aryans to Northern India Herd animals, cultivate grains, divide into classes-> rulers, priests, commoners Build powerful states based on horses and iron weapons

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