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Oceanic and International Operations

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1 Oceanic and International Operations
Equal Time Points (ETP)

2 Objectives At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
Identify applicable FAA and ICAO guidance Describe how ETP applies to 3 or 4-engine aircraft Describe how ETP applies to 2-engine aircraft Identify the ETP procedure for each part Identify how ETP affects the course of action in the event of a medical emergency, engine loss, or depressurization

3 Objectives (cont.) At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
Identify factors that require ETP recomputation Identify the ETP components on a Flight Plan Perform a manual ETP computation

4 Overview In this lesson we will discuss the following topics:
Equal Time Point (ETP) FAA guidance for ETP ICAO guidance for ETP How ETP is applied ETP procedures Factors that require ETP recomputation ETP components on a Flight Plan Computing ETP

5 Equal Time Point (ETP) The FAA defines ETP as a point on the route of flight where the flight time, considering wind, to each of the selected airports is equal.

6 FAA Guidance For ETP 14 CFR Part Airplane Limitations Type of Route 14 CFR Part Airplanes: Turbine engine powered: En route limitations: One engine inoperative 14 CFR Part Airplanes: Turbine engine powered: En route limitations: Two engines inoperative AC B Extended Operations (ETOPS and Polar Operations) (as amended) 6

7 ICAO Guidance for ETP There is no ICAO reference to the term ETP.
Annex 6 Part I, Chapter and Chap 5.2.9: En route one engine inoperative Chap : En route two engines inoperative Annex 6, Part I, Chapter 6.2.1 Engines assumed to fail at the most critical point in that portion of the route

8 How ETP is Applied Part 121 Part 135 2-engine aircraft
Part Airplanes: Turbine engine powered: En route limitations: One engine inoperative 3- or 4-engine aircraft Part Airplanes: Turbine engine powered: En route limitations: Two engines inoperative Part 135 No wet footprint Part Performance requirements: Land aircraft operated over water Part Large transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered: En route limitations: One engine inoperative Part Large transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered: En route limitations: Two engines inoperative

9 Pan Am FL 943 - Successful Ditching
ETP Procedures Pan Am FL Successful Ditching

10 Factors that Require ETP Recomputation
ETP recomputation may be required if any of the factors below have occurred: The operator has been rerouted The aircraft experiences a system or component failure inflight which may affect the route flown ETP alternate airport is no longer available Actual time en route to destination exceeds estimated time by more than 15 minutes

11 ETP Components on a Flight Plan
Appropriate ETP airports for the city pair Adequate time en route for those ETP airports Correct winds were used to compute the times en route Enough fuel to return to or continue ahead to the ETP airport Correct altitudes or flight levels were used to compute the ETPs

12 Sample 121 Flight Plan with multiple ETPs – Delhi, India (DEL) to Chicago, IL (ORD)
ETP/SUITABLE ENROUTE ALTERNATE DATA MEETS 180 MINUTE AREA OF OPERATIONS RULE *** FULL ICE 180 MIN/320 KIAS *** - ETOPS diversion time ETP INFORMATION DESCRIPTION ETP FOR ENNA/ENSB 3945 NM TIME 0618 Planned ETP Alternate airports, ETP point on the flight plan in distance and time ETP/FOB CRITICAL FUBO Planned fuel on board and required fuel, based upon requirements and icing exemption ENG OUT TIME FRM ETP DESC M084/320K CRUZ 320K FLVL 196 Single engine time from the ETP to either alternate airport, descent and cruise speed, new cruise flight level TO LKL N70040 E NM TH 282 MH 262 TD M15 WCP M005 Nearest airport before the ETP, Lat/Long, distance, heading, temp dev., wind component TO LYR N78147 E NM TH 319 MH 299 TD M15 WCP P009 Nearest airport past the ETP, Lat/Long, distance, heading, temp dev., wind component

13 ETP Components on a Flight Plan
Sample 135 Flight Plan 13

14 Computing ETP LEGEND Total Distance
Total distance from the coast out/last suitable to the coast in airport/first suitable GSr Ground Speed Returning to the coast out/last suitable airport GSc Ground Speed Continuing to the coast in/first suitable airport ETP The answer (ETP) is the nautical mile distance applied from the coast out airport toward the coast in airport 14

15 Practical Exercise 1

16 Review In this lesson we discussed the following topics:
Equal Time Point (ETP) FAA guidance for ETP ICAO guidance for ETP How ETP is applied ETP procedures Factors that require ETP recomputation ETP components on a Flight Plan Computing ETP

17 Objectives You should now be able to:
Identify applicable FAA and ICAO guidance Describe how ETP applies to 3 or 4-engine aircraft Describe how ETP applies to 2-engine aircraft Identify the ETP procedure for each part Identify how ETP affects the course of action in the event of a medical emergency, engine loss, or depressurization

18 Objectives (cont.) You should now be able to:
Identify factors that require ETP recomputation Identify the ETP components on a Flight Plan Perform a manual ETP computation

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