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Textual Healing: Forming a Virtual ERG.

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Presentation on theme: "Textual Healing: Forming a Virtual ERG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Textual Healing: Forming a Virtual ERG

2 Overview Why a Virtual ERG? Development Recruitment Newsletter
Future Initiatives Q & A

3 Why a virtual ERG? ERG Benefits: Opportunity for volunteerism
Ability to exercise reputation building strategies Safe space to interact with others

4 Why a virtual ERG? Northrop Grumman has offices, customer sites, and remote work opportunities in 27 countries and all 50 states. A virtual ERG is not contingent on the immediacy of a localized ERG. Opportunity to build a presence at his or her site if one is lacking.

5 PrIDA Info PrIDA chapters: 15
Out of 12 ERGs, we are # 7 on the list with the most chapters Have an estimated members across the company Annual Pride Month event for the enterprise Multiple chapters that do their own local Pride Month events Count Me In – self ID initiative to provide opportunity to show strength in number of employees Pride Parades: DC, Los Angeles, Dallas, etc. CEO letter to AZ and NC governors Transgender Toolkit for employee, manager and team SEM support letter to ERGs regarding Orlando

6 Development Laying the Foundation Corporate relations Hurdles
Find an executive sponsor Corporate guide in place or an existing guideline What are the guidelines to start one Showing the Value add Solutions Ally support Take advantage of executive support Promotion of Company Awards won to leverage HRC Index Consult with Other ERG Chairs/Presidents Promotion at enterprise wide events (mentioned last year at O&E Summit in Dallas-NG Event) Show of hands for those that have current ERG inclusiveness Show of hands for those with no engagement HURDLES Executive Sponsor Someone who will petition on your behalf when it comes to funding, promotion in executive circles. Director/VP Level, could be an ally as well Corp Guide: Research in your current ERG on what may already exist, no need to create the wheel Guidelines to start one up: NG STORY, A petition was started (talk about story at D&I conference had CEO sign) what is the number of minimum signatures? 15 to stand it up, CEO 2nd person to sign , enough space on the form for over 100, took advantage of all the VPs as well to sign Value Add: Supporting the company’s vision, values, goals and strategic direction Building strong links to the local communities Strengthening communications and connections between and among employees and within the company Providing leadership and professional development programs for their members Enhancing diversity awareness Assisting the company in its recruitment, on-boarding, and retention efforts Solutions Partner with your allies to help promote your group Leverage every opportunity when you meet with your mgmt. team and/or executive leadership Promote AWARDS won: “Congratulations! The National Business Inclusion Consortium (NBIC) would like to congratulate [NGC] for earning recognition as one of the inaugural 2016 NBIC Best-of-the-Best Top 30 Corporations for Inclusion! The Wall Street Journal: Big Business Speaks Up on Social Issues -. Now, executives say it is far more risky to stay silent on issues such as gay rights.  As legislative battles brew in North Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi and Georgia over gay and transgender rights, companies such as Dow Chemical Co., Alcoa Inc. and Northrop Grumman Corp. have waded into the fray, lobbying elected officials and publicly condemning measures seen as discriminatory.”--Peters, M. and Silverman, R. (2016, April 17) The CEO and Founder of Out and Equal, Selisse Berry, wrote a piece in The Advocate and mentioned Northrop Grumman. For the past 20 years, I have worked with the world’s largest corporations to create diverse and inclusive workplaces. After years of partnership with Out & Equal, the top four U.S. defense contractors, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, BAE Systems, and Boeing all include gender identity and expression in their nondiscrimination policies, and all have a steadfast commitment to global LGBT workplace equality.  I am proud of their leadership and applaud the Department of Defense for joining these companies in a commitment to full LGBT inclusion. Human Rights Campaign – Best Places to Work for LGBT Equality – 2016 Northrop Grumman Earns 100% Score in HRC 2016 Corporate Equality Index (and in 2015)

7 Development Site relations Hurdles Demographics Corporate Visibility
Leadership corporation Solutions-Virtual Presentations, Lync, Skype, etc Lunch and Learns on advantage of ERG membership Call to action for a joint cause

8 Recruitment Critical Lunch and Learns Membership Drives
Out or anonymous membership Professional Development Cross ERG partnerships Challenges Lack of exposure Demographics and sociopolitical variables Getting leadership teams on board Critical Fully engaged leadership team

9 Newsletter Components Future goals Local news and community events
Spotlights on local events and/or individuals Include corporate news and events Include global news and events (timely news and topics) Future goals Links and video integration Use other platforms (Adobe cloud)

10 Newsletter

11 Future Initiatives Site specific national online drive
Provide an opportunity for a site to donate to their local charities through a single online utility under the TS PrIDA umbrella. Provide the opportunity to enact a huge push for giving but also promote a level of local engagement and visibility for those PrIDA groups at their sites. Hurdles and Considerations Establishing access to a single online utility. Collaboration amongst all the sites and establishing an aggregate of charities and participates. Not to conflict with other ERG annual fundraisers.

12 Future Initiatives On-Site POCs
On-Site individuals open to discussing the opportunities and current activities that PrIDA is conducting to someone who is interested. Useful for site that have low populations that may not have a very large PrIDA presence. An on-site POC would give balance to the virtual component and provide an additional level of exposure and access to interested and potential individuals looking to become members.

13 Q&A


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