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Administration on Aging

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2 Administration on Aging
Mission Promote the dignity and independence of older people Help society prepare for aging population Program Goal Help Communities Build Comprehensive and Coordinated Systems of Care

3 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Administration on Aging Central Office and Regional Offices Tribal Organizations (242) State Units on Aging (56) Area Agencies on Aging (655) Local Service Provider Organizations (29,000) CONSUMERS CONSUMERS CONSUMERS

4 AoA Prevention Agenda Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Services at Community Level Evidence-based Prevention Grants You Can! Campaign

5 What is the You Can! Campaign?
You Can! is a national partnership effort to mobilize communities to create awareness and make programs available to help older Americans improve their nutrition and increase their physical activity.

6 The 2-2-2 Objective 2 partner with 2000 community organizations
2 reach 2 million older Americans in 2 years

7 Why Now?

8 Growth in Aging Population
35 Million people in 2000 87 Million people in 2050

9 Poor Lifestyle Choices

10 Prevention Can Achieve Savings
In 2000, total cost of obesity was estimated to be $117 billion. In 2000, health care costs associated with physical inactivity were more than $76 billion.

11 Prevention is the right cause, the right issue, this is the right time
Prevention is the right cause, the right issue, this is the right time. Tommy G. Thompson Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

12 Who is the Target Older Adult ?
Ready to make changes Needs encouragement Can’t do it alone

13 What Will Partners Do? Convey the importance of lifestyle choices
Promote wise food choices & increased physical activity Consider offering activities & programs

14 What Will AoA Offer? You Can! Partner recognition
Highlight your programs and activities Networking opportunities Exclusive You Can! toolkit Participation in national events

15 Enroll as a You Can! Partner.
How Do You Get Involved? Enroll as a You Can! Partner.

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