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PI and ID Flowchart & Narrative Elizabeth Andrews April 6, 2015 Charles Crissey The similarities between Performance Improvement and Instructional Design.

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Presentation on theme: "PI and ID Flowchart & Narrative Elizabeth Andrews April 6, 2015 Charles Crissey The similarities between Performance Improvement and Instructional Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 PI and ID Flowchart & Narrative Elizabeth Andrews April 6, 2015 Charles Crissey
The similarities between Performance Improvement and Instructional Design PI and ID Flowchart and Narrative

2 Flow Chart Action Research Proposal

3 Narative This flow chart depicts the stages and processes needed to successfully utilize the Performance Improvement model (PI) and the Instructional Design (ID) process known as ADDIE. While both of these processes where originally designed for different environments they both provide similar components that guide stakeholders and participants through an ongoing process of self-evaluation and improvement. The first notable similarity is how both the PI and ID models begin their process collecting and analyzing specific information about the environments/situations in question. This may include, but is not limited to, finding achievement gaps, potential personnel issues, goals, and environmental needs. PI and ID Flowchart and Narrative

4 Narative Performance Improvement and Instructional Design possess similar attributes in their design and development phases. Here those involved in these processes begin devising a plan, which involves implementing new strategies, materials, content, training, and/or other interventions. Once this plan is finalized the Performance Improvement and the ADDIE model move on to an implementation stage. The Implementation phase is when the plan is put into action. Here it is tested in a “real-life” situation where timelines, materials, and interventions are implemented. At the end of this stage data and observations are used to evaluate effectiveness of the plan and its components. PI and ID Flowchart and Narrative

5 Narative Both models have a stage of reflection. Here the all the information, processes, and data from the implementation stages are evaluated. This reflection stage provides stakeholders with the insight needed to move on and utilize the plan that was developed or make adjustments and revisions to better meet goals. While the basic structure of the PI and ID models are similar there are a few key differences. PI is broken up into more stages. Its implementation and Institutionalize phase is separate from the Monitor and Manage stage creating a designated time for experts and teams to monitor the effects the plan is having. In the ADDIE model the final stage is evaluation and it concludes with suggested revisions to the original plan. The PI model breaks up this end process by first evaluating the data and then implementing a Back-end Synthesis dedicating time and energy for the improvement of the original plan. PI and ID Flowchart and Narrative

6 References Pershing, J. A. (2006). Handbook of human performance technology: principles, practices, and potential (3rd ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. PI and ID Flowchart and Narrative

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