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Computer Organization & Design
Peng Liu (刘鹏) College of Information Science & Electronic Engineering Zhejiang University, Hangzhou , China
Lecture 2 MIPS Instruction Set Architecture
MIPS ISA Textbook reading
Look at how instructions are defined and represented What is an instruction set architecture (ISA)? Interplay of C and MIPS ISA Components of MIPS ISA Register operands Memory operands Arithmetic operations Control flow operations
5 Components of any Computer
Processor Computer Control (“brain”) Datapath (“brawn”) Memory (where programs, data live when running) Devices Input Output Keyboard, Mouse Display, Printer Disk (where not running)
Computer (All Digital Systems) Are At Their Core Pretty Simple
Computers only work with binary signals Signal on a wire is either 0, or 1 Usually called a “bit” More complex stuff (numbers, characters, strings, pictures) Must be built from multiple bits Built out of simple logic gates that perform boolean logic AND, OR, NOT, … And memory cells that preserve bits over time Flip-flops, registers, SRAM cells, DRAM cells, … To get hardware to do anything, need to break it down to bits Stings of bits that tell hardware what to do are called instructions A sequence of instructions called machine language program (machine code)
Hardware/Software Interface
The Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) defines what instructions do MIPS, Intel IA32 (x86), Sun SPARC, PowerPC, IBM 390, Intel IA64 These are all ISAs Many different implementations can implement same ISA (family) 8086,386, 486, Pentium, Pentium II, Pentium 4 implement IA32 Of course they continue to extend it, while maintaining binary compatibility ISA last a long time X86 has been in use since the 70s IBM 390 started as IBM 360 in 60s
Running An Application
MIPS ISA MIPS – semiconductor company that built one of the first commercial RISC architectures Founded by J.Hennessy We will study the MIPS architecture in some detail in this class Why MIPS instead of Intel 80x86? MIPS is simple, elegant and easy to understand X86 is ugly and complicated to explain X86 is dominant on desktop MIPS is prevalent in embedded applications as processor core of system on chip (SOC) ARM
C vs MIPS Programmers Interface
MIPS I ISA Registers 32 32b integer, R0=0 32 32b single FP 16 64b double FP PC and special registers Memory local variables global variables 232linear array of bytes Data types int, short, char, unsigned, float, double, aggregate data types, pointers word (32b), byte (8b), half-word (16b) single FP (32b), double FP (64b) Arithmetic operators +, -, *, %, ++, <, etc. add, sub, mult, slt, etc. Memory access a, *a, a[i], a[i][j] lw, sw, lh, sh, lb, sb Control If-else, while, do-while, for, switch, procedure call, return branches, jumps, jump and link
Why Have Registers? Memory-memory ISA Benefits of registers
ALL HLL variables declared in memory Why not operate directly on memory operands? E.g. Digital Equipment Corp (DEC) VAX ISA Benefits of registers Smaller is faster Multiple concurrent accesses Shorter names Load-Store ISA Arithmetic operations only use register operands Data is loaded into registers, operated on, and stored back to memory All RISC instruction sets
Using Registers Registers are a finite resource that needs to be managed Programmer Compilers: register allocation Goals Keep data in registers as much as possible Always use data still in registers if possible Issues Finite number of registers available Spill register to memory when all register in use Arrays Data is too large to store in registers What’s the impact of fewer or more registers?
Register Naming Registers are identified by a $<num>
By convention, we also give them names $zero contains the hardwired value 0 $v0, $v1 are for results and expression evaluation $a0-$a3 are for arguments $s0, $s1, … $s7 are for save values $to, $t1, …$t9 are for temporary values The others will be introduced as appropriate Compilers use these conventions to simplify linking
Assembly Instructions
The basic type of instruction has four components: Operation name Destination operand 1st source operand 2nd source operand add dst, src1, src # dst = src1 + src2 dst, src1, and src2 are register names ($) What do these instructions do? - add $1, $1, $1
C Example Simple C procedure: sum_pow2 = 2b+c
1:int sum_pow2 (int b, int c) 2:{ 3: int pow2[8] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128}; 4: int a , ret; 5: a = b + c; 6: if (a < 8) 7: ret = pow2[a]; 8: else 9: ret = 0; 10: return (ret); 11:}
Arithmetic Operators Consider line 5, C operation for addition
a = b + c; Assume the variables are in register $1-$3 respectively. The add operator using registers add $1, $2, $ # a = b +c Use the sub operator for a=b-c in MIPS sub $1, $2, $ # a = b - c But we know that variables a,b, and c really start in some memory location Will add load & store instruction soon
Complex Operations What about more complex statements?
a = b + c + d – e; Break into multiple instructions add $t0, $s1, $s # $t0 = b + c add $t1, $t0, $s # $t1 = $t0 + d sub $s0, $t1, $s # a = $t1 - e
Signed & Unsigned Number
If given b[n-1:0] in a register or in memory Unsigned value Signed value (2’s complement)
Unsigned & Signed Numbers
Example values 4 bits Unsigned: [0, 24 -1] Signed : [ -23, 23 -1] Equivalence Same encoding for non-negative values Uniqueness Every bit pattern represents unique integer value Not true with sign magnitude
Arithmetic Overflow
Constants Often want to be able to specify operand in the instruction: immediate or literal Use the addi instruction addi dst, src1, immediate The immediate is a 16 bit signed value between -215 and Sign-extended to 32 bits Consider the following C code a++; The addi operator addi $s0, $s0, # a = a + 1
Memory Data Transfer Data transfer instructions are used to move data to and from memory. A load operation moves data from a memory location to a register and a store operation moves data from a register to a memory location.
Data Transfer Instructions: Loads
Data transfer instructions have three parts Operator name (transfer size) Destination register Base register address and constant offset lw dst, offset (base) Offset value is a singed constant
Memory Access All memory access happens through loads and stors
Aligned words, half-words, and bytes More on this later today Floating Point loads and stores for accessing FP registers Displacement based addressing mode
Loading Data Example Consider the example
a = b + *c; Use the lw instruction to load Assume a($s0), b($s1), c($s2) lw $t0, 0 ($s2) # $t0 = Memory[c] add $s0, $s1, $t # a = b + *c
Accessing Arrays Arrays are really pointers to the base address in memory Address of element A[0] Use offset value to indicate which index Remember that addresses are in bytes, so multiply by the size of the element Consider the integer array where pow2 is the base address With this compiler on this architecture, each int requires 4 bytes The data to be accessed is at index 5: pow2[5] Then the address from memory is pow2 + 5*4 Unlike C, assembly does not handle pointer arithmetic for you!
Array Memory Diagram
Array Example Consider the example a = b + pow2[7]
Use the lw instruction offset, assume $s3 = 1000 lw $t0, 28($s3) # $t0 = Memory[pow2[7]] add $s0, $s1, $t0 # a = b + pow2[7]
Complex Array Example Consider line 7 from sum_pow2() ret = pow2[a];
First find the correct offset, again assume $s3 = 1000 sll $t0, $s0, # $t0 = 4 * a; shift left by 2 add $t1, $s3, $t0 # $t1 = pow2 + 4*a lw $v0, 0($t1) # $v0 = Memory[pow2[a]]
Storing Data Storing data is just the reverse and the instruction is nearly identical. Use the sw instruction to copy a word from the source register to an address in memory. sw src, offset (base) Offset value is signed
Storing Data Example Consider the example *a = b + c;
Use the sw instruction to store add $ t0, $s1, $s2 # $t0 = b + c sw $t0, 0($s0) # Memory[s0] = b + c
Storing to an Array Consider the example Use the sw instruction offset
a[3] = b + c; Use the sw instruction offset add $t0, $s1, $s # $t0 = b + c sw $t0, 12($s0) # Memory[a[3]] = b + c
Complex Array Storage Consider the example
a [i] = b + c; Use the sw instruction offset add $t0, $s1, $s2 # $t0 = b + c sll $t1, $s3, # $t1 = 4 * I add $t2, $s0, $t1 #t2 = a + 4*I sw $t0, 0($t2) # Memory[a[i]]= b + c
A “short” Array Example
ANSI C requires a short to be at least 16 bits and no longer than an int, but does not define the exact size For our purposes, treat a short as 2 bytes So, with a short array c[7] is at c + 7*2, shift left by 1
MIPS Integer Load/Store
Alignment Restrictions
Alignment Restrictions (cont)
Memory Mapped I/O Data transfer instructions can be used to move data to and from I/O device registers A load operation moves data from an I/O device to a CPU register and a store operation moves data from a CPU register to an I/O device register.
Endianess: Big or Little
Question: what is the order of bytes within a word? Big endian: Address of most significant byte == address of word IBM 360, Motorola 68K, MIPS, SPARC Little endian: Address of least significant byte == address of word Intel x86, ARM, DEC Vax & Alpha,… Important notes Endianess matters if you store words and load byte or communicate between different systems Most modern processors are big-endian (configuration register) For entertaining details, read “On holy wars and a plea for peace”
Changing Control Flow One of the distinguishing characteristics of computers is the ability to evaluate conditions and change control flow If-then-else Loops Case statements Control flow instructions: two types Conditional branch instructions are known as branches Unconditional changes in the control flow are called jumps The target of the branch/jump is a label
Conditional: Equality
The simplest conditional test is the beq instruction for equality beq reg1, reg2, label Consider the code if ( a == b ) go to L1; // do something L1: //continue Use the beq instruction beq $s0, $s1, L1 # do something L1: #continue
Conditional: Not equal
The simplest conditional test is the bne instruction for equality bne reg1, reg2, label Consider the code if ( a != b ) go to L1; // do something L1: //continue Use the bne instruction bne $s0, $s1, L1 # do something L1: #continue
Unconditional: Jumps The j instruction jumps to a label j label
If-then-else Example
If-then-else Solution
Other Comparisons Other conditional arithmetic operators are useful in evaluating conditional < > <= expressions using <, >, <=, >= Use compare instruction to “set” register to 1 when condition met Consider the following C code if (f < g) goto Less; Solution slt $t0, $s0, $s # $t0 = 1 if $s0 < $s1 bne $t0, $zero, Less # Goto Less if $t0 != 0
MIPS Comparisons
C Example
sum_pow2 Assembly
MIPS Jumps & Branches
Support for Simple Branches Only
Notice that there is no branch less than instruction for comparing two registers? The reason is that such an instruction would be too complicated and might require a longer clock cycle time Therefore, conditionals that do not compare against zero take at least two instructions where the first is a set and the second is a conditional branch As we’ll see later, this is a design trade-off Less time per instruction vs. fewer instructions How do you decide what to do? Other RISC ISAs made a different choice.
While Loop in C Consider a while loop Assembly loop
While (A[i] == k) i = i + j; Assembly loop Assume i = $s0, j = $s1, k = $s2 Loop: sll $t0, $s0, #$t0 = 4 *i addu $t1, $t0, $s3 # $t1 = &(A[i]) lw $t2, 0($t1) # $t2 = A[i] bne $t2, $s2, Exit # goto Exit if != addu $s0, $s0, $s1 # i = i + j j Loop # goto Loop Exit Basic Block Maximal sequence of instructions with out branches or branch targets
Improve Loop Efficiency
Improved Loop Solution
Remove extra jump loop body j Cond # goto Cond Loop: addu $s0, $s0, $s # i = i + j Cond: sll $t0, $s0, # $t0 = 4 * i addu $t1, $t0, $s # $t1 = &(A[i]) lw $t2, 0($t1) # $t2 = A[i] beq $t2, $s2, Loop # goto Loop if == Exit: Reduced loop from 6 to 5 instructions Even small improvements important if loop executes many times
Machine Language Representation
Instructions are represented as binary data in memory Stored program – Von Neumann Simplicity One memory system Same addresses used for branches, procedures, data, etc. The only difference is how bits are interpreted What are the risks of this decision? Binary compatibility (backwards) Commercial software relies on ability to work on next generation hardware This leads to very long life for an ISA
MIPS Instruction Encoding
MIPS instructions are encoded in different forms, depending upon the arguments R-format, I-format, J-format MIPS architecture has three instruction formats, all 32 bits in length Regularity is simpler and improves performance A 6 bit opcode appears at the beginning of each instruction Control logic based on decode instruction type
R-Format Instructions (1/2)
Define “fields” of the following number of bits each: = 32 6 5 For simplicity, each field has a name: opcode rs rt rd funct shamt
R-Format Instructions (2/2)
More fields: rs (Source Register): generally used to specify register containing first operand rt (Target Register): generally used to specify register containing second operand (note that name is misleading) rd (Destination Register): generally used to specify register which will receive result of computation
J-Format Instructions (1/2)
Define “fields” of the following number of bits each: 6 bits 26 bits As usual, each field has a name: opcode target address Key Concepts Keep opcode field identical to R-format and I-format for consistency. Combine all other fields to make room for large target address.
J-Format Instructions (2/2)
Summary: New PC = { PC[31..28], target address, 00 } Understand where each part came from! Note: In Verilog, { , , } means concatenation { 4 bits , 26 bits , 2 bits } = 32 bit address { 1010, , 00 } = We use Verilog in this class
Instruction Formats I-format: used for instructions with immediates, lw and sw (since the offset counts as an immediate), and the branches (beq and bne), (but not the shift instructions; later) J-format: used for j and jal R-format: used for all other instructions It will soon become clear why the instructions have been partitioned in this way.
R-Format Example MIPS Instruction: add $8,$9,$10 Decimal number per field representation: 9 10 8 32 Binary number per field representation: hex 000000 01001 01010 01000 100000 00000 hex representation: A 4020hex decimal representation: ,546,144ten On Green Card: Format in column 1, opcodes in column 3
MIPS I Operation Overview
Arithmetic Logical: Add, AddU, Sub, SubU, And, Or, Xor, Nor, SLT, SLTU AddI, AddIU, SLTI, SLTIU, AndI, OrI, XorI, LUI SLL, SRL, SRA, SLLV, SRLV, SRAV Memory Access: LB, LBU, LH, LHU, LW, LWL,LWR SB, SH, SW, SWL, SWR
MIPS Logical Instructions
Instruction Example Meaning Comment and and $1,$2,$3 $1 = $2 & $3 3 reg. operands; Logical AND or or $1,$2,$3 $1 = $2 | $3 3 reg. operands; Logical OR xor xor $1,$2,$3 $1 = $2 ^ $3 3 reg. operands; Logical XOR nor nor $1,$2,$3 $1 = ~($2 |$3) 3 reg. operands; Logical NOR and immediate andi $1,$2,10 $1 = $2 & 10 Logical AND reg, constant or immediate ori $1,$2,10 $1 = $2 | 10 Logical OR reg, constant xor immediate xori $1, $2,10 $1 = ~$2 &~10 Logical XOR reg, constant shift left logical sll $1,$2,10 $1 = $2 << 10 Shift left by constant shift right logical srl $1,$2,10 $1 = $2 >> 10 Shift right by constant shift right arithm. sra $1,$2,10 $1 = $2 >> 10 Shift right (sign extend) shift left logical sllv $1,$2,$3 $1 = $2 << $3 Shift left by variable shift right logical srlv $1,$2, $3 $1 = $2 >> $3 Shift right by variable shift right arithm. srav $1,$2, $3 $1 = $2 >> $3 Shift right arith. by variable Q: Can some multiply by 2i ? Divide by 2i ? Invert?
M I P S Reference Data :CORE INSTRUCTION SET (1)
NAME MNE-MON-IC FOR-MAT OPERATION (in Verilog) OPCODE/FUNCT (hex) Add add R R[rd] = R[rs] + R[rt] (1) 0 / 20hex Add Immediate addi I R[rt] = R[rs] + SignExtImm (1)(2) 8hex Branch On Equal beq if(R[rs]==R[rt]) PC=PC+4+ BranchAddr (4) 4hex (1) May cause overflow exception (2) SignExtImm = { 16{immediate[15]}, immediate } (3) ZeroExtImm = { 16{1b’0}, immediate } (4) BranchAddr = { 14{immediate[15]}, immediate, 2’b0}
MIPS Data Transfer Instructions
Instruction Comment sw 500($4), $3 Store word sh 502($2), $3 Store half sb 41($3), $2 Store byte lw $1, 30($2) Load word lh $1, 40($3) Load halfword lhu $1, 40($3) Load halfword unsigned lb $1, 40($3) Load byte lbu $1, 40($3) Load byte unsigned lui $1, 40 Load Upper Immediate (16 bits shifted left by 16) Q: Why need lui? LUI R5 R5 0000 … 0000
Multiply / Divide Start multiply, divide
MULT rs, rt MULTU rs, rt DIV rs, rt DIVU rs, rt Move result from multiply, divide MFHI rd MFLO rd Move to HI or LO MTHI rd MTLO rd Registers HI LO
MIPS Arithmetic Instructions
Instruction Example Meaning Comments add add $1,$2,$3 $1 = $2 + $3 3 operands; exception possible subtract sub $1,$2,$3 $1 = $2 – $3 3 operands; exception possible add immediate addi $1,$2,100 $1 = $ constant; exception possible add unsigned addu $1,$2,$3 $1 = $2 + $3 3 operands; no exceptions subtract unsigned subu $1,$2,$3 $1 = $2 – $3 3 operands; no exceptions add imm. unsign. addiu $1,$2,100 $1 = $ constant; no exceptions multiply mult $2,$3 Hi, Lo = $2 x $3 64-bit signed product multiply unsigned multu$2,$3 Hi, Lo = $2 x $3 64-bit unsigned product divide div $2,$3 Lo = $2 ÷ $3, Lo = quotient, Hi = remainder Hi = $2 mod $3 divide unsigned divu $2,$3 Lo = $2 ÷ $3, Unsigned quotient & remainder Move from Hi mfhi $1 $1 = Hi Used to get copy of Hi Move from Lo mflo $1 $1 = Lo Used to get copy of Lo Q: Which add for address arithmetic? Which add for integers?
NAME MNE-MON-IC FOR-MAT OPERATION (in Verilog) OPCODE/FMT / FT/ FUNCT (hex) Branch On FP True bc1t FI if (FPcond) PC=PC BranchAddr (4) 11/8/1/-- Load FP Single lwc1 I F[rt] = M[R[rs] + SignExtImm] (2) Divide div R Lo=R[rs]/R[rt]; Hi=R[rs]%R[rt] 31/--/--/--
When does MIPS Sign Extend?
When value is sign extended, copy upper bit to full value: Examples of sign extending 8 bits to 16 bits: When is an immediate operand sign extended? Arithmetic instructions (add, sub, etc.) always sign extend immediates even for the unsigned versions of the instructions! Logical instructions do not sign extend immediates (They are zero extended) Load/Store address computations always sign extend immediates Multiply/Divide have no immediate operands however: “unsigned” treat operands as unsigned The data loaded by the instructions lb and lh are extended as follows (“unsigned” don’t extend): lbu, lhu are zero extended lb, lh are sign extended Q: Then what is does add unsigned (addu) mean since not immediate?
MIPS Compare and Branch
BEQ rs, rt, offset if R[rs] == R[rt] then PC-relative branch BNE rs, rt, offset <> Compare to zero and Branch BLEZ rs, offset if R[rs] <= 0 then PC-relative branch BGTZ rs, offset > BLT < BGEZ >= BLTZAL rs, offset if R[rs] < 0 then branch and link (into R 31) BGEZAL >=! Remaining set of compare and branch ops take two instructions Almost all comparisons are against zero!
MIPS jump, branch, compare Instructions
Instruction Example Meaning branch on equal beq $1,$2,100 if ($1 == $2) go to PC Equal test; PC relative branch branch on not eq. bne $1,$2,100 if ($1!= $2) go to PC Not equal test; PC relative set on less than slt $1,$2,$3 if ($2 < $3) $1=1; else $1=0 Compare less than; 2’s comp. set less than imm. slti $1,$2,100 if ($2 < 100) $1=1; else $1=0 Compare < constant; 2’s comp. set less than uns. sltu $1,$2,$3 if ($2 < $3) $1=1; else $1=0 Compare less than; natural numbers set l. t. imm. uns. sltiu $1,$2,100 if ($2 < 100) $1=1; else $1=0 Compare < constant; natural numbers jump j go to Jump to target address jump register jr $31 go to $31 For switch, procedure return jump and link jal $31 = PC + 4; go to For procedure call
Signed vs. Unsigned Comparison
$1= 0… $2= 0… $3= 1… After executing these instructions: slt $4,$2,$1 ; if ($2 < $1) $4=1; else $4=0 slt $5,$3,$1 ; if ($3 < $1) $5=1; else $5=0 sltu $6,$2,$1 ; if ($2 < $1) $6=1; else $6=0 sltu $7,$3,$1 ; if ($3 < $1) $7=1; else $7=0 What are values of registers $4 - $7? Why? $4 = ; $5 = ; $6 = ; $7 = ;
MIPS Assembler Register Convention
“caller saved” “callee saved” On Green Card in Column #2 at bottom
MIPS opcode (31:26) (1) MIPS funct (5:0) (2) MIPS funct (5:0) Binary Deci-mal Hexa-deci-mal ASCII (1) sll add.f NUL j srl mul.f 2 STX lui sync floor.w.f 15 f SI lbu and cvt.w.f 36 24 $ (1) opcode(31:26) == 0 (2) opcode(31:26) == 17 ten (11 hex ); if fmt(25:21)==16 ten (10 hex ) f = s (single); if fmt(25:21)==17 ten (11 hex ) f = d (double) Note: 3-in-1 - Opcodes, base conversion, ASCII!
Peer Instruction Which instruction has same representation as 35ten?
A. add $0, $0, $0 B. subu $s0,$s0,$s0 C. lw $0, 0($0) D. addi $0, $0, 35 E. subu $0, $0, $0 F. Trick question! Instructions are not numbers Registers numbers and names: 0: $0, 8: $t0, 9:$t1, ..15: $t7, 16: $s0, 17: $s1, .. 23: $s7 Opcodes and function fields (if necessary) add: opcode = 0, funct = 32 subu: opcode = 0, funct = 35 addi: opcode = 8 lw: opcode = 35 rd funct shamt opcode rs rt rd funct shamt opcode rs rt opcode rs rt offset opcode rs rt immediate rd funct shamt opcode rs rt 1 PERSON VOTE: Pink: 40%, Reed: 30%, Yellow: 20%, Blue: 20% Afterwards: Pink 90%
Summary: Salient Features of MIPS I
32-bit fixed format inst (3 formats) 32 32-bit GPR (R0 contains zero) and 32 FP registers (and HI LO) partitioned by software convention 3-address, reg-reg arithmetic instr. Single address mode for load/store: base+displacement no indirection, scaled 16-bit immediate plus LUI Simple branch conditions compare against zero or two registers for =, no integer condition codes Delayed branch execute instruction after a branch (or jump) even if the branch is taken (Compiler can fill a delayed branch with useful work about 50% of the time)
} Processor And in conclusion...
Continued rapid improvement in Computing 2X every 1.5 years in processor speed; every 2.0 years in memory size; every 1.0 year in disk capacity; Moore’s Law enables processor, memory (2X transistors/chip/ ~1.5 ro 2.0 yrs) 5 classic components of all computers Control Datapath Memory Input Output } Processor
MIPS Machine Instruction Review: Instruction Format Summary
Addressing Modes Summary
Register addressing Operand is a register (e.g. ALU) Base/displacement addressing (ex. load/store) Operand is at the memory location that is the sum of a base register + a constant Immediate addressing (e.g. constants) Operand is a constant within the instruction itself PC-relative addressing (e.g. branch) Address is the sum of PC and constant in instruction (e.g. branch) Pseudo-direct addressing (e.g. jump) Target address is concatenation of field in instruction and the PC
Addressing Modes Summary
HomeWork Readings: Read Chapter , then Appendix C and D.
Acknowledgements These slides contain material from courses:
UCB CS152. Stanford EE108B
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