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Your Annotated Bibloiography

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1 Your Annotated Bibloiography
AP English Language Your Annotated Bibloiography

2 Assignment You will create an annotated bibliography that includes all 10 sources you’ve found for your synthesis essay project This will consist of two parts: the citation and the annotation Your sources will need to be turned in with your annotated bibliography. They do not need to be “Prompt Formatted” at this point. You SHOULD indicate which part of the source you are using.

3 Formatting of Page Start your bibliography on its own page, with the standard MLA heading at the top, and page numbering in the header Skip one space after your MLA Heading Center the words “Works Consulted” (NOT ITALICIZED OR IN QUOTES)

4 Formatting of Page List sources alphabetically by the first word
Start each entry flush with the left margin Indent subsequent lines one-half inch or five spaces Double space the entire list

5 Alphabetical Evenly Double Spaced! Indent

6 Formatting of Page TIP for Formatting: Word 2007 has some strange default settings. Go into the paragraph formatting box. Before beginning your Bibliography, make sure it is set to single line spacing and make sure that it’s not adding extra space between lines (it defaults to 10pt spacing after a line… change it to 0). The best way to handle the spacing issue is to complete the entire draft in single-spaced lines and then go back and change the whole thing to double. That way you can be sure that you’re not adding extra spaces.

7 Formatting of Entries Use your Easy Writer book for indications on how to cite a particular type of source. Note: If you’re using a source that came from a book… verify whether the book was written by a single author, or if it is a compilation of essays by different authors. This will require you to cite them as different types of sources!

8 Annotations Refer to your assignment sheet for information on annotations. For formatting of annotations within the bibliography, see sample given.

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