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Women War and Work Changing Gender Roles in the Syria Crisis

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1 Women War and Work Changing Gender Roles in the Syria Crisis
Syria Crisis Regional Response – MENA CARE Lebanon Partnership Programme

2 Context - Syria September 18, 2018

3 Women War and Work Study
- Analysis of Changing Gender Roles in the Syrian Conflict Recommendations for Gender Programming in Conflict Environments Research in 4 countries 10 Focus Groups and 15 key informant interviews September 18, 2018

4 Pre-Conflict Situation of Syrian Women
Women’s legal status officially equal to men Yet restrictions through religious personal status laws and conservative cultural norms Access to education good, literacy rate 77%, primary education 96% in 2010 Labor market participation remains low (22%): 40% employment of women in “white collar jobs” 59% employment of women in agricultural sector 55% employement of women in public sector Female labor market participation often informal September 18, 2018

5 September 18, 2018

6 Pre-Conflict Situation of Syrian Women
3.5. Million Syrians classified as “rural poor”,65% of them women and girls Lack of access to land Restrictions to economic decision making power Informal and discontinued employment High dependency of family members September 18, 2018

7 Women activists at the forefront of the uprising acted as role models
Changing Gender Roles Women activists at the forefront of the uprising acted as role models Women assumed additional tasks to support their families/ communities Daily tasks become more labor intensive and risky as services cut and security situation deteriorates Men went missing: 12-17% of households are now female-headed New tasks constitute informal labor, not reflected in official data: labor market participation dropped from 22 t 14% September 18, 2018

8 Changing Gender Roles “Women in Syria know they can do anything. But they learned this lesson the hardest way possible.” Female research participant, Rural Damascus September 18, 2018

9 Female Syrian Rescue Workers, Civil Defence, Syria (Dara’a)
September 18, 2018

10 Challenges Increased vulnerability of women in conflict, especially in besieged areas: Aid dependency Security risks Sexual abuse and exploitation Domestic violence Early marriage Marginalization by extremists Women hardest hit by poverty: Income of female-headed HH 15-32% below income of male-headed HH Women shoulder double burden: breadwinners and caretakers September 18, 2018

11 The Situation of Men and Boys
Decreased employment opportunities due to security context, crumbling economy and legal restrictions Unemployed men take up household chores, engage in small-scale agriculture or petty trade Where fathers are missing, adolescent boys take up role of breadwinner and head of HH’ Unemployed men face feeling of emasculation Enhanced risk of marriage tension and domestic violence September 18, 2018

12 Syrian refugee boys working in petty trade, Jordan
September 18, 2018

13 New role as heads of household enhances decision making power of women
Opportunities New role as heads of household enhances decision making power of women Uprising triggered more active women participation in society Women enjoy better freedom of movement than men Reversed gender roles open possibility for more gender equality

14 Opportunities “Women feel strong; they see that ‘they can do it’. Even men say ‘Now the men are women, and the women are men.” Nuha, female head of household from Dara’a now living in Irbid, Jordan September 18, 2018

15 Women Demonstration for the End of the Siege on Zabadani, Syria (Rural Damascus)
September 18, 2018

16 Create small-scale livelihoods opportunities for women
Programming Ideas Offer PSS for women and girls affected by the conflict to cope with trauma and increased stress Provide educational opportunities and vocational training for women to increase/ adapt their skills Create small-scale livelihoods opportunities for women Provide child care to decrease the burden on women September 18, 2018

17 Offer parallel opportunities for men
Programming Ideas Open safe spaces for women and design culturally appropriate activities for women Integrate awareness and social activities into practical skills programmes Offer parallel opportunities for men Work in partnership with women-led and women-focused local NGOs September 18, 2018

18 September 18, 2018 A woman and her children benefitting from a winterization programme, Syria (Hama)

19 Syrian Government: Ensure adherence to women’s rights convention CEDAW
Recommendations All parties to the conflict: Stop indiscriminate violence against civilians Syrian Government: Ensure adherence to women’s rights convention CEDAW Local authorities: Enhance women participation Host countries: -Refugee protection -Provide enabling legal and administrative environment for women’s economic participation September 18, 2018

20 International community:
Recommendations International community: Make Syrian women’s voices heard in negotiation processes and political decision NGOs: -Conduct robust assessments to ensure gender sensitive programming -Invest in sustainable livelihoods and protection programmes targeting women - Design innovative, potentially gender-transformative programmes -Partner with local women-NGOs September 18, 2018

21 Syrian and local women participating in a pastry making course, Lebanon (Tripoli)
September 18, 2018

22 I wish to participate decision making in our society.”
“If I had the ability, first, I would stop the death that is surrounding us. Then, I would think how to compensate all the affection that our children are missing. If I had the freedom to choose, I would choose a job for my husband first, then a job for myself that can ensure our family’s stability. I wish to participate decision making in our society.” Female Research Participant, Rural Damascus September 18, 2018

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