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Arduino and Grove LET’S START.

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Presentation on theme: "Arduino and Grove LET’S START."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arduino and Grove LET’S START

2 Grove: a physical computing kit

3 1. Download the Arduino IDE

4 (Arduino IDE) Serial Monitor Verify (code) Upload (code)
Paste your code here New (code) Open (code) Save (code) Info and errors shown here (Arduino IDE)

5 2. Install the Shield: Insert your Grove Shield into the matching pins of your Arduino board plug your Arduino into your computer; under “Tools,” select the board (e.g.“Genuino Uno”).

6 3. (You may need to) select the port:
Under “Tools,” select a powered port (e.g. a USB port) that you connected your board to; in most cases, you don’t need to do this step – it’s auto-selected – but if you can’t get your Arduino to upload code, it may be that you need to plug into another port on your laptop.

7 (Working with Grove Modules)

8 (The ports on the Arduino Grove Shield)
Digital Ports for digital sensors (output 0 or 1) and actuaotors (off or on). Ports 3, 5, 6 are PWMs for Servos and LEDs that fade (The ports on the Arduino Grove Shield)

9 (The ports on the Arduino Grove Shield)
Analog Ports Read values 0 to 1024 (not only 0 and 1) (The ports on the Arduino Grove Shield)

10 (The ports on the Arduino Grove Shield)
I2C Ports for inputs that are more complex than 0,1 or 0 to 1024 (e.g. reading angular acceleration or the real-time data from an RTC (Real Time Clock) module (The ports on the Arduino Grove Shield)

11 (I/O Modules in the Kit)
Display Controls high voltage inputs (e.g. a desk lamp; a water pump) with low voltage (5v) on Arduino Actuator Environmental Sensor Interface Sensor Interface i.e. A Potentiometer  e.g. adjusts brightness of LED Environmental Sensor Light Environmental Sensor Interface Actuator (I/O Modules in the Kit)

12 4. Finding the demo code to upload
1 2 3 4 5 scroll  “click” scroll  “click” Wiki with description & code 4. Finding the demo code to upload

13 (Wireless Modules not in the Kit)
…and there are available many more modules of many kinds

14 Let’s try the temperature sensor

15 Copy and paste the demo code

16 Check some temperatures on the Serial Monitor

17 Your task for today: Explore the possibilities afforded by the Grove kit. You might do this in parallel with a partner in class. Match these possibilities to what are envisioning for your project. See if the you can reconcile the limitations and offerings of the electronics with your vision. You are encouraged to video record alternative systems so you can evaluate and compare them.

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