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Extension Activities:

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1 Extension Activities:
Which Lightbulb is Better? Linear Models of Heat and Cost Efficiency Algebra 1 Duration: 90 min Standards: HSA.CED.A.1 HSA.CED.A.2 HSA.CED.F-IF.4 HSA.CED.F-IF.6 Overview: Students will collect data (temperature, wattage) to determine energy and cost efficiency of different lightbulbs. They will create and graph linear equations to display, analyze and determine results. Materials: 3 lightbulbs (halogen, fluorescent, led) Data Collection Worksheet Graphing calculator (TI-84) Pencils/Pens Graphing Paper Multi-meter Lamp Extension Activities: Analyze Efficiencies of Different Appliances Model scenarios for different energy uses on weekdays/weekends

2 Procedure: Teacher Tips:
Students review graphing linear equations and are asked the question “Which lightbulb is better?” Students collect data on wattage and heat emissions from lightbulbs. Students create equations and graphs for heat efficiency and cost efficiency of lightbulbs. Teacher Tips: Collaborate with science teachers Run through the lesson beforehand especially if unfamiliar with the equipment. Have stations already set up for students so they don’t have additional procedures.

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