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TWiki Tutorial – February 2005

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1 TWiki Tutorial – February 2005

2 What is twiki? A twiki is a kind of wiki wiki is hawaiian for ‘quick’
wikis are browser editable web pages which encourage dynamic, user-driven, collaborative content One popular example is with millions of user submitted and edited articles if content needs to be shared privately, wikis can be placed behind firewalls or use http authentication methods 9/18/2018

3 Registration – not required for viewing content but may be required for adding/editing content

4 Fill out user details and submit form

5 Your user page is automatically created which you can further edit
Your user page is automatically created which you can further edit. The name of the current wiki web(Main) and page(JeremyCothran) is listed in the browser address. 9/18/2018

6 To edit your user webpage (or any wiki page) click ‘Edit’
To edit your user webpage (or any wiki page) click ‘Edit’. You will be prompted for authentication(user/pass) if not alreay authenticated for the browser session. 9/18/2018

7 The edit version of the page allows you to change the content or wiki formatting. Revisions of the page by different users and sessions are tracked for comparison or restoration of previous content. When finished editing, click ‘Save’. 9/18/2018

8 Other useful page action links at page top and bottom are: ‘Attach’ – add attachments, images to the page ‘Printable’ – create a printable version of the page ‘Total page history’ – shows the previous edits on the page ‘More topic actions’ - delete or rename a page 9/18/2018

9 To create a new wiki page, type the name of the page in the browser address and enter. Wiki page names use a WikiWord format which consists of two or more words with initial capitals, run together. When a WikiWord is referenced on a wiki page, it creates a hyperlink to the wiki page. 9/18/2018

10 Click one of the ‘Create’ links on the following page prompt to create the new wiki page.

11 The new wiki page is created and brought up for editing of content.

12 A sample page showing a Table Of Contents (%TOC%) , heading lines(3 dashes, 1-6 pluses, space), html tags, verbatim tags (useful when including code) and hyperlink. 9/18/2018

13 Resulting page. Note that the header lines form hyperlinks to the headers in the table of contents which can be bookmarked for further reference. 9/18/2018

14 Wiki page formatting help is at the bottom of the edit page
Wiki page formatting help is at the bottom of the edit page. The full list of wiki formatting markup is found under the ‘More formatting help’ link. 9/18/2018

15 The WebChanges page lists all wiki web changes in chronological order.

16 The WebIndex page lists all wiki web pages in alphabetical order.

17 The WebNotify page allows users to add their user name to receive a single daily notification listing changes to the wiki web. 9/18/2018

18 The WebStatistics page shows the number of monthly page views and contributors for the wiki web pages. Note that there is a ‘force’ update statistics link at page bottom. 9/18/2018

19 The WebSearch page allows users to enter search criteria for searching a wiki web. Note the ‘Advanced Search’ link also. 9/18/2018

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