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By Pamela McMahon. Find space on the internet In order to build a website, you must have somewhere to build it. You can buy space and customize it anyway.

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Presentation on theme: "By Pamela McMahon. Find space on the internet In order to build a website, you must have somewhere to build it. You can buy space and customize it anyway."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Pamela McMahon

2 Find space on the internet In order to build a website, you must have somewhere to build it. You can buy space and customize it anyway you want by using a hosting site. A hosting site provides space on the internet and they usually charge a fee for this. You can also find free hosting, but you usually have to compromise by allowing advertising on your site or by having a domain name that includes the hosting companys name Ex:

3 Finding space on the internet Some links to hosting sites: Some links to free web hosting sites:

4 Naming your space In order for anyone to find your website, they have to know how to get there. A URL tells someone how to get to your website. URL: Uniform Resource Locator which is the format that the websites address is in. It looks like http://(domain name) The domain name is the physical address of the website. is a domain name Like web hosting, you must pay for a domain name unless it is like my free domain name.

5 Personalizing your Space Most websites are created using a computer language or Markup Language. Users have to use a markup language because that is what translates what we input into the computer into something the computer can understand. The computer then translates it back into something we can read when visit the webpage. The most common markup language is HTML. HypterText Markup Language Other languages exist, but well use HTML in our examples.

6 HTML Using HTML is like learning a new language Many internet resources exist that explain many common HTML codes. Specific HTML codes will be addressed later in the presentation. Many web hosting sites also offer templates that are somewhat customizable, but do not allow for full customization, but allows the user to avoid using HTML.

7 Learn HTML To begin using HTML here are a few tutorials: At the U of A library: The complete idiot's guide to creating a Web page [electronic resource] / by Paul McFedries. Sams teach yourself HTML 4 in 24 hours by Dick Oliver. QA76.76.H94 O4524 1998

8 The Index Page Now that you know how to tell the computer what you want your webpage to look like, we can actually start doing it! The index page is where all the actual HTML is stored. It is usually uploaded into a directory or subdirectory. Many sites already have an index.html page loaded into the directory. You can edit and change things there or start off using notepad. Notepad should already be loaded on your computer. It doesnt have any formatting so you can type html in that program without the program trying to change what youve typed like Word sometimes does. Once youve written all of your html in notepad, you can copy and paste it into your index.html page. Directions on finding and using your index.html page on Geocities is provided in the audio file below.

9 Now the fun stuff! With the knowledge you have now, you can type whatever you want into your index.html page. The important things to know are headings and paragraphs to break up your text and keep it from being one big chunk of text. Headings… …are ranked from most important to least. The markup for the most important heading looks like this: My Important Website The command is between the carrots. The closing command always has a backslash before the command to signify the end. Not all closing commands are necessary, but you can always include them if youre not sure.

10 …Fun Stuff Continued Paragraphs… …provide spaces between chunks of text to break things up. It is more visually pleasing and easier on your visitors eyes if you provide page breaks often. Try it! My first paragraph Simple! The end command is option on a page break as long as your next line begins with a new paragraph command, but you can always include it if you want Again, this link will walk you through all of this:

11 Images Once you have text on your website, youll want to add images. You first need to have the image you want saved to your computer. Just remember…any images you find on the internet or elsewhere are copyrighted. You must have permission from the creator to use it on your website. There are some places online that have images that people have uploaded for anyone to use.

12 Images Continued Everything that is going to be on your website including imagesneeds to be saved into the same directory as your index.html page. Upload the images to this directory and be sure to name each image something youll remember. In your index.html page your image will look like this: This audio file will explain what the html means.

13 Links One of the most important parts of getting your website found is links to and from your website. You may want to link to other websites to tell others what youre interested in or so that they can find you on social networking sites. You want people to link to your website because that is how search engine spiders rank your websites credibility. The more links in you have and the more people you have coming and spending time on your website will get your website ranked higher in the results when someone searches for the keywords in your page.

14 Links Continued Linking to another page is easy! This is the SIRLS website which describes the program that I will be completing in the next 18 months. Listen to the audio to see what each part of the HTML means and look around the website for examples.

15 Uploading Documents You can also upload documents onto your website that the viewer can open such as PDF files, Word, Excel and Powerpoint files. To begin, you must upload the file into your directoryjust like weve done with everything else. Be sure it is named something you can remember! My career goals. Again we start with a new paragraph, use the link markup from before, put the name of the document in quotations and then the text that I want linked. Youre done!

16 Resources Referenced All wikipedia entries were consulted as a double check for what I already knew.

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