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Narration The Bedford reader chapter 4

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Presentation on theme: "Narration The Bedford reader chapter 4"— Presentation transcript:

1 Narration The Bedford reader chapter 4
The Methods of Engaging a Reader Narration The Bedford reader chapter 4

2 Narration in advertisements
Turn to pages 80-81 Look at the advertisement and answer the questions in the blue box

3 What does “dynamic Tension” involve?

4 discuss Turn to an elbow partner and discuss. Be ready to share

5 Telling a story Let’s read pages 82-83 together Anecdotes add: Color
Specifics Are memorable

6 The process Every story has a purpose Read “Purpose and Shape” p. 83

7 The thesis In narration there is no formal thesis
However, by the end of the writing a thesis should be obvious

8 The narrator in the story
Narratives report personal experience narrator=speaker First person=“I” Third person=“he” she” “they”

9 Tense of text Unlike writing about literature, a narrated story can be… Present tense (I stare, he stares) Past tense (I stared, he stared)

10 What to Emphasize You need to tell the whole story (think of a newspaper article) What happened? Who took part/ When? Where? Why did it take place? How did it happen?

11 Scene Versus Summary Two main strategies of narration:
Tell it by scene As if it were a movie, vivid description Turn to page Read the scene and record what the author is doing Tell it in summary Relate events concisely Just the essentials

12 assignment Write two paragraphs, one as a summary and one as a scene. Write the same story but in these two different narrative ways. Topic: The main character (you can name them) travels forward in time.

13 Chapter 4 Day two Organization of narration
Chronological: the order in which it happens “in medias res” (in the middle of things): a dramatic event Flashback

14 Verbs, verbs, verbs Narration is heavily dependent upon verbs to
Clarify Enliven Ex: Weak: The wind made an awful noise. Strong: The wind roared around the house and rattled the trees.

15 Verb exercise Sentence “My leg hurts," she ____ Speaker is Feeling
Alternative to Said " I found it on the field. Don't tell anyone," he ____ "It's mine I found it. Give it back," he ____ "It's mine I found it! Give it back now,"  he ____

16 Verbs you could have used:
yelled     shouted growled bellowed exclaimed roared    grumbled  stammered sobbed whimpered  cried      pleaded whispered mumbled interrupted retorted    continued explained squealed  laughed  replied     warned objected asked answered

17 Activity Now choose 10 words from the previous slide and write a short story using all 10. (I was going for “squealed” here”) 

18 Narration in Paragraphs
Writing about television: let’s read page 90

19 Narration in practice Turn to page 91. Let’s read narration in a letter.

20 “The Chase” by annie dillard
Page 104. Let’s read

21 Journal writing Every essay includes a journal prompt
You will title it “Journal” and respond on the same page as the notes Let’s respond!

22 questions Every essay has three types of questions:
Questions on Meaning Questions on Writing Strategy Questions on Language You will always answer all of these questions

23 Suggestions for writing
Each mode will have several suggestions for writing I will (most of the time) assign which one you will do You will write #2 (page 108)

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