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Southern California Catastrophic Earthquake Response Plan

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Presentation on theme: "Southern California Catastrophic Earthquake Response Plan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Southern California Catastrophic Earthquake Response Plan
Jon Bartlett FEMA Region IX Mark

2 National Response Framework
The National Response Framework (NRF) is a guide to how the Nation conducts all-hazards response. Mark

3 Southern California Catastrophic Earthquake Response Plan
Jon / Mark

4 Other Senior Officials Unified Coordination Group Governor
SFO SCO CANG AG FCO Other Senior Officials Unified Coordination Group Governor Operations Planning Logistics Finance/ Admin Coordinate resource requests Regional Mutual Aid Coordinators Operational Area EOCs And Mutual Aid Coordinators Set priorities Set objectives Prioritize, allocate, and deconflict resources Manage key Federal and State resources Provide logistical support as required Mission Tasks/Assignments LOCAL UNIFIED COMMAND Logistical support for integration and utilization of resources Resources remaining under Federal/State control Resources placed under direct control of recipient Command & Control of Incident Response Incident Command Posts DOD Representative (Usually DCO) Jon

5 Objectives Emergency Services: Health and Human Services:
Establish Air Operations for Emergency Response and Damage Assessment Conduct Search and Rescue Operations Reduce Hazards: Suppress Fire, Contain Hazardous Materials Conduct Safety Assessments Provide Safety, Security and Support to Emergency Response Operations Health and Human Services: Provide Health and Medical Services: Provide Acute Care - Hospital/EMS Provide Chronic Care – Medical Special Needs Execute Patient Evacuation/Movement Maintain Public health  (food, water, vector control, food and water quality inspection, surveillance) Provide Care and Shelter, Including Animals Conduct Mass Fatality Operations Support Mandatory and Self-Evacuations, including Logistical Needs Infrastructure: Stabilize and Provide Critical Utilities for Priority Infrastructure:  Water/Wastewater, Power, Communications & Natural Gas Establish Lines of Supply: Sea Ports, Airports, Railroads, and Roads Supply Emergency Water and Sanitation Needs for Response Operations Establish Emergency Power and Fuel Lines of Supply Conduct Debris Clearance and Disposal Coordination and Communications: Establish and Maintain Functional and Interoperable Communications for Responders Validate and Provide Internal and External Public Messaging Adopt an Emergency Management Structure that manages Resource Shortages Jon

6 Timeline for establishing the UCG and JFO
Integrated State/ Federal operations fully established at JFO Incident SOC, REOCs provide Support or respond to other events SOC, REOC functions Transfer to JFO RRCC functions IMAT deploys to SOC RRCC provides support or responds to other events Unified Coordination Group moves to JFO 24 Hours 72 Hours 5 Days 6 Months 2A (0-24hrs) Activation (Immediate Response) 2B (12-72hrs) Deployment and Employment 2C (72hrs+) Sustained Response IOF Established IMAT with other Federal Agencies moves to IOF RRCC and National operations activated Form Unified Coordination Group SOC and REOCs activated JFO established Jon

7 What is a State/Federal JFO?
State/FEMA JFO Baton Rouge, LA

8 (Immediate Response) 0-24 Hrs.
2A – Activation (Immediate Response) 0-24 Hrs. SOC and RRCC Activation Assessment of Situation Coordinate Response Activities CalEMA REOC and FEMA AFO Impacted by Catastrophic Earthquake Either May Serve as Initial Operating Facility (IOF) SOC RRCC Jon FEMA AFO CalEMA Southern REOC

9 Deployment and Employment (12-72 Hrs.)
Phase 2B Deployment and Employment (12-72 Hrs.) SOC and RRCC Fully Activated Maintain Situational Awareness Coordinate Response Operations IMAT with Other Fed Agencies Deploy to SOC Regional Augmentation Establishes UCG Transitions to incident area (72 Hrs) State and Federal IMAT personnel Establishes IOF in incident area at Southern REOC or FEMA AFO State Personnel Deploy to OA EOCs RRCC UCG est. at SOC FEMA AFO CalEMA Southern REOC IMAT Staff IMAT Jon

10 Sustained Response (72+hrs.)
Phase 2C Sustained Response (72+hrs.) SOC and RRCC Lower Activation Level Maintain Situational awareness Maintain Operational Readiness UCG moves to JFO and assumes Operational control at incident area. State & Federal Personnel coordinate with OA’s Deploy to OA EOCs and establish ICS Branches and Divisions in coordination with OA Emergency Managers RRCC SOC Jon UCG JFO

11 Concept of Operations Earthquake O-24 Hours 12-72 Hours 72+ Hours
Phase 2C Sustained Response Phase 2B Deployment and Employment Phase 2A Activation (Immediate Response) Phase 2 Response AIR LINES OF SUPPLY SEA LINES OF SUPPLY GROUND LINES OF SUPPLY Earthquake O-24 Hours 12-72 Hours 72+ Hours Concept of Operations Jon

12 Phase 2A – Immediate Response, 0-24 Hours
Temporary Flight Restrictions Issued by FAA Divert to SFO/OAK Limited Port Operations (offload capability) (2A/2B) Land Routes Phase 2A – Immediate Response, 0-24 Hours S Federal Staging Areas Jon

13 Phase 2B – Deployment and Employment, 12-72 Hours
Coordinated Air Operations Land Routes Federal Staging Areas S Maritime Operations Phase 2B – Deployment and Employment, Hours Stabilize Critical Infrastructure Jon

14 Phase 2C – Sustained Response, 72+ Hours
2C Open Ports, Open Land Routes, Continue Air Ops Coordinated Air Operations Land Routes Federal Staging Areas S Phase 2C – Sustained Response, 72+ Hours Jon

15 Mass Care Hub and Spoke Concept
Hospitals Shelters Open Spaces Fairgrounds/Racetracks Stadiums Schools Arenas PODs Focus Serving Where People Go During Disasters Jon


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