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What is in a Short Story?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is in a Short Story?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is in a Short Story?

2 What is a Short Story? A short story is : a brief work of fiction where, usually, the main character faces a conflict that is worked out in the plot of the story

3 Character Character – a person in a story, poem or play.
Types of Characters: Round: fully developed, has many different character traits Flat: stereotyped, one-dimensional, few traits Static: – Does not change Dynamic: – Changes as a result of the story's events

4 Characterization How the author develops the characters, especially the main character. This is done through: what the character does or says what others say of and to the character author’s word choice in descriptive passages

5 Characterization Direct characterization Indirect characterization
The author directly states what the character’s personality is like. Example: cruel, kind Indirect characterization Showing a character’s personality through his/her actions, thoughts, feelings, words, appearance or other character’s observations or reactions

6 Protagonist Main character of the story that changes
(death is not a change) the most important character changes and grows because of experiences in the story

7 Antagonist A major character who opposes the protagonist
the antagonist does not change Types of antagonists: people nature society

8 Conflict A struggle between two opposing forces that propels the plot
There could be multiple conflicts within a story Types Internal: takes place in a character’s own mind Man vs. Him(Her)self External: a character struggles against an outside force Man vs. Man Man vs. Nature Man vs. Society Man vs. Supernatural

9 What is the Plot? Plot: Series of related events that make up a story.
Exposition Inciting Incident Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution (Dénouement)

10 Plot Diagram

11 Exposition (Introduction)
Introduces the reader to: Setting Basic situation Characters involved Narrative Hook: question or statement that grabs the reader’s attention

12 Setting The time and place of the story’s action
Time (time of day, season, present, past, future) Location (country, planet, town, buildings, PLUS a description of the surroundings) where the action occurs Helps to create the mood and atmosphere of the text Atmosphere: the feeling that the setting evokes (i.e. mysterious, happy, eerie) Mood: the author evokes certain feelings or vibes in readers through words and descriptions. (i.e. excitement, nostalgia) NOT the mood of the characters

13 Rising Action Consists of a series of complications.
These occur when the main characters take action to resolve their problems and are met with further problems: Fear Hostility Threatening situation

14 Climax The turning point in the story: the high point of interest and suspense Climax Rising Action or Complications Falling Action

15 Falling Action All events following the climax or turning point in the story. These events are a result of the action taken at the climax.

16 Resolution (Denouement)
The end of the central conflict: it shows how the situation turns out All of the loose ends are tied up (usually)

17 Point of View Vantage point from which the writer tells the story.
First person: One of the characters is actually telling the story using the pronoun “I” Third person Objective: the author tells what happens without stating more than can be inferred from the story's action and dialogue. The narrator never discloses anything about what the characters think or feel, remaining a detached observer. Third Person Omniscient: All knowing narrator. Can center on the thoughts and any actions of any and all characters.

18 Theme The central MESSAGE or insight into life revealed through a literary work (universal truth.) Theme is NOT a subject (love, courage, family) Theme is NOT a cliché Cliché: an overused phrase or opinion Example: One man’s trash is another man’s treasure

19 Determine the Theme Cinderella The Lion King
What is the action of the story/follow the plot? Theme: Through hard work and determination you can achieve your dreams. The Lion King What is the action in the story/follow the plot? Theme: One must overcome adversity in order to lead a population. Now you try: Choose a familiar story to you and determine its theme.

20 Flashback The present scene in the story is interrupted to flash backward and tell what happened in an earlier time.

21 Foreshadowing Clues the writer puts in the story to give the reader a hint of what is to come. Examples: Weather Colors Dialogue Red herring: a false clue to mislead the reader

22 Symbol An object, person, or event that functions as itself, but also stands for something more than itself. Example: Scales function is to weigh things, but they are also a symbol of our justice system.

23 Figurative Language Involves some imaginative comparison between two unlike things. Simile: comparing two unlike things using like or as. “I wandered lonely as a cloud” Metaphor: comparing two unlike things (not using like or as) Life is a roller coaster, it has lots of ups and downs.

24 Figurative Language Personification: giving human qualities to non-human things. Example: “The wind howled”

25 Irony A contrast between expectation and reality
Words are used in a way that their intended meaning is different than their actual meaning Example: “You are so skilled” (the person is actually very clumsy)

26 Irony Verbal Irony: saying one thing but meaning something completely different. Calling a clumsy basketball player “Michael Jordan” Situational Irony: a contradiction between what we expect to happen and what really does happen Dramatic Irony: occurs when the reader knows something important that the characters in the story do not know.

27 Allusion Reference to a statement, person, a place, or events from:
Literature History Religion Mythology Politics Sports

28 Suspense Uncertainty or anxiety the reader feels about what is going to happen next in a story. created by making the readers wonder how the conflict will be resolved

29 Creating a picture in the readers mind through description
Imagery Language that appeals to the senses. Touch Taste Sight Sound Smell Example: Creating a picture in the readers mind through description

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