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Point of View Every story is told using a point of view. Through whose eyes does the author tell his or her story? Who is the narrator of the story? First.

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Presentation on theme: "Point of View Every story is told using a point of view. Through whose eyes does the author tell his or her story? Who is the narrator of the story? First."— Presentation transcript:

1 Point of View Every story is told using a point of view. Through whose eyes does the author tell his or her story? Who is the narrator of the story? First person Second person Third-person limited

2 The Danger Box Author Blue Balliett Publisher Scholastic Copyright

3 First Person Second Person Third-Person Limited
This unique book uses all three points of view. First Person Zoomy, the main character, tells the story. Second Person The Gas Gazette is the newspaper Zoomy and his friend Lorrol write and distribute. Third-Person Limited Mr. Finner’s story is told by a narrator who informs the reader of Finner’s thoughts and motives.

4 First Person Point of View
“I have always lived in Three Oaks, Michigan. Or almost always: I was a few days old when I turned up on the kitchen steps of my grandparents’ house one spring morning.” (page 7)

5 Second Person Point of View
From The Gas Gazette: Issue Eleven “Have you ever had an experience that was not fun while it was going on but amazing to think about once it was over?” (page 181)

6 Third-Person Limited Point of View
“He hadn’t meant to burn down the store after breaking in; he’d heard a noise, dropped his cigarette, and hurried out empty-handed, realizing that the family must have kept whatever was valuable.” (page 254)

7 Opening Lines Often Reveal a Book’s Point of View
“We drive as if in a dream.” (page 1) “You’re surprised at all the blood.” (page 1) “The pair crept stealthily through the old house.” (page 1)

8 Point of View First person Second person Third-person limited

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