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Vocab for Lit.

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1 Vocab for Lit

2 Abstract Not concrete or tangible
A complex concept rather than a thing

3 Ambiguity Having multiple meanings

4 Analogy Comparing two things to create an argument that they are connected upon multiple points, but not the same. Men and ants both build elaborate cities and structures, demonstrate hierarchical social behaviors, and utilize other creatures for labor.

5 Antagonist The force that opposes the protagonist
Does not have to be a person

6 Antithesis A person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else

7 Apostrophe Addressing an inanimate object O Tree, how lovely thou art.

8 Archetype Typical example of a situation, symbol, setting, or character.

9 Assonance Repetition of a vowel sound in multiple words close together. The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.

10 Ballad A poem that tells a story

11 Bildungsroman Novel that shows a persons formative years or spiritual education (essentially the same as a coming of age novel)

12 Bombast Using big pointless words to impress people

13 Canon List of literary works deemed to have literary merit by academic professionals

14 Catharsis A release of emotion When you cry at a movie

15 Climax The point in the story of the highest intensity
A short story/poem usually only has one, but a novel or play may have multiple ones.

16 Coming of age Transition from childhood to adult

17 Consonance Repetition of a consonant sound inside several words near each other. He struck a streak of bad luck.

18 Dramatic Irony When the reader knows something the characters don’t.
We know Juliet is not really dead, but Romeo doesn’t.

19 Melodrama Drama with exaggerated emotions and events that uses stereotypical characters.

20 Meter Amount of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry

21 Mood Feeling evoked by a story and developed by the author’s tone

22 Moral The lesson of a story

23 Motif A dominant idea that contributes to theme

24 Muse A goddess that provides creative inspiration

25 Myth Story that explains some phenomenon usually with some supernatural elements

26 Narrative A story that is told

27 Novella Short novel

28 Ode Lyric poem where a specific thing or person is praised.
“Ode on a Grecian Urn”

29 Omniscient Narrator Narrator that sees into character’s thoughts

30 Onomatopoeia Words that make the sound it is describing
Buzz, pop, sizzle

31 Oxymoron Two opposites next to each other Deafening silence

32 Parable A story that teaches a lesson - fable

33 Paradox Situation or statement that seems to contradict itself, but doesn’t actually. The blind man saw me more clearly than I saw myself.

34 Paraphrase Put it in your own words

35 Parody Something exaggerated for ridiculousness

36 Persona The narrator of a non-first person novel that comments on the story.

37 Personification Giving something not human, human characteristics

38 Point of View Perspective of the narrator

39 Protagonist Central character in a story May be more than one

40 Pseudonym Pen name George Eliot was really Mary Ann Evans

41 Rhythm Repeated pattern of sound

42 Sarcasm Using verbal irony to mock

43 Satire Funny/Witty Kernel of truth Offers a criticism

44 Sonnet A poem of very specific structure and rhyme scheme
More on this later (different types with different rules)

45 Stanza Arrangement of lines in a poem More on that later too

46 Style Strategies used by an author to reveal his or her unique voice

47 Subplot Secondary plot

48 Theme The central idea of a story/poem/novel/ drama
Provides a topic for discussion

49 Tragedy Serious story where there is usually a bad ending

50 Verse A succession of metrical feet

51 Voice The unique sound of an author’s work

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