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Parent Information Evening

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Information Evening"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Information Evening
Year 11, 2018 Parent Information Evening

2 Julie Sampson Learning Director

3 Tonight Learning – Mindsets Wellbeing
Embracing challenge Study Wellbeing Points of contact Support in the College Workplace Learning and Career Education When Regulations

4 Tony Moffa Senior School Learning Leader

5 Senior subjects are challenging
Learning Senior subjects are challenging Is challenge a bad thing? How does your son/daughter respond when challenged? It is usually about this time when students are encountering their first summative assessments. Sometimes the results can be confronting- if this is the case with your son/daughter, how can they move forward. Ask themselves – have I engaged in class – completed all the work? Have I asked for help? Did I study , review learn – recall vs recognize! Try again – make some decisions – talk to subject teacher about study techniques in this subject Changing subject is not the first option- changing subjects may reduce options for the future – course counselling last year. 5. If after all efforts changing subjects may happen for next semester, but not until we have challenged ourselves and worked hard to overcome these challenges.

6 What is a growth mindset?
Trying to foster a growth mindset in our students The features of a growth mindset include Believing that effort leads to learning Success is a reflection of the effort you put in Different strategies are required to solve this one! Plan A…..Plan B……Plan C……… Plan D………… It’s normal to need more than one strategy to solve a problem. We try to use terms to encourage a growth mindset…… For example..


8 Carol S. Dweck What can parents do?
…The best thing parents can do is to teach their children to love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning. Carol S. Dweck Encourage -ask have they worked hard? Have they tried different strategies? Who can we ask? This is interesting This will help your brain to grow. Prompt growth mindset thoughts Plan ahead and include planning for assessments –study planner Please contact subject teacher, home group teacher if you would like more help. Read more at

9 Justin Kerber Senior School Wellbeing Leader

10 Wellbeing at Cornerstone
Education and Wellbeing are connected Communication between staff and students is important Communication between parents and the school is equally important Who can I contact? 2. Positive partnerships, developing open lines of communication leading into Year 12.

11 Support Pathways Home Group teacher - first connection point
Subject teacher (if subject related concern) Learning Leader - Mr Tony Moffa House Leader - for wellbeing concerns Wellbeing Leader - Mr Justin Kerber School Counsellors - Mr Matthew Schirmer and Mrs Katy Walker

12 Healthy Minds

13 Key Year 11 Events/Information
Driver safety and education SAPOL / Hills Toyota Have discussions with your child! Drug and alcohol education Paul Dillon – Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia (DARTA) – 4 September Part 2 (of 3 year series) Engage in conversations with your kids – what did they take out of the sessions. Driver Ed is in two weeks’ time. Example of conversation: Do your children know what to do if they find themselves in a dangerous situation in a car….

14 Further information SchoolTV
Wealth of information for parents from leading Australian specialists and organisations Link on the Cornerstone College website under the Wellbeing tab Link on Charis Link is provided in ‘connections’

15 Anthony Doyle Pathways Coordinator

16 Career Education Program
Workplace Learning (optional) Curriculum Focus Day City Visits Day Flinders Uni / Vocational Pathways Day

17 Year 11 Workplace Learning
When will it occur? Week 10 Term 2 (2 July – 5 July) Students can also negotiate alternative dates with employers

18 Aims of Workplace Learning (WPL)
Explore career options Experience the world of work Assist with subject selection Gain apprenticeship / part-time work Evidence for resume / portfolio SACE credits available Meet VET requirements

19 Workplace Learning “I was hesitant prior to work experience about doing it. But I am now really glad I did it, as it has really confirmed what I want to do as a career and gave me extensive insight into the job.”

20 Workplace Learning “I did not enjoy my Year 10 work experience because I didn’t choose a placement that was interesting, but my Year 11 work experience was amazing! helped me to think about my future career opportunities.”

21 Workplace Learning “…it helped me decide whether or not I just liked the idea or the actual job.”

22 Frequently Asked Questions
My child already has a part-time job – do they need to do work experience? My child already knows what career they want – do they have to do work experience? Is it compulsory / will my child “fail” if they don’t do it? What support is available from the College?

23 Workplace Learning Guidelines
Emphasis on student safety Information packs sent home with students two weeks ago Employer Safety Check completed in conjunction with the Workplace Learning Agreement Form Risk assessment and approval will be completed by the College

24 WPL Key Dates Employer & Agreement forms need to be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to placement - Friday Week 7 Term 2 (15 June) No work placements will be approved after this date

25 Careers Team Mr Anthony Doyle Mrs Helen Mason Mrs Virginia Gare
1 on 1, or family appointments available Career info workshops for parents


27 Career & Curriculum Focus Day
Friday, Week 5, Term 2 (1 June) Hands on activities and guest speakers Links to curriculum Representatives from universities, industry and local employers.

28 City Based Day – 28 June Campus / site tours 3-4 visits
Visits may include universities, Defence Force, SA Police, AC Arts, Rising Sun Pictures, Aust. Inst of Fitness, Master Builders, Radio Adelaide, Metro Fire Service, and more

29 Flinders Uni/Vocational Day – 29 June
Option 1 – Flinders Uni Campus Tour Practical Activities / Workshops Option 2 – Vocational Day PEER Training Tonsley TAFE

30 Key Career Information Dates
Career Information Workshop for Parents, Cornerstone College Tuesday, 3 April & Monday, 7 May Wednesday, 13 June (VET focus) Thursday, 16 August (school leaver focus) Cornerstone College Careers Expo Tuesday, 31 July, 6-8pm Please see handout for other key dates

31 Good evening


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