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Epimetheus and Pandora

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Presentation on theme: "Epimetheus and Pandora"— Presentation transcript:

1 Epimetheus and Pandora

2 Narrator: On the Earth, people lived in a state of perfect innocence.
There were beautiful flowers, delicious fruits , and all men were very happy. There was no illness, no death, no hunger…. But Jupiter wanted to punish mankind!

3 Jupiter: I will punish mankind!
They shouldn’t have accepted the celestial fire! Now, they will pay for it! I will meet all the Gods of the Olympus!

4 Narrator: The Gods met and decided to create a woman.
Each god gave her a special charm to make her more attractive

5 Gods: 1: You will have a singing voice.
2: You will have a slim and attractive body 3: You will have a beautiful face 4. You will have shiny long wavy hair. 5. You will be very intelligent

6 Jupiter: What name can I give you? Pandora will be your name!
Dear Prometheus, the Gods are bringing a present for you. It’s called Pandora.

7 Prometheus: I don’t think that something that comes from the Gods is good! I’m sorry, but I don’t want a present from the Gods.! Brother! Don’t accept something that comes from them! I’m sure it will not be good!

8 Epimetheus: Yes brother, but….. She is so beautiful!!!!
She can’t be bad!! Come with me, Pandora!

9 Pandora Epimetheus, we can walk through the forest.
We can eat delicious fruits.

10 Narrator One beautiful morning they saw Jupiter.

11 Pandora: Look Epimetheus, Jupiter is bringing something for us!!!
What is it ? What is it?

12 Jupiter: I am bringing a beautiful present for the two lovers. Ja ja

13 Narrator Jupiter left the box on the floor and he went away. Pandora was very interested in the box and went near it.

14 Epimetheus Leave it Pandora!! Come to the forest to play!!!

15 Pandora: Go!!! I’m coming in a minute.
What is inside this box? I want to see. But… I hear voices…. Somebody is calling me from the bosx….. I will open it!!!! Oh no!!!!!

16 Narrator: When Pandora opened the box, a lot of bad things came out:, things that didn’t exist in the world: Wars Diseases Poverty Problems Only hope stayed in the box: Hope is the last thing you can lose….


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