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Presentation on theme: "Tuberculosis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuberculosis

2 TB Bacterial infection caused by the germ Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

3 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis ©http://www. dental. washington

4 Most people can fight off the bacteria, however…
More likely to contract TB when your immune system is suppressed

5 Bacteria is inhaled It implants itself in the alveolar surface of the lung (parenchyma)

6 Latent TB infection: person has no signs or symptoms and cannot transmit the infection
If it becomes active, they will become sick and contagious It is easier to treat latent TB than active TB

7 ©http://www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/ency/images/ency/fullsize/19099

8 Isolates bacterium, necroses, calcifies Problem?
If the body cannot destroy the bacteria, it may wall it off with scar tissue Your body fibroses around the bacteria Isolates bacterium, necroses, calcifies Problem? Lost lung capacity and nodules (tubercles) form in lung

9 TB ©http://teaching. path. cam. ac

10 Signs and Symptoms Bad cough (lasting at least 3 weeks) Weight loss
Coughing up blood with mucus Weakness or fatigue Fever and chills Night sweats

11 Early Case of TB ©http://images. google. com/imgres. imgurl=http://www

12 Moderate Case of TB © http://images. google. com/imgres

13 Advanced Case of TB ©http://images. google. com/imgres

14 Treatment A regimen of antibiotics that may last 6 to 9 months


16 TB Slide ©

17 Peribronchial Granuloma ©http://images. google. com/imgres

18 TB Granule with Preserved Alveolar Tissue ©http://images. google



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