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Chapter 7 The Rise of Europe 500 - 1300.

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1 Chapter 7 The Rise of Europe

2 7.1 The Early Middle Ages - Objectives -
Describe Western Europe after the collapse of the western Roman empire. Describe how German tribes carved Europe into small kingdoms. Explain how Charlemagne briefly reunited much of Western Europe and what happened to his empire after his death.

3 7.1 Terms, People, and Places
Clovis Medieval Franks Charles Martel Battle of Tours Charlemagne Magyars Vikings

4 7.1 Lecture The Early Middle Ages The Rise of the Germanic Kingdoms
The Age of Charlemagne Europe After Charlemagne

5 Formative Assessment 7.1 (Bridge Page)
Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 7 Assessments Section 1 Progress Monitoring (1-10)

6 7.2 Feudalism and the Manor Economy - Objectives -
Explain how feudalism shaped medieval society. Describe the life of knights and nobles. Analyze how the economic system of the manor worked and how it affected peasants and nobles.

7 7.2 Terms, People, and Places
Feudalism Vassal Feudal Contract Fief Knight Tournament Chivalry Troubadour Manor Serf

8 Lecture 7.2 Feudalism: A Political System
The World of Knights and Nobles The Manor: An Economic System

9 Formative Assessment 7.2 (Bridge Page)
Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 7 Assessments Section 2 Progress Monitoring (1-10)

10 7.3 The Medieval Church - Objectives -
Explain how the Church shaped medieval life. Understand monastic life and the influence of medieval monks and nuns. Analyze how the power of the Church grew during the Middle Ages and how reformers worked for change in the Church. Describe the situation of Jews in medieval Europe.

11 7.3 Terms, People, and Places
Sacrament Benedictine Rule Secular Papal Supremacy Canon Law Excommunication Interdict Friar St. Francis of Assisi

12 7.3 Lecture The Church Dominates Medieval Life
Monasteries and Convents Church Power Grows Corruption and Reform Jews in Medieval Europe

13 Formative Assessment 7.3 (Bridge Page)
Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 7 Assessments Section 3 Progress Monitoring (1-10)

14 7.4 Economic Recovery Sparks Change - Objectives -
Summarize how new technologies sparked an agricultural revolution. Explain how the revival of trade revolutionized commerce and led to the growth of towns. Analyze the rise of the middle class and the role of guilds. Describe life in medieval towns and cities.

15 7.4 Terms, People, and Places
Charter Capital Partnership Tenant Farmer Middle Class Guild Apprentice Journeyman

16 7.4 Lecture An Agricultural Revolution The Revival of Trade and Travel
A Commercial Revolution The Rise of the Middle Class Town and City Life

17 Formative Assessment 7.4 (Bridge Page)
Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 7 Assessments Section 4 Progress Monitoring (1-10)

18 Summative Assessment Chapter 7 (Bridge Page) Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 7 Assessments Chapter Progress Monitoring (1-20)

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