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August 2011 Ask A Librarian! Fondren Reference Department We are here to help you with your information needs. We will answer reference questions.

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2 August 2011




6 Ask A Librarian! Fondren Reference Department We are here to help you with your information needs. We will answer reference questions. We teach you how to access the wealth of resources available at Fondren Library.

7 August 2011 Subject Specialists Subject Librarians Collection Development Subject Specialists Building and preserving the Fondren Library collections involves a group of more than fifteen subject and area specialists. These librarian specialists, who serve as liaisons to each academic department on campus, are available by e-mail, phone or appointment to assist you. Kerry A. Keck, Assistant University Librarian, Collections What we can do for you: Purchase materials upon your recommendationyour recommendation Answer reference questionsAnswer reference questions or refer you to someone who can (also see the library use guides)library use guides Prepare printed and electronic library guides electronic library guides Teach our studentsTeach our students how to use various electronic media Advise where and how to identify materials relevant to teaching and research Attend departmental meetings to discuss library resources, services, and off-site selection guidelines for materials in your discipline Subject Librarians Collection Development Subject Specialists Building and preserving the Fondren Library collections involves a group of more than fifteen subject and area specialists. These librarian specialists, who serve as liaisons to each academic department on campus, are available by e-mail, phone or appointment to assist you. Kerry A. Keck, Assistant University Librarian, Collections What we can do for you: Purchase materials upon your recommendationyour recommendation Answer reference questions or refer you to someone who can (also see the library use guides)Answer reference questionslibrary use guides Prepare printed and electronic library guides electronic library guides Teach our students how to use various electronic mediaTeach our students Advise where and how to identify materials relevant to teaching and research Attend departmental meetings to discuss library resources, services, and off-site selection guidelines for materials in your discipline

8 August 2011

9 Woodson Research Center

10 August 2011 GIS/Data Center GIS/Data Center provides library patrons with access to GIS software and supporting hardware, to data resources, and to print and digital map resources.

11 August 2011 Scan Documents Digitize video Digitize audio Record a narration, a conversation, or a song Create your own DVD-Video Duplicate DVDs or CDs Create animations Create web pages Create or edit graphics Digital Media Center

12 August 2011

13 ILL- Illiad Interlibrary Borrowing is a service which provides access to the collections of libraries throughout the world. obtain materials, either as loans or copies, which complement and augment the collections of Fondren Library.

14 August 2011 Arabic 460 Italian 1,523 Chinese 2,167 Czech 454 Japanese 960 Dutch 1,974 Russian 7,150 Greek 848 Spanish 38,552 German 64,402 French 38,935 Books in foreign languages:

15 August 2011 Language Search

16 August 2011 Dictionaries Language dictionaries can be found in the Reference section under the following call number ranges. Some older dictionaries may also be available in the Stacks for check-out. Some Examples: Danish: PD3000-3929 Dutch: PF1-979 German: PF3001-5999 Norwegian: PD2501-2999 Swedish: PD5001-5929

17 August 2011 Do Research in Other Languages

18 August 2011 Many databases offer interfaces in a variety of languages. Some databases allow you to limit your searches to find articles in a variety of languages.

19 August 2011 Select interface language

20 August 2011 MathSciNet

21 August 2011


23 Library Service Center

24 August 2011 Fondren Library Welcomes You!

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