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Great Civilizations The Nile River Valley Civilization developed in 3800 B.C. The Nile River rulers were called pharaohs. The Nile River Valley is surrounded.

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Presentation on theme: "Great Civilizations The Nile River Valley Civilization developed in 3800 B.C. The Nile River rulers were called pharaohs. The Nile River Valley is surrounded."— Presentation transcript:

1 Great Civilizations The Nile River Valley Civilization developed in 3800 B.C. The Nile River rulers were called pharaohs. The Nile River Valley is surrounded by desert, with an occasional oasis. Herodotus - “The Gift of the Nile” the river is life.

2 The Geography The Nile River is the longest river in the world.
The silt from annual floods renews the soil, makes the soil fertile. Irrigation helped the farmers plant more than one time during the year. The prevailing winds and the abundance of clay.

3 The Geography

4 Early Steps To Civilization
By 3800 B.C the people of the Nile Valley were forming a complex society. 3000 B.C. they developed hieroglyphic writing, sacred carving in Greek. The Egyptians also wrote on paper made from papyrus. A French officer uncovered the Rosetta stone. Jean Francois Champollion translated the stone.

5 The Rosetta Stone

6 A United Kingdom In early Egypt there were two kingdoms, in 3100 B.C Menes united the two kingdoms. The Egyptian kings took the title pharaoh which means great house. Menes founded a dynasty or a family succession. Egyptian history is divided into the Old Kingdom, The Middle Kingdom, The New Kingdom, and The Late Period.

7 Papyrus

8 The Old Kingdom 2700 B.C The Old Kingdom called the greatest time in Egyptian history. Also called the Pyramid Age because the greatest pyramids were built during this period. The kingdom was divided into the upper class ( nobles, pharaoh, priests, and royal family) and lower class, (everyone else). Nobles tried to take over.

9 Sphinx and Great Pyramid

10 The Middle Kingdom 2000 B.C. - A strong group of pharaohs united Egypt again. The Middle Kingdom ended around 1780 B.C. due to rivalries for power. In 1730 the Hyksos conquered Egypt using horse drawn carts. The Hyksos ruled lower Egypt for 150 years. The New Kingdom BC The new pharaohs used Thebes as their capital city.


12 The New Kingdom The Pharaohs of the New Kingdom built a strong empire using horse drawn chariots. Conquered other people. Hatshepsut, the first female Pharaoh. She ruled from 1500 BC to 1480. Hatshepsut ruled with her half-brother Thustmose II. Thutmose III had her name removed from all records after she died. Amenhotep IV monotheism.

13 Thutmose III

14 T H U M O S E & wife Thutmose III and wife

15 Amenhotep - Akhenaton Amenhotep tried to change the religion of Egypt from polytheistic to monotheistic. Aton-the sun. He changed his name to Akhenaton and moved the capital to Tell el Armana. When Akhenaton dies Tutankhamen the boy pharaoh rules Egypt. Ramses II rules Egypt from 1304 BC to Late Period 1100 B.C. invaded by Nubians. Assyrians, and Persians.

16 Amon-Ra

17 Rameses II

18 Rameses II

19 Detail of Great Pyramid

20 Pyramids at Giza

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