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Egyptian Civilization

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1 Egyptian Civilization
c. 3000BC-1000BC

2 Geography Nile River-fertile soil Flooding predictable
Natural barrier-Sahara Desert

3 Government Centralized under a divine pharaoh
Relatively stable (3 kingdoms) Rarely conquered


5 Religion Polytheistic Divine pharaoh Gods controlled nature
Elaborate tombs and mummification

6 Old Kingdom of Egypt (2700 B.C. - 2200 B.C.)
Pharaohs were all powerful over their people’s lives. PYRAMID AGE: when most of the pyramids were built. GREAT PYRAMIDS OF GIZA: 3 pyramids *GREAT SPHINX OF GIZA: stone statue with a lion’s body and pharaoh’s head built to guard the pyramids. It is believed to have the face of Khafre. Building of the pyramids caused heavy taxes, gov’t debt and human suffering. Period ended with civil wars. Very strict rule at this time. Large bureaucracy (group of government officials headed by a Prime Minister). Pharaoh is considered a god.


8 Great Sphinx

9 New Kingdom (1570 B.C. - 1090 B.C.) Peak of Egyptian power.
Also known as the EMPIRE AGE, Egypt built great wealth though trade and conquering of lands. HATSHEPSUT: first woman ruler known to history. (Married to Thutmose III) Defeat Hyksos. Pharaoh expand control – extended territory. New territory provides buffer from attackers. Convert new subjects to Egyptian belief system. Not isolationist. Time of Queen Hatshepsut – wore a beard and dressed like a man. This showed more power. Ruled for 15 years – start as regent for young stepson. Time of King Tut – son of Akenaton. Not as great a ruler as father. & Ramses II. NEFERTITI: wife of Amenhotep IV and the mother-in-law of King Tutankhamon.


11 Valley of the Kings

12 Golden funeral mask of King Tut

13 Goddess guarding the tomb

14 Scarab Beetle Pendant

15 Alabaster Boat Model

16 Legacy Advanced mathematics and medicine Monumental architecture-stone
Influential myths-Greeks, Romans First “paper”-papyrus

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