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The Earliest Civilizations Mesopotamia

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1 The Earliest Civilizations Mesopotamia

2 Constructive Response Questions
CRQ #2: Using examples from Ur, explain how Sumer exhibits the five characteristics of a civilization. or, Identify the common conditions that led to the collapse of Mesopotamian empires. Explain how these conditions weakened and ultimately led to the decline of each empire.

3 SABAM!!! What will we learn? Empires of Mesopotamia: Sumer Akkadians
Babylonians (Amorites) Assyrians S+A+B+A=M SABAM!!!

4 Mesopotamia Also known as The Fertile Crescent

5 Rise of Civilization & Mesopotamia
1. Geography of Mesopotamia Located in modern day Iraq Rich land and curved shape led scholars to call it the Fertile Crescent Tigris and Euphrates Rivers run through region Rivers unpredictably flood yearly, leaving thick layer of mineral rich silt Periods of no rain could cause desert conditions. Solution: irrigation. No natural barriers in Mesopotamia for protection. Solution: they built walls Natural resources were scarce. Solution: trade networks were established.

6 Sumer

7 Rise of Civilization & Mesopotamia
2. Sumerians Create City-States The Sumerians exemplified the 5 characteristics of a civilization Sumerians developed city-states: city that functioned like an independent country Early government was controlled by temple priests Ziggurat was a place of worship and like a town hall In some cases, military leaders became full-time rulers and passed powers to their sons Dynasty: series of rulers from same family line Cultural Diffusion: ideas or products spread from one culture to another through conquest and trade

8 Ziggurat

9 Rise of Civilization & Mesopotamia
3. Sumerian Culture Sumerians were polytheistic: belief in more than one god When you died you went to the “land of no return,” a dismal and gloomy place Sumerians had social classes (see pyramid to right) Sumerian women had more rights than many later Civilizations Inventions such as the wheel, plow, and sail created during this time Ur was one of the world’s first cities Flourished 5,000 years ago 30,000 people City walls Used the barter system for trade Worshipped at the ziggurat

10 Ur


12 Rise of Empires in Mesopotamia
4. The Akkadian Empire Sargon of Akkad, or Sargon the Great, conquered Sumer in 2350 BCE Sargon created the world’s first empire: the bringing together of several peoples or nations under the control of one ruler. Several city-states were unhappy and led revolts against the government Outsiders, such as hill people, would attack the city-states for resources Sargon’s successors were ineffective, which led to more revolts and famine

13 Rise of Empires in Mesopotamia
5. The Babylonian (Amorite) Empire a. The Amorites (Babylonians) rose to power after they invaded the lands of Sumer after Akkadian Empire collapses b. Created alliances with city-states, then invaded them c. Created an ordered society with Hammurabi’s Code d. Hammurabi’s Code: single, uniform set of laws engraved in a stone stele (or stela) to help unify diverse groups within his empire. Created by King Hammurabi in 1754 BCE.

14 Hammurabi’s Code

15 Rise of Empires in Mesopotamia
e. While Hammurabi’s law code was beneficial, his son was not, and proved to be a weak and ineffective ruler – unable to handle threats to the empire f. Group of individuals known as Hittites invade, followed by the Assyrians and the Kassites

16 Rise of Empires in Mesopotamia
6. The Assyrian Empire a. Control Mesopotamia after the downfall of the Akkadians b. How? – The Assyrians’ use of their military and weaponry allowed them to become warlike and dominant against outside invaders c. Through this warfare, kings used their military to extend their land ownership and territory d. One of these kings was Sennacherib i. Glorified his own militaristic strength and that of his empire ii. Employed artisans and iron-workers to create better technologies for himself and his army iii. Masterful planner – sieged over 80 cities alone iv. Established the capital at Nineveh

17 Nineveh Now Nineveh Then

18 Rise of Empires in Mesopotamia
e. Another king was Ashurbanipal, who became king after Sennacherib i. He collected large stone tablets and kept them, creating one of the first libraries ii. These stone tablets included military tactics, letters from generals, and the Epic of Gilgamesh

19 Rise of Empires in Mesopotamia
Due to their dominance and harsh treatments, the Assyrians had acquired many enemies 612 BCE – Combined army of Medes and Chaldeans ransack Nineveh and burn it to the ground Nebuchadnezzar became king – great Chaldean warrior Chaldeans make Babylon their capital – “rebirth of Babylon” Hanging Gardens of Babylon – ancient wonder of the world slaves would use hidden pumps to pump water from Euphrates River Neo-Babylonia

20 The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
One of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World

21 Constructive Response Questions
CRQ #2: Using examples from Ur, explain how Sumer exhibits the five characteristics of a civilization. or, Identify the common conditions that led to the collapse of Mesopotamian empires. Explain how these conditions weakened and ultimately led to the decline of each empire. 3 – 5 sentences

22 Rise of Empires in Mesopotamia
7. The Persian Empire a. Indo-Europeans first migrated from Central Europe and Southern Russia to the mountains and plateaus east of the Fertile Crescent around 1,000 BCE. b. This land was rich in many minerals such as lapis lazuli and allowed the Indo-Europeans to trade actively with nearby civilizations. c. Of many civilizations in the area, two would rise to power: the Medes and the Persians.

23 Rise of Empires in Mesopotamia
d. Cyrus the Great i. In the year 550 BCE Persia’s King Cyrus began to conquer neighboring kingdoms. ii. A military genius, quickly conquered an empire 2,000 miles wide. iii. Different from previous rulers, Cyrus showed kindness to the peoples he conquered. iv. Cyrus and his generals prevented soldiers from looting the cities they conquered.

24 Lands conquered by Cyrus and his son Cambyses

25 Rise of Empires in Mesopotamia
Cambyses Darius Cyrus’ son, rules from BCE Expanded the Persian Empire by conquering Egypt Didn’t follow his father’s example and expressed contempt for the Egyptian Religion Ordered Images of Egyptian gods burned After his death, widespread rebellions broke out throughout the empire. A member of Cyrus’ bodyguard, seized the throne after Cambyses’ death with support of the military First three years spent putting down revolts Establishes a well-organized and efficient administration Expands the empire into modern day Afghanistan and India to the east.

26 Rise of Empires in Mesopotamia
e. Divided empire into 20 provinces based on the homelands of conquered people. f. Darius installed governors, called Satraps, military leaders, and tax collectors in each province. i. Darius also sent inspectors to make sure these people acted in his best interests.

27 Rise of Empires in Mesopotamia
g. Allowed people to practice their own religions, speak their own languages, and keep some of their laws h. Built roads throughout the empire to speed up communication and movement of troops. i. Standardized money by creating specifications for gold coins which increased trade and wealth.


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