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Youth-led the Library:

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1 Youth-led Tech @ the Library:
Pima County, Arizona

2 Using ReadyTalk Chat & raise hand All lines are muted
If you lose your internet connection, reconnect using the link ed to you. If you lose your phone connection, re-dial the phone number and re-join. ReadyTalk support:

3 You are being recorded…
This seminar will be available on the TechSoup website along with past webinar presentations: You will receive a link to this presentation, material and links. Twitter hashtag: #techsoup

4 Youth-led Tech @ the Library
Pima, Arizona

5 Assisting with chat: Kevin Lo
Presenters Jennifer Nichols Special Guest Brenda Hough Facilitator Assisting with chat: Kevin Lo

6 Agenda Who is TechSoup? Who is TechSoup for Libraries?
What are the Edge Benchmarks? Youth-led the Library Q&A from Participants

7 Who is TechSoup? TechSoup is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
As of June 2010, TechSoup served more than 127,000 organizations, distributed more than 6.3 million technology donations, and enabled nonprofit recipients to save more than $1.8 billion in IT expenses in 33 countries around the world. About TechSoup - 3 min.

8 Who is TechSoup for Libraries?

9 The Edge Initiative - an effort driven by a coalition of leading library and government organizations - is developing benchmarks that will help libraries evaluate and continually improve their public technology services for communities.

10 Benchmark 7: The library gathers feedback from the community about its public technology needs.

11 Agenda Youth-led Tech @ the Library Who is TechSoup?
Who is TechSoup for Libraries? What are the Edge Benchmarks? Youth-led the Library Q&A from Participants

12 Pima County Public Library

13 @PCPL Wallace Foundation That’s My Take
Computer Monitors Teen Advocate Program Teen Advisory Board That’s My Take Refugee Teen Computer Monitors (LSTA Grant) Digital Storytelling (Every Voice in Action Foundation Grant) ITGirls/ITNation CreateIT (LSTA Grant)

14 Teen Library Advocates

15 That’s My Take 9/19/2018

16 Digital Storytelling 9/19/2018

17 ITGirls/ITNation 9/19/2018

18 CreateIT 9/19/2018

19 Youth-made Logos 9/19/2018

20 The Ladder Adapted from “Hart’s Ladder” from “Youth Participation in Community Planning,” a report of the American Planning Association Innovation Center for Community and Youth Development

21 Why? Youth Buy-in and Sense of Ownership Skill Development
Leadership Responsibility Communication Collaboration Community Connections with peers with mentors with their community at large 9/19/2018

22 Remember… Acknowledge your bias Be consistent and listen
Speak normally! Go to where they are Recognize them for their contributions Respect their knowledge and experience. Remember, you asked them! Follow up

23 Resources and Links The Innovation Center CreateIT ITNation PCPL YouTube Channel New York Times Article Matt de la Pena and Ana Verdugo

24 The Innovation Center 9/19/2018

25 Pima County Library YouTube Channel

26 NYT article 9/19/2018

27 @jennytnichols
Ask me questions! @jennytnichols

28 Please share your questions and ideas:

29 Please join us for our next benchmark webinar!
October 30th – Tech-Savvy Staff – Penny Talbert and Stephanie Zimmerman, Pennsylvania Please join us for our next benchmark webinar!

30 Thank you to our Webinar Sponsor!
ReadyTalk offers dedicated product demos for TechSoup organizations 4 times per week. For more information: 30

31 Please take a moment to fill out the evaluation.

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