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Double S&J World War 2 Museum

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Presentation on theme: "Double S&J World War 2 Museum"— Presentation transcript:

1 Double S&J World War 2 Museum
Visit the Curator WW2 Biplanes WW2 Infantry Atomic Bomb Essential Questions Artifact 1 Museum Entrance Welcome to the Lobby

2 Group 7 Our groups message is the things that caused all these tragedies in the WW2, we focused on the weapons. The WW2 affected so many things but one of the most important things is women could work and with men at war women had to help produce and one of those things was the production of weapons. The biggest impact the WW2 has had on our society is definitely the fact that women have a place in our world. Many years ago before WW2 women couldn't’t do just about anything and now, 70 years later women are leading our world. Back to Lobby Note: Virtual museums were first introduced by educators at Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, Pennsylvania. This template was designed by Lindsey Warneka under the direction of Dr. Christy Keeler during a Teaching American History grant module. View the Educational Virtual Museums website for more information on this instructional technique.

3 WW2 Biplanes Artifact 3
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4 Double S & J WW2 Infantry Artifact 6 Back to Lobby 4

5 Atomic bomb Artifact 9 Back to Lobby 5

6 Essential Question Artifact 12 Artifact 11 Back to Lobby 6

7 M4 Sherman Middle Tank The M4 Sherman Middle Tank was the most commonly used tank among the west allied powers. This tank came into the picture when the US realized that they needed a new main battle tank to at least compete with the Germans. Insert Artifact Picture Here Back to the Lobby

8 Insert Artifact Picture Here Grumman F3F The Grumman F3F was the last biplane fighter used by the United States of America. It was supposed to be a maneuverable plane made as an improvement on the Grumman F2F, a single seat fighter plane. This plane was used in the Navy and Marines. It was to help win battles in the World War 2. This plane was produced during the World War 2 during 1936 and only 120 planes were produced. The creator of this plane was Leroy Grumman, that is how it got the name Grumman. However, this plane was not very successful, it had not much maneuverability and on may 9th 1936 a man died testing this plane. Back to Room 1

9 Insert Artifact Picture Here Kawasaki Ki-10 Last fighter biplane used by the Imperial Japanese army. It was entered into war in 1935 and was used in combat in China and the Soviet Japanese. The Kawasaki Ki-10 was used in combat in the battles of the World War 2, the Nomohan incident and the second Sino-Japanese war. Theses battles where in Mongolia, China and Burma. This plane was created by aeronautical engineer Takeo Doi. The purpose of this plane was to compete against the British Hawker Fury and the American p-26 peashooter. This plane proved to be very successful due to its maneuverability. Back to Room 1

10 Insert Artifact Picture Here Bélriot-SPAD S.510 This aircraft was France’s last biplane, similar to the Gloster Gladiator. This aircraft has 4 machine guns on it which are strong weapons which were used by the French in the World War 2. This Plane had been used by the French, British and the Navy. This vehicle was however not used in any combat. There were only 60 of this design created. It had mm machine guns on it, making it a very strong plane. This plane was used by the French air force but mainly the Spanish Republican air forces. This plane was very effective due to the heavy artillery along with lots of maneuverability. Back to Room 1

11 M1 Garand The M1 Garand is a semi-automatic rifle. During World War 2 it was the standard US service rifle. Most of these guns were issued towards the US, although many were also issued to the Allied Powers. Source: Back to Room 2

12 M2 Browning Machine Gun The M2 BMG is a heavy machine gun which was designed towards the end of World War 2. This gun uses a larger and more powerful .50 BMG cartridge. The M2 BMG was mostly used as a vehicle weapon during the war. Insert Artifact Picture Here Back to Room 2 Source:

13 Winchester Model 70 Insert Artifact Picture Here The Winchester Model 70 is a bolt-action sporting rifle. This gun was issued to the US and allied powers during the war. It’s now famous to US sporting culture. Back to Room 2 Source:

14 Where the first atomic bomb exploded
Insert Artifact Picture Here Where the first atomic bomb exploded The first atomic bomb exploded in Alamogordo, New Mexico 1945, at 5:29:45 am. The explosion was a test for the Manhattan Project and it was successful. The tower the atomic bomb sat on when the bomb detonated was vaporized. The atomic bomb was originally had a $6,000 budget by the end of the project the bomb cost roughly $2 billion Back to Room 3

15 Where did the first bomb hit in Japan
Insert Artifact Picture Here Where did the first bomb hit in Japan On August 6,1945 dropped the first atomic bomb in the city of Hiroshima, japan. Destroyed 90% of the city and immediately killed 80,000 people. Three days later dropped another bomb on Nagasaki, killing around 40,000 people instantly. Later Japan’s Emperor Hirohito surrendered august 15. Back to Room 3

16 Facts about the atomic bomb
Insert Artifact Picture Here Facts about the atomic bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki are not radioactive anymore mostly because the bombs didn't touch the ground but were detonated in the air. Kokura, Japan, was the original target of the atomic bomb that landed in Nagasaki. The atomic bomb explosion at Hiroshima was generated by matter weighing no less than a paper clip At least a dozen Americans were killed by the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, a fact that the U.S. did not acknowledge until the 1970s. A Japanese man survived both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings during WW2. Back to Room 3

17 How did America's Actions and inactions during WW2 affect the world we live in today?
Insert Artifact Picture Here Americas inactions and actions affected us today in many was, mentally, physically, emotionally and environmentally. One of the causes was the nuclear bombs which had killed many people along with them destroying our environment. These things still affect us today however there were some good outcomes from the war. America had also had new laws passed involving the labor including labor for women. Back to Room 4

18 How did the WW2 impact and transform society?
Insert Artifact Picture Here The world War 2 had impacted the society by allowing and forcing women into the workplace. It had also ended the great depression. After the WW2 people had surplus amounts of money and they could actually spend there money and not worry about there next meal. The Act of allowing women into the workplace caused many good things and here we are now with women leading out world.  Back to Room 4

19 Insert Artifact Picture Here Bonus Question Back to Room 4

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