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Chapter Three: God’s Arrangement for a Redeemer

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1 Chapter Three: God’s Arrangement for a Redeemer
Remembering Ruth Chapter Three: God’s Arrangement for a Redeemer

2 God’s Provision in His Law for Redemption Background to Ruth 3
“Goel” (Heb. for Redeemer) Close Male Relative Ruth 2:25 Redeems property of poor relative Lev 25:25 Marries widow- brother’s name & inheritance Dt 25:5-6 Order of potential redeemers Lev 25:47-48

3 Remembering Ruth Naomi seeks security (rest) for Ruth under the provisions of God’s law 3:1-5 Ruth requests the Boaz perform the duties of a redeemer and he is willing if a closer relative is not willing to perform them 3:6-18

4 Remembering Ruth Naomi seeks security (rest) for Ruth under the provisions of God’s law 3:1-5 Ruth lay crosswise at his feet- a position in which Eastern servants frequently sleep in the same chamber or tent with their master. - Jamieson, Faucett, and Brown

5 Remembering Ruth Ruth requests the Boaz perform the duties of a redeemer and he is willing if a closer relative is not willing to perform them 3:6-18 To spread a skirt over one is, in the East, a symbolical action denoting protection. To this day in many parts of the East, to say of anyone that he put his skirt over a woman, is synony- mous with saying that he married her; and at all marriages of modern Jews and Hindus, one part of the ceremony is for the bridegroom to put a silken or cotton cloak around his bride. – Jamieson, Faucett, and Brown

6 A Comparison of Redeemers
Boaz Jesus Qualified Ruth 2:1, 22, 3:9 Able Ruth 2:1 Willing Ruth 3:11,13, 18 Qualified Heb 2:14-18 Able 1 Pet 1:18-19 Willing Jn 10:17-18

7 A Contrast of Redeemers
Boaz Jesus A redeemer according to God’s Law The Redeemer according to God’s plan 1 Pet 1:20; Eph 1:4,7

8 A Comparison of Redeemers
Boaz Jesus A redeemer was available, but he had to be sought. Ruth sought a redeemer A redeemer is available, but He has to be sought. Have you sought Him? Mt 26:28; Acts 2:38

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