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Welcome to… THE QUIZ.

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1 Welcome to… THE QUIZ

2 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500


4 You are going in CIRCLES…
NO! You are going in CIRCLES… TRY AGAIN!

5 1.Who was the potter of the Francois Vase?
1. Kleitias 2. Exekias 3. Kleophrades 4. Ergotimos

6 2. Which 2 studied vases have this shape?
1. Francois Vase and Meidias Painter 2. Euthymides and Berlin Painter 3. Francois Vase and Berlin Painter 3. Exekias and Lydos

7 3. Which two vases are displayed?
1. Amphora and Pelike 2. Pelike and Lebes 3. Stamnos and Amphora 4. Amphora and Oinochoe

8 4. On which vase do we see Dionysus carrying a kantharos?
1. Kleophrades: Hydria 2. Exekias: Kylix 3. Kleophrades: Pointed Amphora 4. Francois Vase

9 5. What is the name of the boar on the Francois Vase?
1. New Caledonian boar 2. Dorian boar 3. Calemarian boar 4. Calydonian boar

10 6. Which vase is this image from and who are the subjects?
1. Exekias belly amphora Achilles and Ajax 2. Exekias belly amphora Achilles and Hector 3. Euthymides belly amphora Achilles and Hector 4. Euthymides belly amphora Achilles and Aeneas

11 7. How many humans cover this entire vase?

12 8. What shape is the Amasis Painter: Wedding Procession
1. Squat Lekythos 2. Ovoid Lekythos 3. Pointed Amphora 4. Belly Amphora

13 9. What is this and what does it mean?
1. Brushes – they are performing a spiritual cleansing ceremony 2. Fans – it is a hot day 3. Torches – it is night time 4. Sticks – it is time to light the fire

14 10. What date was the Amasis Painter vases created on and what is the height?
BC (17 cm) BC (15 cm) BC (15 cm) BC (17 cm)

15 11. Which labour is being performed?
1. 12th labour 2. 11th labour 3. 10th labour 4. 9th labour

16 12. What is this hair net called?
1. chiton 2. bandana 3. himation 4. sakkos

17 13. What is Euphronios among the first to attempt?
1. foreshortening 2. Lotus and palmette patterning 3. Painting a barbarian 4. Using a calyx krater

18 14. What is on the other side of this vase?
1. The arming of Achilles 2. The arming of Hector 3. The arming of Aeneas 4. The arming of Ajax

19 15. How did Euthymides sign his vase?
1. As never Euphronios could do 2. Euthymides is the best 3. As only Euthymides could do 4. Euphronios sucks

20 16. Who is this and who is she dressing?
1. Helen dressing Paris 2. Hecuba dressing Achilles 3. Helen dressing Priam 4. Hecuba dressing Hector

21 17. What is that shape of this vase?
1. Volute krater 2. Column krater 3. Bell krater 4. Calyx krater

22 18. Who is the painter and what is on the other side of the vase?
1. Niobid Painter: The slaughter of the Niobids 2. Kleophrades Painter: Dionysus and maenads 3. Kleophrades Painter: Rape of Cassandra 4. Makron Painter: Paris abducting Helen

23 19. What is the maenad carrying?
1. Sakkos 2. Sceptre 3. Thyrsos 4. Thyroid

24 20. Which of the vases is Miss Allaker’s favourite?

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