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Board of Education Curriculum Committee Meeting April 10, 2013

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1 Board of Education Curriculum Committee Meeting April 10, 2013
STEM Academies Board of Education Curriculum Committee Meeting April 10, 2013

2 Agenda Beliefs What is STEM Why STEM STEM Exploratory STEM Academies

3 Beliefs We believe it is important to provide our students with high-quality innovative programs that will result in every student being college, career and citizenship ready. Every opportunity will be accessible. We believe our students are valuable to our community and should have the skills to be able to return to the community and prosper.

4 What is STEM? STEM education is an interdisciplinary approach to learning where rigorous academic concepts are coupled with real-world lessons as students apply science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in contexts that make connections between school, community, work, and the global enterprise enabling the development of STEM literacy and with it the ability to compete in the new economy. (Tsupros, 2009)

5 Why STEM? Of the 20 fastest growing occupations projected, 15 of them require significant mathematics or science preparation to successfully compete for a job. Our nation has a shortage of highly qualified math and science teachers. Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, U.S. 12th graders were almost last among students from 20 nations assessed in advanced math and physics. U.S. students’ math and science skills are simply deficient compared to international performance.

6 Why STEM? What matters for today’s students and workers, is not the knowledge a person possesses but what he/she is able to do with that knowledge such as create, produce, innovate-and be motivated and driven to do those things. Dr. Tony Wagner, Harvard University

7 Why STEM Sixty-six students attend a STEM Magnet School at an approximate cost of $264,000 CREC & Hartford Magnet Schools Academy of Aerospace & Engineering Allied Health Collaborative Environmental Science Academy Academy of Math and Science Medical Professions and Teacher Preparation Academy Sport & Medical Science Academy University HS of Science & Engineering Environmental Sciences Magnet School

8 What will students know and be able to do?
STEM proficient students are able to answer complex questions, investigate global issues, and develop solutions for challenges and real world problems while applying the rigor of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics content in a seamless fashion. STEM proficient students are logical thinkers, effective communicators and are technologically, scientifically, and mathematically literate.

9 National Data

10 Current Stem exploratory program at jwms

11 Current STEM Exploratory program
Twenty-two double sessions for every student Grade 5: New in Grade 6: Simple Machines, Engineering & Physics – Lego Mindstorms Grade 7: Renewable Energy - Green City Challenge Grade 8: Engineering Challenges

12 STEM Exploratory- Grade 6
SKILLS CONCEPTS Build an understanding of simple/complex machines to complete assigned tasks Develop an understanding of adapting to changing situations and variables Complete simple machine experiments/ assignments/challenges Synthesize results of various scenarios and develop a best case simple/complex machine to complete given situational need Create a logical flow that fulfills the physical requirements of a given task Make physical and logical connections for task and project success

13 STEM Exploratory- Grades 7 & 8
SKILLS CONCEPTS Build an understanding of programming logic (NXT or Tetrix) to complete assigned tasks. Develop a understanding of adapting to changing situations and variables Complete programming assignments/challenges . Synthesize programming instructions to complete given challenge tasks Create a logical flow that fulfills the physical requirements of a given task. Make physical and logical connections for task and project success

Provides cross-curricular opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and math. Allows for creativity in design & enables students to explore the world of engineering by building complex control systems


16 Academies

17 Why Aerospace and biomedical?

18 Why Aerospace? Knowledge is acquired in the classroom and is meaningful when applied in relevant real-world situations. Connecticut’s aerospace industry is driven by major manufacturers Pratt & Whitney Hamilton Sundstrand Sikorsky Aerospace Newington aerospace companies include: GKN (formerly Volvo Aero) Integrated Systems Mohawk Helicopters

19 Why Aerospace? Connecticut grown companies are supported by an extensive chain of aerospace suppliers and service providers in Connecticut. This cluster of knowledge and workforce provides a great foundation for any aerospace company moving to Connecticut. Provides opportunity for mentors, partners to support curriculum and professional learning for adults and students, & internships.

20 Why BIOMEDICAL? Connecticut’s investment in Bioscience
Bioscience Connecticut is bringing about a new collaboration between the state, UConn, UConn Health Center, Yale University, and the prestigious Jackson Laboratory. The project will enable Connecticut to assume a position of global leadership in genomics by developing new medical treatments tailored to patient’s unique genetic makeup. Focus on innovative products that can individualize diagnostics, treatments and cures.

21 New Trends in Careers Employers will look not only for people who are highly skilled and well educated in their areas of proficiency but also for those who can learn and adopt other professional skills and work in a "collaboration-based workplace.“ This idea was shared during our recent tour of GKN. The projections of future employment trends given by the Bureau of Labor Statistics show increase of jobs in the service-providing industries, healthcare, scientific fields, biomedical engineering and technical services.

22 Timeline 2012-13 STEM Exploratory at JWMS 2013-14
STEM Exploratory at MKMS Biomedical Academy at MKMS Aerospace Academy at JWMS Hospitality & Tourism Academy at NHS STEM Academy at NHS

23 Timeline 2016 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Today MKMS STEM Exploratory
9/2/2013 Hospitality & Tourism Academy NHS 9/1/2014 Biomedical Academy MKMS JWMS STEM Exploratory 9/1/2014 9/3/2012 Aerospace Academy JWMS STEM Academy NHS 9/1/2016 9/1/2014 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2016 Today STEM Academy Planning 4/8/2013 11/29/2013 STEM Academy Construction 11/29/2013 8/8/2014

24 Why STEM ~ to ensure students have the opportunity to

25 Discussion questions wonders
Next Meeting to Continue the STEM Conversation

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