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The Sacrament of Baptism

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1 The Sacrament of Baptism

2 Sacraments Baptism Eucharist Confirmation Reconciliation
Anointing of the Sick / Extreme Unction Matrimony Ordination Initiation Healing Service

3 What Are the Sacraments?
Primordial Sacrament is Christ “Human Practices that Encounter God”

4 What are the Sacraments?
“From the beginning, God desired to share his friendship and his divine life with his people. Although our first parents lost this intimate communion with their Creator, God did not abandon them. Rather, he promised a Redeemer, who would one day reconcile God and man.” (Archbishop Paprocki, Auxiliary of Chicago)

5 The Catechism “The Sacraments are efficacious signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us. The visible rites by which the sacraments are celebrated signify and make present the graces proper to each sacrament. They bear fruit in those who receive them with the required dispositions.” (CCC 1131)

6 Baptism in the Old Testament
Jewish Rite Greek baptizein meaning “to plunge” First Passover in Exodus Priestly laws in Leviticus Regulations in Numbers

7 Baptism in the New Testament
Acts 2:38-39 Peter instructs those wishing to join the Church Requirement to belonging

8 Other New Testament References
Precedent of Christ’s baptism Mark 1, Matthew 3, Luke 3 Commissioning in Matthew 28

9 What does Baptism Do Removes Sin Initiates us into the Church
Allows us to participate in the Sacrifice of Christ

10 Baptism in the History of the Church
Early Church baptized adults Middle Ages changed this to infant baptism

11 Who Can Minister the Sacrament
Under Ordinary circumstances, an Ordained Minister In Extraordinary circumstances, anyone

12 The Sacrament of The Eucharist

13 Strong Leader

14 Protector

15 Loving

16 Eucharist?

17 Why the Eucharist? Why has the Eucharist become such a central component of Christianity? What do Catholics see in the Eucharist that makes it so important?

18 Eucharist – How does the Church understand it?
Bread in the Old Testament Bread in the New Testament Friendship, Hospitality, God’s Care, Heaven

19 The Early Church What is the Eucharist
54-55: Paul’s letter to Corinthians First Account of Last Supper Eucharistēsas – meaning “to give thanks”

20 Laying out Rules Didache – Teaching of the 12 Apostles
50 years after Paul Early Church gathered to break bread Commemorate a key point in Christ’s life Rules: must be baptized

21 Definitions Ignatius of Antioch – Flesh of Jesus, real presence of Christ Justin Martyr – First Sunday Worship Augustine – Faith obliges us to accept (sacrament) Thomas Aquinas – Transubstantiation, substance changes, but physically the same St. Augustine of Hippo

22 Modern Church Source of energy Where we’re heading
Coming together of all peoples Common Language of Christ

23 Ghent’s Altar Piece

24 The Sacrament of Confirmation

25 Historical Origins of the Ritual
Ancient Israel Anointed kings with oil Showed that the chosen king was touched by God 1 Samuel 10:1 1 Samuel 16:10-13

26 Biblical Roots in the New Testament
Baptism required for initiation into the Church Required confirmation from an Apostle/Bishop Apostle/Bishop represents the community Acts 8:14-17

27 Tradition in the Church
Three Sacraments of Initiation done together for the first five centuries Pope Clement letter to Corinth in the year 100 Cyprian distinguishes between Confirmation and baptism

28 Tradition in the Church Continued
Medieval Ages – Introduce infant baptism Council of Trent – list of 7 sacraments solidified

29 The Rite Performed by Bishop or his designate
Renewal of Baptismal vows Laying of hands on Candidate Mark with oil

30 Why Is it a Sacrament Sacrament: Ritual that directly connects one to Christ Through the connection with Christ, receive Grace Experience of both this world and supernatural simultaneously Sacraments instituted by Christ

31 Preparation for the Sacrament
Service in the community Study the Faith Choose sponsor Select a Saint

32 Role of the Holy Spirit Descends on Confirmation candidate
Not a physical phenomenon See effects over time Indelible mark on the soul Enhance the Gifts Formed into a soldier for Christ

33 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Gifts of the Holy Spirit – Based off of Romans 12:6-8 and 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 Wisdom Understanding Right Judgment Fortitude (Courage) Knowledge Piety Fear of the Lord

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