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What’s your favorite food?

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Presentation on theme: "What’s your favorite food?"— Presentation transcript:


2 What’s your favorite food?
Pizza Mac & cheese Chocolate Strawberries Coffee (does that count?)

3 Do kids ever eat their vegetables with this much enthusiasm?
Show a video clip of kids eating their favorite foods. Look for the messiest, silliest kids so the video is sure to get lots of laughs!

4 Let’s dive into God’s Word!

5 How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
Psalm 119:103

6 Wait what did that say? God’s “Rulebook for Life” is anything but sweet.

7 It doesn’t feel very sweet to read about everything we do wrong:
Isaiah 64:5–6 Romans 2:1–4 Romans 6:23 Read only the first portion of Romans 6:23.

8 Without a Savior, the Law is heartbreaking. We are bitter and hopeless.

9 Praise be to God that he sent us a Savior! Our sweet Redeemer is Jesus Christ!

10 The words of the Gospel message—the story of our Savior living and dying for us—are sweet and soul-quenching!

11 God’s Law is here to stay, but we aren’t slaves to sin
God’s Law is here to stay, but we aren’t slaves to sin. Our sweet Savior pours out grace and mercy! Romans 6:14.

12 God’s sweet Word gives us . . .
More joy; More peace; More courage; and More reasons to praise him.

13 You are not on your own! John 14:26

14 Each time you open your Bible, bask in the sweetness of your Savior!


16 Show a video clip of kids eating their favorite foods
Show a video clip of kids eating their favorite foods. Look for the messiest, silliest kids so the video is sure to get lots of laughs!



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