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The Federal Reserve.

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Presentation on theme: "The Federal Reserve."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Federal Reserve

2 The Federal Reserve The Central Bank of the United States

3 The Federal Reserve 2 Primary goals:
#1- Maximum Output (GDP) & Employment #2- Stable Prices (keep inflation low)

4 (High GDP & Low Unemployment)
2 Conflicting Goals? Stable Prices (low inflation) Maximum output & employment (High GDP & Low Unemployment) What makes these 2-Goals in direct conflict? High GDP & Low Unemployment (goal #1) increase inflationary pressures (goal #2)

5 The Federal Reserve Main job: to regulate or “control” the size of the supply of money, the total amount of money in circulation How money is made (2:30 into the clip see making of money)

6 How & Why is the Fed independent?
Congress wanted the Fed to make the best decisions possible, even if contrary to public opinion Governors serve for year term Funding: no money from Congress; operating expenses paid from interest on the assets it holds


8 Federal Reserve Structure
Discount Rate=Interest rate that the Fed lends money directly to District Banks (rarely used) SF Fed Building—Market Street Federal Reserve 12 District Federal Reserve Banks Meets 8 times a year to vote on Monetary Policy Federal Open Market Committee= 7 Governors + 5 District Bank Presidents—meets 8 times per year Board of Governors (7 members) Janet Yellen Chairman Boston San Francisco New York Atlanta Chicago Dallas, etc. Federal Funds Rate = Interest rate that the 12 District banks charge Each other on overnight loans Member Banks All national banks Some state banks

9 Review Quiz Trade Quiz #1: What are the two conflicting responsibilities of the Federal Reserve? Maximizing GDP & Employment while at the same time keeping inflation low

10 Review Quiz #2: What are two ways the Fed has some political independence when it comes to making their decisions? 14-year term of office Don’t rely on money from Congress to keep running

11 Review Quiz #e: How many members of the Fed Board of Governors are there? 7

12 Review Quiz Trade Quiz #5: What is the “discount rate?”
The interest rate that the Federal Reserve charges on direct loans to the 12 District Banks

13 Review Quiz Trade Quiz #6: Who is on the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC? The 7 members of the Board of Governors and 5 of the presidents of the District Banks

14 Review Quiz Trade Quiz #7: What important decisions does the FOMC make? What the FFR should be and how much money there should be in the economy

15 Q: Who is the current Chairman of the Federal Reserve?

16 Oh! Oh! That’s me! Janet Yellen!

17 Now that you know what our Chairman looks like, it’s time to play a short round of…

18 Can YOU Spot Her?

19 Great Job! Janet



22 There she is!



25 Janet Yellen is too busy trying to keep the economy going; she doesn’t have time to go to the carnival!

26 Video Open & Operating: The Federal Reserve Responds to 9-11

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