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CSC115 Introduction to Computer Programming

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Presentation on theme: "CSC115 Introduction to Computer Programming"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSC115 Introduction to Computer Programming
Zhen Jiang Dept. of Computer Science West Chester University West Chester, PA 19383

2 Table of Contents Structure Selection (Decision) Loop
Array and Function

3 Selection (Decision) Price is right.
Sample execution (click on this link to try)

4 No Yes Condition Action 1 Action 2 Action 3

5 Boolean Expression Action 1 If controlled Action 2 else controlled
Yes No Boolean Expression Action 1 If controlled Action 2 else controlled Action 3 9/19/2018

6 If block if condition then action 1 (statements 1) else action 2 (statements 2) end if action 3 (statement 3)

7 Legal age to have driver’s license

8 Condition Simple condition Complex condition Format
<Value> <relational operators> <Value> Number value relational operators =, <>, <, >, <=, >= String value relational operators =, <> Complex condition And, or, not Truth table, table 4, p121

9 Relational operators have lower precedence than math operators.
(7 - 1) * > 7* 5 6 * > 35 > 35 33 > 35 False Relational operators cannot be chained (unlike math operators) 2 <= x <= 10 error! 9/19/2018

10 Development Process Identify two exclusive options
Implement each handling in different action parts Identify the situation (values) for option selection Make a condition so that all the situation value for option part 1 will lead to this condition true. Verify all the situation value for option part 2 will lead to this condition false, otherwise, revise the above condition!


12 Multiple selection Nested if block Example: letter grade

13 Comments: Nested if block for multiple section problem If then case 1
Else if then case 2 else end if End if

14 If block, extension without else
if condition then action 1 (statements 1) end if action 3 (statement 3)

15 Are they different, how much?
Dim x as integer, y as integer x = text1.text y=0 if x > 3 then y =1 if x >10 then y = 2 else y = 3 End if Listbox1.Items.Add( y ) Dim x as integer, y as integer x = text1.text y=0 if x > 3 then y =1 if x > 10 then y = 2 End if else y = 3 Listbox1.Items.Add( y )

16 Try 0, 4, 11 and see the results! Dim x as integer, y as integer
x = text1.text y=0 if x > 3 then y =1 if x >10 then y = 2 else y = 3 End if Listbox1.Items.Add( y ) Dim x as integer, y as integer x = text1.text y=0 if x > 3 then y =1 if x > 10 then y = 2 End if else y = 3 Listbox1.Items.Add( y )

17 Try 0, 4, 11 and see a worse situation!
Dim x as integer, y as integer x = text1.text y=0 if x > 3 then y =1 if x <10 then y = 2 else y = 3 End if Listbox1.Items.Add( y ) Dim x as integer, y as integer x = text1.text y=0 if x > 3 then y =1 if x < 10 then y = 2 End if else y = 3 Listbox1.Items.Add( y )

18 My point One line in wrong place Structural procedure Ex 6
Could create the program 99.99% different Structural procedure Ask yourself where (the next program segment line) the computer execution goes Before that, ask yourself if you can find the “if” for each “else” Ex 6

19 Select block Select case A constant A variable An expression Is
To range Else And and or

20 Loop Do while Loop do while condition statements loop statements2

21 No Yes condition statements1 Action 2 Action 3

22 No Yes condition Statements1 Statements2

23 Other loops

24 Clock

25 Function and procedure

26 Array

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