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Ballet History Dance I At the end of this unit, I will be able to identify dance artists who contributed to the development of ballet as a concert art.

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Presentation on theme: "Ballet History Dance I At the end of this unit, I will be able to identify dance artists who contributed to the development of ballet as a concert art."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ballet History Dance I At the end of this unit, I will be able to identify dance artists who contributed to the development of ballet as a concert art form prior to (DI.1)

2 Dance at Court: Late 16th and 17th Centuries
What immediately comes to mind when you think of a Las Vegas variety show such as Cirque de Soleil or the Masquerade ball from Phantom of the Opera? Ornate Costumes Lavish hair and make-up Optical Illusions and pageantry Machinery and intricate set design Theatrical Dance and Music This is Ballet of the 16th Century!

3 Images of Court Spectaculi (spectacles)

4 History and Political Scene
In the 16th and 17th Centuries, Europe underwent major societal renovations in terms of political and economic issues. Europe was transitioning from a religion based society to a monetary dependent economy. Wealth and stature was of the utmost importance. Bad for the church, but lucrative for the arts. In the 17th century, France quickly became the mecca for the arts, a leader in fashion, and the standard for culture. Because of this artistic recharge, much of the 17th became known as the Baroque Period. Baroque means “irregularly shaped pearl with a fluent style”

5 Important Figures Catherine de’ Medici ( ) Catherine de’ Medici came from the powerful Italian Medici family but married the Duke of Orleans, heir to the French thrown. Her move from Italy was essential to the art insurgence in France. She brought Italian ballets to the courts of France. As she became queen, she produced many ballets with political and classical themes.

6 Louis XIII Louis XIII of France ( ) Louis the XIII was a multitalented king who enjoyed producing and performing in grand ballets. He was also known to compose the music and had a knack for comedic roles. Louis XIII was the first to move ballet outside the courts and to other audiences. The King would first perform in his palace then for the townspeople upon a large platform erected in front of Paris’ city hall.

7 The Sun King: Reign of Louis XIV
Louis XIV reigned from Not only was he king of the most powerful nation at the time; he was also a dancer and an ardent patron of the arts. His most famous role, from which he gained his title of Sun King, was le Roi Soleil. After he retired from performing, he developed the Academie Royale de la Musique. Louis XIV was instrumental in establishing dance as a profession for men and women as he commissioned 1,000 ballets. Louis XIV favored classically themed ballets, based on greeks myths, with dancers portraying gods, goddesses, and mythical characters

8 The Sun King
French baroque music by Lully, Hotteterre, Marais and original choreographies from the court of Louis XIV in opulent costumes according to historic examples performed by Nederlands Historisch Dans- en Theaterensemble

9 Jean Baptiste Lully Jean Baptiste Lully ( ) An Italian Musician, composer, dancer, mime, and musical administrator. Jean Baptiste Lully danced with Louis XIV in more than 30 ballets. As the Director of the Academie de la Musique, he was responsible for adding dance to the institution.

10 Lully’s Demise *Jean Baptiste Lully died in 1687 of an infection. The cause was a leg injury inflicted by a big stick he used to keep time for the dancers. RIP Jean Baptiste Lully

11 Pierre Beauchamps Pierre Beauchamps ( ) Pierre served as the Louis XIV’s dancing master and superintendent of ballets. He is credited with the clarification of the five positions of the feet as well as the first notation system for dance.

12 Mlle La Fontaine Mlle La Fontaine ( ) Mlle La Fontaine was the first female professional dancer. She performed in the first ballet in which women took part, Le Triomphe de L’Amour. After her performance, she was hailed as the queen of the dance.

13 Claude Balon Claude (“Jean”) Balon ( ) A pupil of Beauchamps, Balon was a dancer and arranged dances at the Paris Opera. He was known for the light quality of his prodigious jumps. It has been said that the ballet term Ballon was derived and inspired by Claude Balon.

14 Performance Fashion Elaborate dress for men and women were worn in the ballroom. Women went through a lengthy process in preparation for the court. The numerous clothing pieces restricted movement so a servant was required to assist with the dressing process. Women wore simple chemise as a an undergarment, over which they donned their boned corset and skirt extensions covered with several floor length skirts, a bodice, sleeves, ruffs, and head dresses.

15 Female Fashion Women wore ornate and intricate gowns for the Spectaculi.

16 Court Fashion Cont. Men wore dance costumes that were similar to the Renaissance notion of what a Roman warrior would wear. Their clothing included ornate, stiff brocade coats that extended at the waist into a flared knee-length skirt, under which men wore stockings, breeches, and heeled shoes.

17 Fashionable Walk The fashionable walk for the upper and middles classes from the 17th century until the beginning of the 20th century was with the toes turned out. In a style begun in the French Court. The men would swing each leg out to the side before bringing it forward for a step. This was called “walking wide”. EuShFvJzBww3lVbFABGB0HbIxNQ2TiA&index=8

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