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African American Social and Political Changes

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1 African American Social and Political Changes
Lyric Newbern + Dion James Mr. Sikora, History 652 December 5th, 206

2 They left in search for new jobs
THE GREAT MIGRATION The relocation of 6 million African Americans from the rural south to northern cities They left in search for new jobs Black populations incresed by 148% in Chicago, 500% in Philidalphia, and 611% in Detroit Some neighborhoods required white homeowners to refuse to sell to black people.

3 The Migration Series Jacob Lawrence

4 It kindled a “new black cultural identity”
HARLEM RENAISSANCE The Harlem Renaissance was a literary, artistic, and intellectual movement White people’s interest in the “exotiness” of African American’s culture fed the Harlem renaissance It kindled a “new black cultural identity” Included visual art, music, theatre, and literature

5 You can also split your content POEM BY LANGSTON HUGHES
Juke Box Love Song The song/poem describes all of the liveliness and soul of Harlem during the Harlem Renaissance and seems to be dedicated to a women who encompasses all that Harlme is to Hughes.

6 MUSIC AND THEATRE You can also split your content
The Cotton Club -The Duke Ellington Orchestra was the “house” orchestra -Many white people enjoyed Cotton Club shows -30+ new venues were built over the span of 16 years Louis Armstrong -Composer/Trumpeter -Known as “the founding father of jazz” -He averaged 300 concerts each year -He played in the streets AND in renowned venues

7 Louis Armstrong on Jazz
“The memory of things gone is important to a jazz musician. Things like old folks singing in the moonlight in the back yard on a hot night or something said long ago.” Louis Armstrong on Jazz

8 The son of ex-slaves and one of 9 children
JACK JOHNSON, BOXER The son of ex-slaves and one of 9 children After winning a random spar for $25, he decided that he wanted to pursue boxing He was the first African American world heavy weight boxing champion!` White boxers often refused to spar with their African American counterparts but Johnson’s talent soon became undeniable

9 NAACP VS. BLACK NATIONALISM You can also split your content
National Associate for the Advancement of Colored People Black Nationalism A movement that supported black independency and unity

Similarity They both wish to end segregation, promote equality, and end discrimination amongst the black community Difference Classic Black Nationalism fought fought for it’s own, separate black nation/state

Marcus Garvey created the worlds largest black nationalist movement, the Universal Negro Improvement Association Is known for his “separatist and inflammatory” beliefs “For four and a half years the Universal Negro Improvement Association has been advocating the cause of Africa for the Africans- that is, that the Negro peoples of the world should concentrate upon... building up... a great nation in Africa.” -Marcus Garvey

12 WORKS CITED chrome-extension://bpmcpldpdmajfigpchkicefoigmkfalc/views/app.html

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