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Chiara Franchini, Anne Bruton , Cathy Limby Stroke Specialist Nurses

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Presentation on theme: "Chiara Franchini, Anne Bruton , Cathy Limby Stroke Specialist Nurses"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chiara Franchini, Anne Bruton , Cathy Limby Stroke Specialist Nurses
Stroke and TIA Pathway Chiara Franchini, Anne Bruton , Cathy Limby Stroke Specialist Nurses

2 Time to treat Target 2hrs Max 3 hours Recognise React Respond Refer
Time to recognise stroke what does the pt do first, who do they call, how long for paramedics to respond and load and go, travel to hospitals, call stroke team, scan & treat Target 2hrs

3 Time is Brain


5 Work up Max 30-45 mins Assessment (GCS, vital signs,ABC, ECG)
PMH & event history Drug History NIHSS Bloods & Glucose Imaging CT/MRI Decision Treat Max mins These are the key points in ED

6 ROSIER Score YES NO Has there been loss of consciousness or syncope?
-1 Has there been seizure activity? Is there a NEW ACUTE onset (or on awakening from sleep)? Asymmetric facial weakness +1 Asymmetric arm weakness Asymmetric leg weakness Speech disturbance Visual field defect If Score = 1 or more then treat as possible stroke and do assessment TOTAL Recognition of stroke in the emergency room To quickly rule out stroke mimics

7 Exclude stroke mimics Sudden onset Maximal at onset
Fits within vascular territory Stroke is: sudden in onset, maximal at onset, fits with vascular territory – history tells you the story keep this in mind

8 Mimics Seizure Migraine Sub /extra dural Tumour MS Hyperglycaemia
Non organic Cerebral abscess /infection Felt funny & shaking Visual disturbance Pins & needles Fluctuating symptoms What are the mimics discuss each one and how they differ from stroke

9 CT requests should be correctly filled.

10 Inclusion criteria Clinical S&S of definite acute stroke
Clear time of onset Presentation within 4 hrs of acute onset Haemorrhage excluded by CT scan Age over 18 NIHSS < 25, >3 Consent to treat (every effort must be made to contact next of kin) Inclusion

11 Exclusion Criteria Rapidly improving or minor stroke symptoms
Stroke or serious head injury 3 months Major surgery, obstetrical delivery, external heart massage last 14 days, Seizure at onset of stroke Prior stroke and concomitant diabetes Severe haemorrhage last 21/7 Increased bleeding risk History of central nervous damage (neoplasm, haemorrhage, aneurysm, spinal or intracranial surgery or haemorrhagic retinopathy) Symptoms suggestive of SAH (even if CT is normal) *Blood pressure above 185 mmHg systolic or 110 mmHg diastolic

12 Exclusion criteria cont.
Known clotting disorder Patient on heparin or warfarin Suspected iron deficient anaemia or thrombocytopenia Suspected hypo or hyper glycaemia >3 mmol/l > 22 mmol/l Bacterial endocarditis, pericarditis Acute pancreatitis Premorbid dependency Ulcerative GI disease last 3 months, oesophageal varices, arterial-aneurysm, arterial/venous malformation. Severe liver disease including cirrhosis, acute hepatitis Large hypodensity on CT scan (use ASPECTS* scoring if time permits; otherwise use the 1/3 of MCA territory rule)

13 Consent Do not need formal written consent
Informed choice - Need to give full explanation of risks and benefits to patient. Treat in patients best interest if consent can not be gained.

14 How do we do?


16 Telemedicine protocol
Instructions are on the cart

17 Before leaving ED ED to do full clerking on stroke proforma, write drug chart and start treatment. All stroke patients should have Proforma A Thrombolysed patients should also have Proforma B All stroke patients must be transferred directly to stroke unit within 4 hours. All patients to have swallow screen within 4 hours

18 TIA Pathway Don’t forget to put onset time and contact time. This is how our performance against targets are measured. High Risk only to be faxed to Luton at weekends, low risk can be sent to TIA clinic here as usual. It is helpful if a copy of the cascard and the ECG could be faxed with referral. Within working hours, bleep stroke nurses if you have very frail, elderly patients for TIA clinic. We may be able to get them seen without the need to come back to clinic.

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