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Steroids & Muscle Growth

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Presentation on theme: "Steroids & Muscle Growth"— Presentation transcript:

1 Steroids & Muscle Growth
Jennifer Schrandt Stony Brook University

2 Steroid Structure

3 Mechanism of Steroid Hormones

4 Most Effective Steroids: Anabolic, Androgenic Steroids

5 Physiological Effects of Testosterone
DHT = dihydrotestosterone E2 = estradiol

6 Normal Testosterone Levels

7 Abuse of Testosterone & Derivatives
Typically dosed at mg per week; shouldn’t use more than 600 mg in a week Frequent low doses combined with exercise Routes of administration: oral, cream, i.v. Body size affects dosage in that larger body size decreases the concentration of the drug in the bloodstream

8 Side Effects of Testosterone Usage
Men & women Aggression High blood pressure Higher levels of LDL cholesterol Liver disease Oily skin and acne Skin infections Men: Reduced sperm count Shrink testicles Enlarged breasts Women: Increased body hair Decreased breast size Deepen voice

9 Metabolism of Testosterone Explains Differential Side Effects
Srinivas-Shankar & Wu, 2006

10 Non-Steroidal Muscle Growth Enhancement

11 Myostatin Inhibition

12 Cohen et al., 2015

13 Implications for Myostatin Inhibition
Cohen et al., 2015

14 Questions?

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