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? HOW TO JOIN THE NORTH EAST FOE ONLINE WIKI You dont have to become a member of the wiki to use it, you can still see all the news, and download all the.

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Presentation on theme: "? HOW TO JOIN THE NORTH EAST FOE ONLINE WIKI You dont have to become a member of the wiki to use it, you can still see all the news, and download all the."— Presentation transcript:

1 ? HOW TO JOIN THE NORTH EAST FOE ONLINE WIKI You dont have to become a member of the wiki to use it, you can still see all the news, and download all the resources etc.... But if you want to take full advantage of the online network you can become a member and update the wiki, receive emails when the wiki has been updated and more!

2 Type into the address bar Click Join to become a member of the online network

3 Enter a username, password and email address Make sure you remember your username and password Enter your email address and click Join

4 Yay! You have now created a WikiSpace account! Click Dashboard

5 Now add the North East FOE Network to your favourite Wikis so you can find it easily

6 Write nefoe or North East Friends of the Earth into the box, and select the correct one from the box that appears.

7 North East Friends of the Earth should now be added to your favourite Wikis! Click Here to go back to the NEFOE page.

8 You can now join the online network!

9 The last step – click Request Membership..... all done! You will soon receive an email informing you that you have become a member of the North East Friends of he Earth Wiki.... Have fun!

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