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Physical, Sexual, Personal, and Social Development

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Presentation on theme: "Physical, Sexual, Personal, and Social Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical, Sexual, Personal, and Social Development
Adolescent Behavior

2 Bell Ringer What does it take in order for boys to be labeled as men and girls to be labeled as women?

3 Objectives Describe the physical changes that characterize adolescence. Describe research related to the sexual attitudes and roles of adolescents.

4 Theories of Adolescence
Rite of Passage – ceremony admitted into new status, adulthood Graduation, bat mitzvahs, weddings G. Stanley Hall – “beast to human” stage Margaret Mead – role of culture Robert Havighurst – accepting looks, relations, emotionally/economically independent Development depends on adjustment to life’s situations

5 Physical Development and Influence on Behavior
Girls During Puberty Boys During Puberty Experience of growth spurts (9-13) Menarche experienced between y.o. (sexual maturity) Hypothalamus  pituitary (estrogen)  ovaries Development of secondary sexual characteristics Hips widen Experience growth spurt (13-14) Spermarche experienced between y.o. Hypothalamus  pituitary (testosterone)  testes Development of secondary sexual characteristics Facial hair, muscles, change in voice

6 Reactions to Growth Asynchrony = uneven growth
Better informed about the issues Strong correlation to negative body image and depression Culture’s body ideal Reactions to maturing late/early, self-fulfilling prophecy Boys = leaders/self-confident (early), rebel (late) Girls = embarrassed (early), good relationships (late)

7 Sexual Development Attitudes impact the way we feel about it
Teen birthrate becomes an issue Fear of diseases and AIDS impact sexual attitudes Choosing abstinence is the best route Prevent pregnancies/disease

8 Review What are some of the physical changes that take place during adolescence?

9 Physical, Sexual, Personal, and Social Development
Adolescent Behavior

10 Cognitive Moment What types of issues or decisions do teenagers face and how do these affect you? Make a chart of the problems that adolescents face and realistic ways to deal with this problem.

11 Saved By The Bell – The Prom
While viewing Saved By The Bell, watch how these teens deal with situations in their daily lives. Are teenagers portrayed differently today than they were 5, 10, 15 years ago by the media?

12 Objectives Describe the cognitive and ideological changes that characterize adolescence. Outline the process by which adolescents find a personal identity.

13 Cognitive Development
Identity and self-esteem depend on friends Formal operation stage (Piaget) and abstract thinking occur Introspection – examining one’s own thoughts Rationalization – explaining unpleasant emotion/behavior to preserve self-esteem

14 Cognitive Development
Development depends on education in many societies Change in thinking = personality/interactions Messiah complex, unrealistic, idealism David Elkind – results of immaturity Finding fault in authority, argumentative

15 Moral Development Lawrence Kohlberg Many people never get past stage 4
Law and Order Formal thought does not guarantee moral development

16 Identity Development Children are aware of labels and abilities
Achieving a sense of self comes from identity crisis Erik Erikson = identity formation vs. identity confusion Express self in socially acceptable way Role confusion is normal

17 Identity Development Development is continuous Albert Bandura
Development occurs with interactions (social learning theory), not forced Bringing a balanced picture to personality change and identity development

18 Review What is it called when we no longer are egocentric but can consider the future? How do we often deal with unpleasant emotions? How does thinking change during adolescence? What stage are adolescents at according to Kohlberg’s theory of moral development? What is role confusion?

19 Physical, Sexual, Personal, and Social Development
Adolescent Behavior

20 Bell Ringer Read over the “Teens in Crisis” article and answer the accompanying questions.

21 Objectives Describe the role of family and peers during adolescence.
Discuss difficulties that some adolescents encounter.

22 Discussion Who do you think has the greatest influence on what you do, how you act or who you become, your parents or your peers? Explain. If both have an influence, be specific on what areas each influences.

23 Saved By The Bell – Jessie’s Song
While viewing this Saved By The Bell episode, identify the problem that the character(s) are facing and how in the toughest times their peers help them get through it. What role do friends have in this episode? What problems are being faced? How do they deal with the problems?

24 The Role of Family Behavior is impacted by the marriage relationship
Drastic impact when parents are divorced, growing up early Learn how to become independent Parents struggle with letting go Child fears failure

25 What makes a “true” friend?
Friends Why do we need friends? What makes a “true” friend?

26 What makes someone popular???
Popularity What makes someone popular???

27 The Role of Peers Most time is spent with peers than family
Schools have recognizable groups – cliques Fulfills a need for closeness with others, establish identity Achieve self-confidence, independence Define who they are not Drawback = conformity Peers help in transition stage

28 Difficulties During Adolescence
Adjusting to adolescence can be difficult Experience depression Eating disorders Anorexia nervosa – not eating, fear of gaining weight Bulimia nervosa – binge eating, vomiting

29 Review What areas of influence do parents and peers have on adolescents? What are cliques and how are groups formed? What kind of problems do adolescents face and how do they often deal with these situations?

30 Research - Survey Do cliques exists? If so, list them.
Why do we need friends? What makes a true friend?

31 Physical, Sexual, Personal, and Social Development
Adolescent Behavior

32 Cognitive Moment List the two most feminine women and the two most masculine men you know. This can include family members, friends, movie stars, athletes…anyone. What makes these people the most feminine/masculine?

33 Objectives Explain the difference between gender identity and gender role. Describe gender differences in personality and cognitive abilities.

34 Gender Roles Gender identity – biological makeup
Gender role – what society considers appropriate for each sex Men = dominant, competitive, emotionally reserved Women = submissive, cooperative, and emotionally responsive Gender stereotypes – prejudiced opinions on how someone should behave Androgynous – taking on multiple roles Is this acceptable in society today?

35 Gender Differences WOMEN MEN Personality: Personality: Cognition:
Self-doubt, verbal aggression, hedges in speech, talk more when they have power in a relationship Cognition: Equal math skills until high school, equal verbal skills MEN Personality: Confident, physically aggressive, talk more by interrupting Cognition: Superior problem solving skills, better on tests with spatial ability Note: Studies fail to reflect individual motivations, past history and ambitions.

36 Origins of Gender Differences
Biological Theory – result of men and women adopting behaviors to survive Psychoanalytical – identifying with the parent of the same sex Social Learning – imitating models, rewards Cognitive-Developmental – gained through the environment, thinking Gender schema – mental representation of behavior Changing gender roles

37 Review What is the difference between gender role and gender identity?
How do psychologists explain the origins of gender differences in their theories?

38 Gender Role v. Gender Identity
Create a poster showing the stereotypes about body image/gender roles that the media holds. Answer the following questions on the back: What stereotypes does the media hold? Do these stereotypes place any pressure on adolescents? Why or why not? Which theory do you believe best explains the differences between genders? Explain in one paragraph.

39 21 UP In this video, examine how these children have changed in their development from childhood to adolescence. Make note of the physical, sexual, cognitive and social changes that have occurred. Describe some examples of the changes that you notice taking place from childhood to adolescence. Summarize your findings in 2 paragraphs or more.

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