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Collaborative Mini Project

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1 Collaborative Mini Project
TKaM Chapter 10 Collaborative Mini Project

2 Key Line Quote This is a task in which you will focus on a
key idea of a quote You will all look at some quotes from TkaM ch. 10 Then choose the best quote that you believe shows symbolism. Your group (3 people max) will need to be able to write commentary to explain the symbolic significance of the chosen quote (CD)

3 Key Line Quote: Next Step
You will form small groups (2-3 people) Look at all the ch. 10 quotes on the PowerPoint found at Come to a consensus on the key line quote The Key Line Quote is chosen as the best to represent the main symbolic ideas of the text.

4 Key Line Quote: The Final Step
Collaborative Poster Use the quote you all agreed on Each person gets two colors and two colors only Write the title, author, and the symbolic quote Explain who said it (when, where) & why it was chosen (how/what it shows symbolically) Include an illustration (depiction) Use symbolism Write your name on the poster in your two colors

5 Collaborative Poster Presentation
Each person must come up to the front Each person must say something! State the quote Explain the symbolism Explain the illustration When a group is presenting there should be NO TALKING!

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