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Tutorial – Using TRAC-IT for a Travel Behavior Survey Sanyo Pro 200 with Java Micro Edition (Java ME)

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Presentation on theme: "Tutorial – Using TRAC-IT for a Travel Behavior Survey Sanyo Pro 200 with Java Micro Edition (Java ME)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tutorial – Using TRAC-IT for a Travel Behavior Survey Sanyo Pro 200 with Java Micro Edition (Java ME)

2 TRAC-IT Mobile Application (1) On the Sanyo Pro 200 (shown here), the TRAC-IT application is here: Main Menu->My Content->Applications->TRACIT You can add TRACIT to your Favorites List (accessible from main screen) through these steps: Main Menu->Favorites (left soft key) Select unused Favorite Browse to My Content->Applications Select TRACIT and click Assign (left soft key) Now the TRACIT application should be available each time you press the Favorites (left soft key) from the main phone screen. TRAC-IT will automatically start whenever the phone is powered on, and will continue to run in the background

3 TRAC-IT Mobile Application (2) The application should now be starting up If it is the first time the application has been run on the phone, youll be prompted to allow the application to access information from your cell phone. Select Always Allow for all prompts (including any future prompts) so that you will not be prompted in the future.

4 TRAC-IT Mobile Application (3) If you havent yet logged into the application, youll be prompted with a login screen. Login using your username (most likely your email address) You can type symbols (e.g. @,.) using the * key. Enter your password as well (which is case sensitive).

5 If you logged in correctly, you should now see the TRAC-IT main menu screen Once youve logged in, the phone saves your username and password The application is designed to always be on, so you dont need to exit the app or log out. If you need to give the phone to someone else for tracking, select (2) Change Users, which will log out the current user TRAC-IT Mobile Application (4)

6 TRAC-IT has two modes: 1.Passive Tracking 2.Active Tracking (includes input from user) To use the passive tracking mode, you dont need to do anything else. TRAC-IT is sending data to the server as long as the TRAC-IT Mobile application is running. Just shut the phone and go about your business as normal To use the active mode, you need to click Record Trip every time you start a trip, then enter more info See the next few slides TRAC-IT Mobile Application (4)

7 Active TRAC-IT: Using the Record Trip Function To Record a Trip and enter purpose/mode/occupancy information, select (1) Record Trip on the Main window and click OK

8 Current Location The next screen asks for your current location. At this screen, you can select a previously added location(E.G. Work), or you can add a new location with a location name.

9 Recording Trip Data Once you get to this screen, you are now recording GPS points You can close the phone, and go about your trip When you reach your destination, you need to press End Trip.

10 Finishing the Trip 1 One End Trip is selected, the Current Location screen will appear again. – Enter your end location Youll then need to choose a trip purpose: And a mode of transportation:

11 Finishing the Trip 2 Finally, youll enter your household and non-household occupancy (if you were in a personal motor vehicle), and if you were the driver or a passenger

12 QuickStops As a convenience to the user, we also include a QuickStop feature (instead of End Trip) A QuickStop is just like ending a trip, but it assumes that youll be starting another trip right away from the same location – E.g., fill up on gas, dropping off person So, you will enter the same info as if you had ended the trip, but will then click Resume Trip instead of entering your starting location again You dont need to use this feature (it doesnt change how the data is collected) but feel free if you find it useful

13 After recording GPS data using the cell phone and TRAC-IT software, you will get your TRAC-IT Session email with your travel behavior. This usually happens the day after you record your data. If you dont receive an email 48 hours after recording the data, please email Sean with your session ID for the data at Session Email

14 If you used the advanced Record Trip feature, after recording GPS data you will get your TRAC-IT Trip email with your travel behavior, including the location description as the Starting/Ending Location. This usually happens the day after you record your data. If you dont receive an email 48 hours after recording the data, please email Sean for the data at Trip Email

15 Click on the File for OpenStreetMap link. You will be prompted to name the file something relevant and to save it in the GPX file format. NOTE: Your SessionID appears in the name of the attached.ics file. You can use this name as the name of your GPX file. Just be sure to save the GPX file with the GPX extension (.GPX). Uploading GPS data to OpenStreetMap

16 Follow the instructions in OSM Intro slides, or look at ( for instructions uploading any GPX file. Uploading GPS data to OpenStreetMap

17 You can also view your data in Google Earth by clicking on the File for Google Earth link in the feedback email to get the data in KMZ (i.e. zipped KML) format.

18 Appendix Detailed technical information follows

19 If you want to see the current GPS information, at the main menu press the Menu right soft key again, then select GPS Status. TRAC-IT Mobile Application

20 You should now see information about the real-time GPS readings: TRAC-IT Mobile Application If you scroll down ->

21 GPS Status field definitions: Loc. Mthd: Location Method used to calculate this position. Asst GPS = Assisted GPS Auto GPS = Autonomous GPS CellID or 8 = Cell-ID 0 – Invalid = No GPS or other location data available TRAC-IT Mobile Application

22 GPS Status field definitions (cont): Hor. Acc: Estimated Horizontal Accuracy Uncertainty Radius in meters defining a circle surrounding the calculated position in which the true position lies at the 68% confidence level TRAC-IT Mobile Application

23 GPS Status field definitions (cont): SM Int: Interval between GPS fix attempts, in seconds Lat: Latitude, in decimal degrees in WGS84 datum Long: Longitude, in decimal degrees in WGS84 datum Alt: Altitude, the mean height above the WGS84 reference ellipsoid, in meters Fx Time: Date and time when the GPS fix was calculated, in the local time zone Speed (m/s): Speed when the GPS fix was calculated, in meters per second TRAC-IT Mobile Application

24 GPS Status field definitions (Cont): SessionID: Unique identifier for this session of GPS data logging. Heading: Heading when the GPS fix was recorded, made good in degrees relative to true north, in range of 0-360. 0, 360 = north, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 = West. TRAC-IT Mobile Application

25 The SessionID identifies a grouping of GPS data, and is usually around 24 hours long You can cross reference this session ID with your emails to see which email corresponds with the current session youre seeing

26 About Created by: Sean J. Barbeau, M.S. Comp.Sci. Research Associate Center for Urban Transportation Research University of South Florida 4202 E. Fowler Avenue, CUT100 Tampa, FL 33620-5375 813.974.7208 2D barcode2D barcode 813.974.5168 (fax) USF Location-Aware Information Systems Lab

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