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Last time Reviewed 4 devices in CMOS Transistors: main device

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Presentation on theme: "Last time Reviewed 4 devices in CMOS Transistors: main device"— Presentation transcript:

1 Last time Reviewed 4 devices in CMOS Transistors: main device
Caps, resistors, diodes, transistors Transistors: main device Regions of operation: in terms of VGS Equations in each region: ID in sat and triode Small signal model, DC: gm, gmb, gds Small signal model, HF: Cgs, Cgd, Cdb Key figures: A0=gm/gds, wT=gm/Cgs

2 Goals Use these devices to build useful circuits
Op amps, with components: Simple amplifiers: CS, CD, CG Diff pairs Current mirrors Biasing circuits Data converters References Comparators Switches Resistor/capacitor/current source arrays

3 Analysis vs Design Analysis Design
Given a circuit with fixed sizes and biases Find circuit electrical properties You get unique answers Design Given desired electrical properties Come up with a circuit to achieve your goal Verify that properyties are achieved Non-unique solutions

4 Circuit Design Circuit topology or architecture selection
Sizing and biasing Simulation Tuning sizes and biases Verification Fabrication Testing

5 Circuit Analysis Foundation to design Accumulation of knowledge
Collection of various topologies for various purposes Knowing what’s possible and what’s not possible Knowing how size/bias affect properties

6 Typical Analysis Tasks
Large signal analysis: DC Nonlinear equation Balance currents and voltages (KCL, KVL) Finding DC operating points Checking VDS of all transistors Checking if all transistors are in desired operating region Checking voltage swing rooms at key node voltages

7 Typical Analysis Tasks
Large signal analysis: Transient Large step response Check slew rate limitation Check settling time Check large signal sine wave response Check distortion

8 Typical Analysis Tasks
Small signal analysis: DC Computing gm, gds,… for transistors Computing DC gain Computing input impedance Computing output impedance Offset DC CMRR DC PSRR

9 Typical Analysis Tasks
Small signal analysis: AC Computing all capacitance at all nodes Computing s-domain transfer function Computing Bode plot Computing poles/zeros Gain bandwidth product Frequency dependent CMRR Frequency dependent PSRR

10 Typical Analysis Tasks
Small signal analysis: transient Computing small step responses Overshoot, rise time, settling time Check ringing, oscillation Check small sine responses

11 Current mirror Chapter 3 Figure 01

12 Common source amplifier
Chapter 3 Figure 04

13 Common drain or source follower
Chapter 3 Figure 06

14 Common gate Chapter 3 Figure 09


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