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2018 Resource - FG Trustee Year End
Local Government Corporation Resource 2018 Flexgen Trustee Year End
2018 Resource - FG Trustee Year End
Pre-Month/Year End - Balancing Accounts - Balancing Reports Reminders - July 1st - June 30th Month End Year End
2018 Resource - FG Trustee Year End
Mid June Balancing Accounts Look closely at the Trial Balance in advance of June 30. Several accounts should carry a 0.00 balance by June 30th. Use this time to review and correct these accounts, so you don’t carry issues over to the new year. 28310 Undistributed Taxes Balances in are from voids or re-receipts that didn’t work as planned. The Account Analysis (credit) will show what receipt number was voided. You can also search a receipt detail report for “NO $” to help identify a debit to Check Cash On Hand and Bank Accounts for out of balance. If there was a refund involved it could involve Start with > Inquiry > Property Tax Receipts and write down each transaction and the details.
2018 Resource - FG Trustee Year End
Mid June Accounts Receivable / ACV The ACV account (or possibly the balance between and ) should equal your UnReconciled ACV report. If this is out of balance determine if the GL (or the sum of and combined) has more or less than the UnReconciled report. If there is too much on the GL 11410, a receipt or two may have gotten reconciled when they shouldn’t. Retrieve the payment detail from the State and compare the against the Reconciled ACV Report. Verify the reconcile date/month. Check the Misc Receipt or manual entry to verify the State payment amount, and the GL account. Look for manual adjustments. If the GL has less than the UnReconciled ACV’s, it’s just the opposite of the above, possibly missed reconciling a few. Use the same suggestions above to help find the issue.
2018 Resource - FG Trustee Year End
Mid June 21100 Accounts Payable / Refunds Entries are made to this by using the Overpayment Flag=Yes on receipts or void reasons. A refund check (CD) is posted against this account and the Bank. It should come back to 0.00. To Troubleshoot, print the Account Analysis for Entry’s should cancel each other out. What remains are the issues that need researching. There are many reasons it’s out of balance: a Refund Check was posted for the wrong amount there is the same amount off in another account like 28310 a receipt should have been marked as overpayment but change was given back, or vice versa. Reports that can help with Overpayment issues are under Day End menu: Change Due by drawer Overpayment.
2018 Resource - FG Trustee Year End
Mid June 14310 Undistributed Warrants (Unreconciled) 14310 will be balanced according to your local process. If you distribute warrants the same time as reconciling, then will almost always come back to 0.00 after the funds have been transferred. If you distribute warrants as soon as they are loaded in to the system, later reconciling and transferring funds, then the balance on should match the Un-reconciled warrant report. If there is a clearing bank somewhere in this process that will be a different balancing process also. Use the process you’ve always done. Be sure you can prove any balance if audit asks.
2018 Resource - FG Trustee Year End
Mid June 29900 Trustee’s Commission Some Trustee’s transfer this balance to the General Fund at each month end. Others pay out their expenses out of this account. The commission account will be looked at by audit Have documentation on money transferred that is non commission.
2018 Resource - FG Trustee Year End
Before July 1 BEFORE RECEIPTING IN JULY Balance & Print ‘Tax Aggregate by Tax Year’ Report Menus > Reports > Audit > Tax Agg by Tax Year. Print Paid/Unpaid Listing(s) Print any paid and/or unpaid listings as of June 30th, per your auditor requirements, before receipting any taxes in July. Print Summary Net Change Report Menus > Reports > Audit > Summary Net Change
2018 Resource - FG Trustee Year End
Before July 1 Change Revenue Allocation Accounts Your Revenue Code for Prior Year Taxes (40120 for example) needs to have the allocation table number updated to 2017. Go to the Revenue Control and change the assigned allocation table number. > Menus > System Control > Revenue
2018 Resource - FG Trustee Year End
Before July 1 Change Default Codes before receipting July 1 receipts Effective July 1, 2017, your current year (2017) taxes become prior year taxes. You will need to change your default revenue codes relating to 2017 tax revenue (example: change to 40120). Menus > System Control > Default Codes.
2018 Resource - FG Trustee Year End
Before July 1 Miscellaneous Receipting: before receipting miscellaneous revenue in July you may want to change your Misc. Receipt Year to 2018; either now or when you load your taxes. Menu > System Admin > Control File > Trustee System Control (Do not change your Current Tax Year at this time)
2018 Resource - FG Trustee Year End
Before July 1 Discounts If you offer an early payment discount, you will need to turn off that option for 2017 tax. Menu> System Control > Sys Control > Discount Key in the tax year 2017 and the month(s) that you offer a discount: Usually 10=October and 11=November or any other month(s). > F6 Delete.
2018 Resource - FG Trustee Year End
Before June Month End Before Starting June Month End Close Print Unprorated Receipts Report Distribute / Reconcile Warrants and Print Reports Post School and/or October Commission Balance Bank Statement and Cash on Hand Merge accounts or change descriptions before June 30 close Final Review of Trial Balance accounts; , 21100, 28310, 29900, ; If you have 2 accounts for ACV & merge them so that the carries the balance into the new year. Do the same if you have County Match accounts and Balance the GL Reports
2018 Resource - FG Trustee Year End
Balancing Reports Before June Month End Balance Sheet Not for balancing Not for balancing
2018 Resource - FG Trustee Year End
Trial Balance Before June Month End M-T-D Trustee’s Report ONE - circles the two totals that match. The ending balance of the MTD report matches the Trial Balance
2018 Resource - FG Trustee Year End
Before June Month End To research Reports not balancing to each other, display journals for only that Department. Go to Standard Reports and choose #2 Department.
2018 Resource - FG Trustee Year End
Before June Month End M-T-D Trustee’s Report M-T-D Trustee’s Report
2018 Resource - FG Trustee Year End
Before June Month End Warrants Journal Use the correct Transaction Type (WA, CR, etc.) when correcting or posting items. The MTD report groups transactions by Type. ONE - circles the MTD ending balance ties to Trial balance The Warrant Journal should match the Disbursements on the MTD Report. (it should also match the Monthly WA report / distributed WA’s)
2018 Resource - FG Trustee Year End
Before June Month End The MTD and Trial Balance tie back to the RDB Report Trustee’s M-T-D Cash Receipts, Disbursements, and Balances Report M-T-D Trustee’s Report THREE - TALK ABOUT THE RDB REPORT (1) shows total for Dept.. (2) shows the MTD report and total. (3) QUESTION MARK
Troubleshooting GL Reports
Before June Month End Troubleshooting GL Reports If the reports don’t balance, it’s usually an entry that was made using the wrong Transaction type. Start by pulling an Account Analysis by Transaction for the month. Leave the Trans Type blank and default in 999/ZZZ so all Transaction types display. Then search for that amount. To correct a wrong Transaction Type posting: Reverse what is posted by using the same date and the same (wrong) Transaction Type. Re-post the entry with the correct Transaction Type. The Trial Balance/Balance Sheet bottom line should read Total County Trustee with a Ending Balance of If there is an amount other than 0.00, check to see if any new departments were added. Account # needs to be entered under >Menus >Accounting > Add New GL Account for new departments. If that is not the issue, try the search listed above by All Transactions. FIND
More Reminders … All entries for the fiscal year must be made prior to closing June. Backups need to be run: before June Close after Year End Close. Make sure everyone else is out of Flexgen while processing the Year End. Check the printer for paper and toner, or create folder for PDF’s. After all entries are made and everything is balanced, make a backup labeled “ Pre Month/Year End Closing” Close June through the normal Period End Process.
Accounting > Period End > Month End.
June Month End Accounting > Period End > Month End. Only the one person completing this process should be logged in! We recommend you purge receipts and warrants only once per year, and keep a full 12 months worth of data. Once Period End is started the accounting month will be placed “on hold” and you will not be able to make any more entries. At that point you will get an error about your accounting date. If you must make another entry and you have started the Month End, you will need to contact LGC for assistance in setting your month back.
Step 1 Scan For Unposted Transactions
June Month End Step 1 Scan For Unposted Transactions An error on step 1 means that that there is a Journal Entry, CD etc. waiting to be posted for this accounting month. Have the User listed in the message login. Go to Manual Transactions and research for the unposted entry. No other User can login and research this “transaction batch” error. The Month End process can not resume until this transaction is posted or deleted.
June Month End Step 2 Trustee Reports This begins the printing process for Month End with copies of the MTD and RDB Reports. If your printer has jammed or you have selected the wrong printer, you can restart printing without contacting LGC; Reselect Step 2 of the Period End Process again. A Warning will show this step has been executed. Hit <Enter> and then choose Step 2 again and select your printer.
Step 3 Accounting Reports
June Month End Step 3 Accounting Reports Prints the remaining Month End Reports; Trial Balance, Cash Journals, Cash Disbursements Journal, Journal Entries, Department Reports, Account Analysis. We can customize this to print duplicate copies of all or some of these reports. As with Step 2, if your printer jams or you have selected the wrong printer, you can back track at this point without contacting LGC; Step 4 Clear Accounting Flags closes out your Month End and finalizes the process. This step does not print any reports.
2018 Resource - FG Trustee Year End
This is mostly Time Management at this point. Balancing has already been done, June is closed you can’t make any more entries. Its just a lot of reports to print off, plus one last balancing process in Step#4. Keep everyone out of the system while Year End is being run. Make sure you have plenty of paper, toner, and time. Print extra copies of MTD and Monthly RDB reports before closing the year. Once the year is closed you will have minimal access to prior year reports Run the First Step Under Year End Processing “Copy Files To Work Directory” then continue to the Year End Close. Besides, you’ve already closed June and you can’t got back and make entries.
2018 Resource - FG Trustee Year End
The steps are much like month end:
EVERYONE ELSE NEEDS TO BE LOGGED OUT OF FLEXGEN. Menus > Accounting > Period End > Year End Closing Select this option to get the following menu items: #1 Scan For Unposted Transactions This will scan the accounting files for entries that have not been posted. If no errors are found, the status will be 'COMPLETE'. If unposted transactions are reported, they must be analyzed before continuing. #2 Accounting Reports (you may want to print two copies of these reports and/or create a PDF copy) This will print 5 reports in the following order: 1) YTD Receipts, Disbursements, and Balances Report (RDB) 2) Year-To-Date Trustee’s Report 3) Trial Balance June 30, 2018 4) Balance Sheet June 30, 2018 5) YTD Account Analysis
Year End #3 Close Accounts This copies the General Ledger and Transaction File to a History File. This option will also reset the general ledger balances for the new year. #4 Accounting Reports (After Closing) (again, you may want to print two copies of these reports and/or create a PDF copy) This will print a Trial Balance and a Balance Sheet dated July 1, 2018. You must compare the July 1, 2018 Trial Balance to the ones printed at June Month End close. Verify that the ending balances from the June Close match the beginning balances for July 1st. If they do not match, STOP here and contact LGC.
Year End #5 Create STATEPC Audit File This creates a file for state audit. You will not be prompted for a diskette at this time. #6 Update Transaction Posted File This process updates the transaction file with transactions for the new fiscal year. Backup Files (#2) Make your last daily backup. This is your July 1, 2018 starting point. Label the tape “ Post Year End Closing". Keep this backup in a safe place. This Completes The Year End Closing Process!
2018 Resource - FG Trustee Year End
This completes the Flexgen Trustee Year End Presentation Thanks for attending!
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